Indian Health Service

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According to the Indian Health Service website, the organization's mission is "to raise the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health of American Indians and Alaska Natives to the highest level." This is accomplished by serving as the primary health caregiver for these populations and through a direct relationship to both the federal government and tribal organizations.

Every year you teach students about Native American history; but, while everyone knows that the British, U.S. citizens, Spanish, and French still abound, do your students know that Native American tribes are still active today? One way to increase student interest in Native American history might be to show how their past treatment is still relevant to the status of today's Native American groups. Yet another possible benefit of addressing their modern lives is the bridging of the conceptual gap between social studies years of civics and American history.

The main offerings of use to educators on the Indian Health Service website are statistics and photographs.

The statistic sets which can be found include an overview of health disparities, as well as additional short sections focusing on diabetes, HIV, behavioral health (drug use and suicide), and death by injury. The Division of Program Statistics also offers publications on national and regional health trends and mortality, population, and special reports on Alaska natives. Special reports include statistics for specific demographic populations, such as children or the elderly.

Most historically-minded of the site's offerings, the photo gallery is extremely easy to navigate. You are first asked to select an image category: "Administrative," "Ceremonial," "Clinical," or "Public Health." From there, you select a more specific image content subcategory and a time period. Time period options include historical images (1887-1969), all time periods, or individual presidential administrations. The end result is that you don't have to spend any great amount of time to find precisely the image that you want. This is the sort of image gallery you'll wish every site had.

Inupiat Heritage Center [AK]


The Inupiat Heritage Center presents the history and culture of the Inupiat people. Originally the only hunters of the bowhead whale, or Agviq, in the region, during the 19th century they came into contact with New England whalers. After this point, many Inupiat crewed on New Bedford vessels and/or traded with the commercial whalers.

The center offers exhibits, a traditional room, activities, tours, storytelling, lectures, dance performances, and Junior Ranger activities. The website offers a booklet of activities to be completed during school visits.

Aleutian World War II National Historic Area [AK]


The Aleutian World War II National Historic Area commemorates the oft-forgotten Aleutian campaign of World War II as well as the horrific internment of many Aleut people by both Japanese and American forces. The park is located on the remains of the historic Fort Schwatka, the coastal defense of Dutch Harbor.

The park offers exhibits in the visitor center and guided tours of the park. The website offers visitor information, a history of the park, and a calendar of events. In order to contact the website via email, use the "contact us" link located on the left side of the webpage.

Eagle Historical Society and Museums [AK]


The Society operates museums housed in several historic buildings, with exhibits and collections interpreting both the history of the buildings and the community. The buildings include the 1901 courthouse, the 1900 Customs House, the 1900 mule barn, the 1901 non-commissioned officers quarters, and the waterwagon shed.

The museums offer exhibits, tours, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Independence Mine State Historical Park [AK]


The Independence Mine State Historic Park commemorates the early history of Alaska, which first became populated during the gold rushes of the late 129th century. Gold was first discovered in the Independence Mine area in 1886, and within 20 years two major mines were operating in the area. Today, large portions of the mines are open to visitors year round.

The State Historical Park offers self-guided as well as guided tours, a visitor center, and a museum. The website offers visitor information and a history of the park.

Totem Bight State Historical Park [AK]


The park preserves 14 reconstructions of Native totem poles and a reconstruction of a community house or clanhouse. A house of this size could have housed 30 to 50 people. Although it is doubtful a clanhouse existed on this site (originally a fish camp), this design is representative of the type in many Indian villages built in the early 19th century.

The park is open to the public.

Sheldon Museum and Cultural Center [AK]


The museum collects, preserves, and interprets through historic artifacts and art the unique blending of diverse cultures within the Chilkat Valley. The Sheldon Museum's presentation of artifacts, clan trust property, and memorabilia includes permanent, temporary, and traveling exhibits.

The museum offers exhibits, tours, research library access, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Beluga Point


"The earliest evidence of humans along Turnagain Arm is at Beluga Point, which prehistoric hunters used as a view point to search for Beluga whales and sheep. The first white explorers arrived in 1778 aboard Captain Cook's ships, Discovery and Resolution. Cook sailed up Cook Inlet hoping to find the Northwest Passage, but had to "turn again", leading him to name the water body River Turnagain. In the late 19th century, miners and trappers began traveling into interior Alaska from Whittier and Seward along old trails that soon became established routes with roadhouses. In 1895 prospectors crossed from the south side of Turnagain Arm to the north and searched for gold from Girdwood to Rainbow Creek.

In 1903, the Alaska Central Railway began building a railroad from Seward to Fairbanks, but the company soon went bankrupt. The U.S. Government bought the railroad in 1915 and improved the trail along the arm to handle the horse and wagon traffic needed for railroad construction. The trail was also used to deliver mail between Anchorage and Seward. IN 1917 telegraph lines were laid along the Turnagain "road" and by 1918 the railroad extended from Seward to Anchorage, with flag stops at Bird Creek, Indian, Rainbow and Potter. Remnants of construction camps remain along the trail, but are barely discernible. Part of the original trail was covered by the highway which was completed in 1950 and paved in 1954."

Palmer Historical Society and the Colony House Museum [AK]


The Palmer Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of Palmer, Alaska. To this end, the society operates the Colony House Museum. Palmer was founded in 1935 as the Matanuska Colony, one of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's "resettlement communities" of the New Deal, designed to help pull the U.S. economy out of the Great Depression and alleviate unemployment. The Colony House Museum is an original colony home, restored to its 1936 through 1945 appearance. It is one of five models which were available to the families who moved to the Matanuska Valley from the Midwest.

The society offers period rooms.