Religion in the Colonies


John Turner, a manager of program development at Colonial Williamsburg, talks about the place of religion in colonial society, looking at the Great Awakening, African American participation in religious institutions, and the different denominations represented in Williamsburg.

Schoenbrunn Village [OH]


The Moravian church founded Schoenbrunn ("beautiful spring") in 1772 as a mission to the Delaware Indians. The settlement grew to include sixty dwellings and more than 300 inhabitants who drew up Ohio's first civil code and built its first Christian church and schoolhouse. Problems associated with the American Revolution prompted Schoenbrunn's closing in 1777. Schoenbrunn's story features a rare meeting of Indian and European cultures and a fascinating perspective on the American Revolution. Today the reconstructed village includes 17 log buildings, gardens, the original mission cemetery, and a museum and visitor center.

The village offers a short film, exhibits, and tours.

Women Churches and the Development of Antebellum Social Reform Movement


Kathryn Kish Sklar of SUNY-Binghamton describes women's rise in political and social power and activism in response to encouragement by antebellum churches. Sklar looks particularly at women's actions in forming anti-slavery societies and circulating petitions.

To view this clip, select "Women Churches and the Development of Antebellum Social Reform Movement" under "Religion and Culture Video."

Lincoln's Religious Beliefs


John Mack Faragher of Yale University describes the religious environment in central Illinois during Abraham Lincoln's lifetime, focusing on the importance of church involvement to communities.

To view this clip, select "Lincoln's Religious Beliefs" under "Abraham Lincoln's Biography Video."

Reverend C.L. Franklin and Black Political Consciousness: From Mississippi to Detroit


Professor Salvatore Nick reviews the life of C.L. Franklin (1915-1984), African-American Baptist preacher and civil rights activist. Nick looks particularly at the greater social context within which Franklin spoke and worked—that is, the daily experiences of the African American communities to which he spoke and which he spoke for.

Winston Churchill Memorial and Library [MO]


The Memorial is housed within the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury, a 12th-century church from the middle of London, redesigned by Sir Christopher Wren in 1677, that was relocated to Fulton. The undercroft of this historic Wren church is a museum filled with a treasury of artifacts and information relating to the life and times of Sir Winston Churchill.

The site offers exhibits, tours, research library access, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events.