Browse Past Blog Posts
Showing 81 - 90 of 317 results
Joe Jelen: Old Newspapers Find a Home in New Technology
Newspapers are alive and well in the U.S. history classroom.
[...] »Resources for Columbus Day
Is Columbus Day just another school day (or day off), or a teachable moment [...] »
Jeremiah McCall on Using Simulation Games in the History Classroom
How can you teach—not just distract—with digital games?
[...] »The Connection Between Literacy and History
Even if you're not an English teacher, you're still a literacy teacher.
[...] »Jennifer Orr Starts the Year
How do you introduce history and social studies to early elementary students [...] »
Film Review: The Tenth Inning
Can one subject—say, baseball—tell a larger story of historical change? [...] »
Elizabeth Glynn's Student-Led Monuments and Memorials Tour
Let your students go out on a limb, and they might just exceed your [...] »
Civil War Poster!
What can a quilt, a map, some photographs, a haversack, and a receipt tell [...] »
Vitamins in Chocolate Cake: Why Use Historical Fiction in the Classroom?
What's one way of bringing delight to learning history? Historical fiction, [...] »