The Political Theory of Hannah Arendt: The Problem of Evil and the Origins of Totalitarianism


"The seminar will explore several key works by the political theorist, Hannah Arendt: 'Eichmann in Jerusalem,' 'The Origins of Totalitarianism,' and 'The Human Condition.' These works shed light on the problem of evil and the use of terror in the contemporary age, and provide a philosophical perspective on current debates about the use of violence to settle political conflicts, about the conditions of democracy, and about the scope and importance of human rights."

Contact name
Arias, Simone
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
None ($4,200 stipend)
Course Credit
"Optional certification of course credit equivalent to three units of graduate course work can be provided in the form of a letter from the program director, pending completion of a 10-15 page research paper." Participants will also receive a certificate indicating participation.
Contact Title
Assistant to Program Director
Six weeks
End Date

The Great Plains from Texas to Saskatchewan: Place, Memory, Identity


This seminar will examine the creation of identity and a sense of place by inhabitants and visitors to the Great Plains throughout the history of the U.S. Discussions and lectures will focus on four books: author and historian Walter P. Webb's 1931 "The Great Plains"; author Willa Cather's 1918 "My Antonia"; author N. Scott Momaday's 1969 "The Way to Rainy Mountain"; and author, historian, and environmentalist Wallace Stegner's 1955 autobiography "Wolf Willow: A History, a Story, and a Memory of the Last Plains Frontier."

Contact name
Isern, Tom
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 701-799-2942
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
None ($3,600 stipend)
Course Credit
"Those seminarians desiring to earn graduate credit or continuing education units will be enabled to do so – arrangements in progress." Participants will also receive a certificate indicating participation.
Contact Title
Seminar Director
Five weeks
End Date

Women's Suffrage on the Western Frontier


This workshop will offer "academic content about place-based western history and women’s suffrage on the western frontier, juxtaposed with myths of the West and contemporary women’s issues in the West, opportunities to engage in study and conversation with leading scholars, and introduction to four forms of primary historical sources—the built environment, artifacts, government records, and private papers—all of which have application in all history classrooms." The workshop will include lectures, discussions, visits to historic sites, readings, examination of primary teaching resources, and lesson plan creation.

Contact name
Britton, Marcia Wolter
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 307-721-9244
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Course Credit
"All participants will receive a certificate of participation and statements of participation suitable for requesting continuing education units. Graduate credit is available from the University of Wyoming for those requesting it. Three graduate credits from the UW College of Education are available at the cost of $164 per credit; additional work will be required. Three continuing education credits are also available for $40 per credit."
Contact Title
Executive Director
Six days
End Date

Women's Suffrage on the Western Frontier


This workshop will offer "academic content about place-based western history and women’s suffrage on the western frontier, juxtaposed with myths of the West and contemporary women’s issues in the West, opportunities to engage in study and conversation with leading scholars, and introduction to four forms of primary historical sources—the built environment, artifacts, government records, and private papers—all of which have application in all history classrooms." The workshop will include lectures, discussions, visits to historic sites, readings, examination of primary teaching resources, and lesson plan creation.

Contact name
Britton, Marcia Wolter
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 307-721-9244
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Course Credit
"All participants will receive a certificate of participation and statements of participation suitable for requesting continuing education units. Graduate credit is available from the University of Wyoming for those requesting it. Three graduate credits from the UW College of Education are available at the cost of $164 per credit; additional work will be required. Three continuing education credits are also available for $40 per credit."
Contact Title
Executive Director
Six days
End Date

Crossroads of Conflict: Contested Visions of Freedom and the Missouri-Kansas Border Wars


This workshop will "explore the clash of cultures and differing definitions of liberty that played out on the Missouri-Kansas border in the decade before the firing on Fort Sumter and throughout the Civil War. Workshop presenters and participants will consider the forces and events that precipitated “Bleeding Kansas” and led to the abandonment of the understandings reached in the Missouri Compromise, the rejection of popular sovereignty in the Kansas Territory, and the establishment of the shadow “Free State” government. They will also examine the nature and intensity of the struggles between the Kansas Jayhawkers and Missouri Bushwhackers during the Civil War and the general mayhem these vicious disputes and guerrilla activities engendered. Perspectives of gender, race, class and ideology will be examined and analyzed." The workshop will include examination of teaching resources, visits to historic sites, discussions, lectures, readings, and lesson planning; specific topics will include "Contested Visions of Freedom," "Fault Lines of Freedom: Slavery and Freedom on the Border," "Commerce at the Crossroads: The Conflict of Transition," "Conflicting Visions of Freedom: The Failure of Popular Sovereignty," "From Contention to Warfare: The Uncivil Society," and "The Border Wars in History and Memory."

