Packaging Presidents


"With a presidential election just around the corner, this workshop will focus on how presidents are packaged according to the most winnable personality, prepared in minute detail for every public appearance, and promoted as viable candidates and chief executive. Educators will look at examples and methods of how presidential image has been portrayed in the public sphere from George W. to George W. The evolution of presidential campaigns will be examined by comparing and contrasting early, short, and inexpensively-run campaigns to the grueling more than year-long marathons and multi-million dollar campaigns of the present. Educators will also examine the art of campaign buttons, banners, and broadsides of the past to the fire-side chats of FDR, the television ads, sound bites, and Internet of today."

Contact name
Manning, Carol
Sponsoring Organization
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Course Credit
One day

History Colloquium: "The 19th Century"


"An NCHE team will explore the topic of the 19th Century at this Teaching American History colloquium."

Contact name
Willey, Tiffany
Sponsoring Organization
National Council for History Education
Phone number
1 440-835-1776
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Not listed
Course Credit
Not listed
Five days
End Date

History Colloquium: "Creating a New Nation"


"An NCHE team of Thomas Connors, Ted Green, and Jim McNeill will explore the topic of Creating a New Nation at this Teaching American History colloquium."

Sponsoring Organization
National Council for History Education
Phone number
1 440-835-1776
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Not listed
Course Credit
Not listed
Five days
End Date

History Colloquium: "The Antebellum Years: Political, Social, and Economic Distinctions between North and South"


"An NCHE team of Sean Adams, Andrew Dangel, and Brian Riley will explore the topic of The Antebellum Years: Political, Social, and Economic Distinctions between North and South at this Frontiers of History colloquium."

Contact name
Willey, Tiffany
Sponsoring Organization
National Council for History Education
Phone number
1 440-835-1776
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Not listed
Course Credit
Not listed
Three days
End Date
History Colloquium: "First Amendment and Religious Liberty, Free Speech, and Free Press: 1791-Present" Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 02/13/2008 - 15:44

"An NCHE team of Charles Errico, Ted Green, and Lucinda Evans will explore the topic of the First Amendment and Religious Liberty, Free Speech, and Free Press: 1791-Present at this colloquium."

Sponsoring Organization
National Council for History Education
Phone number
1 440-835-1776
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Not listed
Course Credit
Not listed
Five days
End Date

History Colloquium: "Shaping the Constitution: People and Documents"


"An NCHE team of Tad Kuroda, Dennis Denenberg and Nancy Taylor will explore a still-to-be-determined topic at this Shaping the Constitution: People and Documents colloquium."

Contact name
Willey, Tiffany
Sponsoring Organization
National Council for History Education
Phone number
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Not listed
Course Credit
Not listed
Five days
End Date

History Colloquium: "Turning Points in American History: The Constitution of the U.S. in Historical Context"


"An NCHE team of Tad Kuroda, Ted Green, and Laura Wakefield will explore the topic of the Turning Points in American History: The Constitution of the U.S. in Historical Context at this Teaching American History colloquium."

Contact name
Willey, Tiffany
Sponsoring Organization
National Council for History Education
Phone number
1 440-835-1776
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Not listed
Course Credit
Not listed
Three days
End Date

History Colloquium: "Founding of the Nation"


"An NCHE team will explore the topic of the Founding of the Nation at this colloquium."

Sponsoring Organization
National Council for History Education
Phone number
1 440-835-1776
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Not listed
Course Credit
Not listed
Three days
End Date

History Colloquium: "American Revolution and the Creation of a Nation"


"An NCHE team of Woody Holton and Chris Sink will explore the topic of the American Revolution and the Creation of a Nation at this colloquium."

Sponsoring Organization
National Council for History Education
Phone number
1 440-835-1776
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Not listed
Course Credit
Not listed
Three days
End Date

History Colloquium: "Abolition and the Emancipation Proclamation and Taking Sides: The Confederacy"


"An NCHE team of Matt Pinsker, Al Jacobs, and Jim McNeill will explore the topic of Abolition and the Emancipation Proclamation and Taking Sides: The Confederacy at this colloquium."

Contact name
Willey, Tiffany
Sponsoring Organization
National Council for History Education
Phone number
1 440-835-1776
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Not listed
Course Credit
Not listed
Three days
End Date