Northwest Railway Museum [WA]


The Museum displays exhibits in the turn-of-the-century Snoqualmie Depot, incorporating displays interpreting the purpose and function of a train station with outdoor displays of restored railway equipment. It also operates an Interpretive Railway Program called the Snoqualmie Valley Railroad. This five-mile common carrier railroad allows museum visitors to experience a train excursion aboard antique railroad coaches through the Upper Snoqualmie Valley.

The museum offers exhibits, train rides, educational programs, research library access, and occasional recreational and educational events

Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History [GA]


With three permanent collections and a membership in the Smithsonian Affiliations Program, the Museum offers a wide range of exhibits, including a glimpse into the daily lives of soldiers during the Civil War; a reproduction of a turn-of-the-century locomotive factory; and an exciting depiction of the Civil War's Great Locomotive Chase.

The museum offers exhibits, tours, lectures, workshops, and other educational and recreational programs.

Houston Railroad Museum, Gulf Coast Chapter


The Museum seeks to preserve and share with the public the history of railroading, particularly Texas railroading, as it has been and as it is now. The museum, open every weekend from April to November, features a collection of railroad locomotives, cars, and other artifacts, as well as a model railroad and a research library.

The museum offers exhibits and research library access.

Northern Ohio Railway Museum


NORM was founded in 1965 and incorporated in 1976 as a not-for-profit education and historical organization. Its goals are to collect, preserve, restore, operate, and display streetcars and other railway-related equipment. On two miles of the historic Cleveland Southwestern Railway, the museum is working towards its goals to collect, preserve, restore, display, and operate streetcars and other railway equipment for use by the public.

The museums offers tours, exhibits, and monthly meetings.