Abraham Lincoln and the Forging of Modern America


This workshop will consider the myths and realities of four themes central to the figure of Abraham Lincoln. First, participants will examine Lincoln and American Nationalism. To more fully understand this theme, they will examine how historians have portrayed Lincoln over time. A starting point for this examination will be reading from primary sources including Lincoln's Message to Congress in Special Session (July 4, 1861), followed by selected sections from secondary sources: James McPherson's Abraham Lincoln and the Second American Revolution, and Barry Schwartz's Lincoln at the Millennium. Central to this examination is the question of how Lincoln used history, especially the American Revolution and the Founding Fathers, to develop his rhetorical defense of the Union and justification for action. Second, participants will consider Lincoln and power. The examination of this theme centers on the dilemma of how to fight a civil war and preserve civil liberties. Lincoln scholars will provide participants with opportunities to discuss how Lincoln attempted to preserve the Union without sacrificing the Constitution. The investigation begins with required reading of selections from David Donald's Lincoln and David Potter's Jefferson Davis and the Political Factors in Confederate Defeat. Participants will probe critical issues such as suspension of habeas corpus, censorship of the press, and declaration of martial law through reading Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address. Third, participants will consider Lincoln and freedom. It has been argued that Lincoln changed the meaning of the Constitution. Participants will investigate this theme by first reading the Gettysburg Address and selected letters in which Lincoln describes his vision of equality. Then, they will analyze selections from Garry Wills's 1992 The Words that Remade America, which suggests that the change went beyond the relationship between the federal government and the states to the relationship between the federal government and the individual. How might Lincoln's words, "a new birth of freedom" suggest change in the vision of equality? Finally, participants will consider Lincoln and race. They will examine the Emancipation Proclamation and the complex issue of race in America. Readings for this theme draw on selections from the Lincoln-Douglas debates, the Emancipation Proclamation and selected Lincoln letters, and readings from Lerone Bennet's Was Abe Lincoln a White Supremacist? and Philip Shaw Paludan's Emancipating the Republic: Lincoln and the Means and Ends of Antislavery. Much of Lincoln's position of honor in American history rests upon his action to free the slaves. Yet, some view the proclamation as an empty gesture or even a conservative attempt to forestall more radical action. These discussions will provide participants with an opportunity to explore the evolution of Lincoln's attitude toward emancipation that culminated in his support for the 13th Amendment.

Contact name
Pryor, Caroline R.
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Course Credit
Participants who might want graduate credit (History or Education) will be provided with an SIUE graduate tuition waiver for up to three units of graduate course credit for this workshop. University fees will still apply. To receive course credit and a grade, an additional series of three lesson plans will be required to be submitted to the project director, following workshop participation. Registration for this tuition waiver will be processed on campus during the workshop.
Contact Title
Project Director
Six days
End Date

The Most Southern Place on Earth: Music, Culture, and History in the Mississippi Delta


Participants in this workshop will travel throughout the Delta as they visit sites where significant events occurred. They will discuss and learn about issues involving civil rights and political leadership, immigrants' experiences in the Delta, the Blues, the great migration, agriculture, and the Mississippi River, among other things. They will sample Delta foods, visit local museums, and listen to the Blues. Field trips will roam as far as Greenville, Greenwood, and Memphis, with stops in between.

Contact name
Brown, Luther
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Delta Center for Culture and Learning
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Six days
End Date

American Indians in North Carolina


Participants in this course will explore American Indian history in North Carolina from the earliest evidence of human habitation in the state through first contact with Europeans, the Trail of Tears, the Great Depression, the Civil Rights Movement, and into the present day.

Students often hold incorrect ideas about Native Americans and, in particular, know very little about the history and culture of American Indians right here in North Carolina. Archaeological finds, creation stories, the writings of early European explorers, government documents and treaties, stories handed down through oral tradition, indigenous crafts, newspaper articles, and more will enrich exploration of key issues in Native American history in North Carolina.

Moreover, thoughtful articles and lively discussions will allow participants to address modern issues such as the needs of American Indian students in North Carolina classrooms and present-day controversies such as the use of Indian-themed mascots in school athletic programs.

Sponsoring Organization
Learn NC
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
3.0 CEUs
Eight weeks
End Date

Race and Equality in America


This course will explore the history of black Americans as they strove to secure their dignity as human beings, and rights as American citizens, in the face of racial prejudice. It will examine the diverse viewpoints of leading black intellectuals and activists on human equality, slavery, self-government, the rule of law, emancipation, colonization, and citizenship. Contemporary issues to be considered may include affirmative action, black reparations, racial profiling, and the "achievement gap" in education.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $500 stipend
Course Credit
Teachers may choose to receive two hours of Master's degree credit from Ashland University. This credit can be used toward the new Master of American History and Government offered by Ashland University or may be transfered to another institution. The two credits will cost $468.
Six days
End Date

Philadelphia's Economy in an Age of Atlantic World Revolutions


This seminar will have daily discussion at the Library Company of Philadelphia, which was founded by Benjamin Franklin, and where participants will have hands-on access to writings and images of this tumultuous era. Daily meetings will look at the ups and downs of fighting a long war for American independence, and then relate these experiences to the wider Atlantic world of revolutionary contagion. Participants will visit some of the historical places Philadelphians would have known more than 200 years ago, many of which are within blocks of the Library Company.

Contact name
Shapiro, Debbie
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Library Company of Philadelphia
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $3,200 stipend
Twenty-six days
End Date

"Aiming for Pensacola": Riding the Underground Railroad in the Deep South


No details available.

Contact name
Clavin, Matthew J.
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
University of West Florida
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Five days
End Date

"Aiming for Pensacola": Riding the Underground Railroad in the Deep South


No details available.

Contact name
Clavin, Matthew J.
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
University of West Florida
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Five days
End Date

Twentieth-century Women's Rights Movements


Movements for women's equality and gender justice have transformed American society over the past few generations. Nancy Cott will focus this seminar on the varied branches of feminism. After reviewing the suffrage campaign and opportunities for women during World War II, the seminar will explore convergences and conflicts among women's groups, both feminist and conservative, emerging after 1960. Topics include the formation of the National Organization for Women, radical feminism, African American and Chicana feminism, reproductive rights advocacy, the women's health movement, Roe v. Wade and its opponents, the women's rights revolution in law, and the campaigns for and against the Equal Rights Amendment.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Phone number
Target Audience
Middle and high school
Start Date
Free; $400 stipend granted
Course Credit
Pittsburg State University (PSU) is pleased to offer graduate credit to workshop participants at a tuition fee of $199 per credit hour. Participants can receive three graduate credit hours for the duration of the week.
One week
End Date

My Lai Massacre (Vietnam War)


Michael Ray narrates a basic overview of the 1967 My Lai Massacre, including the events that led up to the Massacre and those that followed it. The presentation posits ethical questions that events like the Massacre raise.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to and click on "My Lai Massacre (Vietnam War)."

This series of lectures freezes my Firefox browser. I also believe that it is meant to be audio and video, but I only receive the audio.