Contact name
Wynkook, Mary Ann
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 816-235-1137
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Course Credit
"Each participant who completes the workshop and assignments will receive 3 hours of continuing education credit from UMKC. Those wishing to receive 3 hours of graduate credit in History will need to complete a paper by the October 30 deadline. Continuing Education credit is free and graduate history credit for workshop participants is available at an affordable in-state tuition rate of under $1,000."
One week
End Date

Crossroads of Conflict: Contested Visions of Freedom and the Missouri-Kansas Border Wars


This workshop will "explore the clash of cultures and differing definitions of liberty that played out on the Missouri-Kansas border in the decade before the firing on Fort Sumter and throughout the Civil War. Workshop presenters and participants will consider the forces and events that precipitated “Bleeding Kansas” and led to the abandonment of the understandings reached in the Missouri Compromise, the rejection of popular sovereignty in the Kansas Territory, and the establishment of the shadow “Free State” government. They will also examine the nature and intensity of the struggles between the Kansas Jayhawkers and Missouri Bushwhackers during the Civil War and the general mayhem these vicious disputes and guerrilla activities engendered. Perspectives of gender, race, class and ideology will be examined and analyzed." The workshop will include examination of teaching resources, visits to historic sites, discussions, lectures, readings, and lesson planning; specific topics will include "Contested Visions of Freedom," "Fault Lines of Freedom: Slavery and Freedom on the Border," "Commerce at the Crossroads: The Conflict of Transition," "Conflicting Visions of Freedom: The Failure of Popular Sovereignty," "From Contention to Warfare: The Uncivil Society," and "The Border Wars in History and Memory."

Contact name
Wynkook, Mary Ann
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 816-235-1137
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Course Credit
"Each participant who completes the workshop and assignments will receive 3 hours of continuing education credit from UMKC. Those wishing to receive 3 hours of graduate credit in History will need to complete a paper by the October 30 deadline. Continuing Education credit is free and graduate history credit for workshop participants is available at an affordable in-state tuition rate of under $1,000."
One week
End Date

Changing the Constitution: Politics and Law in American Constitutional Development


This workshop will "explore political thought and constitutional change with leading experts in the field. Leading scholars and workshop participants will discuss the processes of Constitutional change, taking advantage of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library’s unique collections and exhibits."

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Annenberg Foundation
Phone number
1 215-409-6628
Target Audience
Seventh Grade through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Five days
End Date



Jackdaws is for-profit and produces hands-on primary source materials for upper elementary and middle school students.


<p>Jackdaws is for-profit and produces hands-on primary source materials for upper elementary and middle school students. </p>

<p>These sets include reproductions of primary sources, including maps, photographs, letters, diaries, and posters. Each set of sources is accompanied by full descriptions of the documents, timelines, and broadsheet essays – historians’ detailed narratives of the topics presented in journal-like formats. There is also a study guide/lesson plan with every set that includes worksheets, activities, and assessments.</p>

<p>Units in American history are available in the following categories: New York state history, California state history, American Indian History, Colonial America, Economics, Government and Civics, Immigration, Slavery and the Civil War, Westward Expansion, and Conflicts and Social Issues.</p>

<p>Samples are not available online, though titles may be ordered through the Jackdaws website.</p>

Jackdaws Publications

Louisiana Purchase State Park [AR]


This National Historic Landmark at the junction of Lee, Monroe and Phillips counties preserves the initial point from which all surveys of the property acquired through the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 initiated. That year, President Thomas Jefferson purchased the vast territory of Louisiana from France for $15 million. The unmapped wilderness of approximately 900,000 square miles doubled the size of the fledgling nation and helped shape the destiny of the United States.

The site is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive services available at the site.