Abolitionism in Antebellum Illinois


James O. Horton of George Washington University contrasts the Eastern radical abolitionist views of slavery, epitomized by those of William Lloyd Garrison, with the more conservative views on race relations held in Illinois—from which Abraham Lincoln developed his own views.

To listen to this clip, select "Abolitionism in Antebellum Illinois" under "African-American Experience Video."

Abraham Lincoln and the Roots of the Abolitionist Movement


Eric Foner of Columbia University discusses the religious base of many abolitionists' beliefs; and contrasts it to Lincoln's antislavery position, based on concepts from the Declaration of Independence and the idea of free labor.

To listen to this clip, scroll to "Abraham Lincoln and the Roots of the Abolitionist Movement" under "Abraham Lincoln's Biography Video."

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858


Eric Foner of Columbia University looks at perceptions of the Lincoln-Douglas debates today, in which their significance derives from Lincoln's participation, and contemporary perceptions, in which the debates received attention because Douglas took part.

To listen to this clip, select "The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858" under "Abraham Lincoln's Biography Video."

Abraham Lincoln and the Problem of Race and Slavery


Eric Foner of Columbia University discusses Abraham Lincoln's preference, pre-Civil War, for the establishment of African colonies as a solution to race tensions in the U.S.; and looks at his movement away from this solution during the Civil War.

To view this clip, select "Abraham Lincoln and the Problem of Race and Slavery" under "Abraham Lincoln's Biography Video."