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Bookmark This! History and Headlines

Looking for historical perspective on pirates? the fate of Detroit and the automobile industry? the importance of 1989?
Each month Origins, an online publication from the Department of History at Ohio State University, analyzes and gives historical context to political, cultural, or social issues in the headlines. Materials include a background essay by an academic expert, images, maps, graphs, and other primary and secondary materials.
Topics are global and are valuable for educators and students. Professors Nicholas Breyfogle and Steven Conn, editors, follow the dictum of John Dewey quoted in their welcome, "History which is not brought down close to the actual scene of events leaves a gap."
Origins links to ehistory, an earlier and ongoing project of Ohio State's Department of History, a multifaceted repository for a variety of history resources. It includes a monthly reviews of current books from members of the History Department. Get a perspective on A Cruel Wind: Pandemic Flu in America, 1918-1920 by Dorothy Pettit and Janice Bailie or read a review of Sweet Land of Liberty: The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in the North by Thomas Sugrue.
Explore Primary Sources which includes comprehensive materials from the Civil War, oral histories, and a growing catalogue of photographs and other historical artifacts. And visit ehistory's other resources as well, including multimedia exhibits, and maps and images.