Seip Mound [OH]


Seip Mound is the central mound in a group of geometric earthworks. Farming and erosion have degraded the surrounding earthworks leaving the central mound an outstanding feature. It is 240 feet long, 130 feet wide, and 30 feet high. Excavations have revealed that prehistoric Indian buildings existed near the earthworks. Today, visitors can see the location of some of these buildings as they are outlined by short posts in the ground. The Hopewell Indians (100 BC–AD 500) built Seip Mound for burials. This culture had a highly developed craft industry, as is evidenced by artifacts found with bodies in the burial site.

The site is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive sources available at the site.

Pawnee Rock State Historic Site


To travelers on the Santa Fe Trail, this sandstone citadel marked the halfway point of the trail and was one of the most prominent landmarks on their long journey. Native Americans were said to have met at Pawnee Rock and reputedly used it as a vantage point to spot bison herds and approaching wagon trains. Visitors can stand atop Pawnee Rock while learning about the Santa Fe Trail, enjoy a picnic under the shaded pavilion, and contemplate the rich history of the Santa Fe Trail traders and the Pawnee Indians.

Website offers no specifics on services offered by the site.

Connor Battlefield Historic Site [WY]


In the summer of 1865, General Patrick E. Connor led a column of troops from Fort Laramie into the Powder River Country of northern Wyoming. The Powder River Expedition's mission was to make war on the Indians and punish them, so that they would be forced to keep the peace. On August 28th, with the column located on Prairie Dog Creek, Pawnee Scouts arrived with information of an Arapahoe village encamped on the Tongue River. Following a night march with 250 soldiers and 80 Pawnee Scouts, Connor's force attacked Black Bear's Arapahoe village while the Indians were in the act of packing to move. The soldiers overran the camp and pushed the Indians 10 miles up Wolf Creek. The Indians fought a desperate rear guard action, protecting their families and eventually forcing the soldiers to withdraw. During this action, other soldiers burned the camp and its supplies, making it a funeral pyre for their dead. Indian casualties included 64 warriors and several hundred ponies. As the soldiers withdrew the Indians advanced, recapturing several of their ponies, and continued harassing the column for several days. Connor's column marched back to Fort Laramie following the establishment of Fort Connor on the Powder River near present-day Kaycee.

The site is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive services available at the site.

Killdeer Mountain Battlefield State Historic Site [ND]


This site commemorates a battle fought on July 28, 1864, between troops commanded by General Alfred Sully and Sioux Indians. Sully's 2,200 troops, with the aid of artillery batteries, scattered the encamped village reported to contain 6,000 warriors, with losses of 5 soldiers and perhaps 100–150 Indians. There is a marker on the site.

The site is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive services available at the site.

Big Bottom [OH]


Named for the broad Muskingum floodplain, the three-acre Big Bottom park is the site of a skirmish between Ohio Company settlers and some Delaware and Wyandot Indians on 2 January 1791. The Big Bottom massacre marked the start of four years of frontier warfare in Ohio, which only stopped when General Anthony Wayne and the Indian tribes signed the Treaty of Greene Ville.

Website does not specify any interpretive services beyond signage.

Logan Elm Memorial [OH]


Logan Elm State Memorial is said to be the site where, in 1774, Chief Logan of the Mingo tribe delivered his eloquent speech on Indian-white relations. The speech was supposedly delivered under a large elm tree. Considered to be one of the largest elms in the U. S., the tree stood 65 feet tall, with a trunk circumference of 24 feet and foliage spread of 180 feet. It died in 1964 from damage by blight and storms. The tree's former location is marked by a plaque. Other plaques and monuments in the park honor Native Americans and early Ohio settlers.

The site is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive services beyond signage available at the site.

Shrum Mound [OH]


Shrum Mound is one of the last remaining conical burial mounds in the city of Columbus. The 20-foot-high and 100-foot-diameter mound is located in the one-acre Campbell roadside park. The mound is grass-covered and steps lead to its summit. It was probably constructed about 2,000 years ago by the prehistoric Adena people.

The is open to the public.

Website does not include any specifics about interpretive services available at the site.