Bible Point State Historic Site [ME]


This 27-acre property was made famous by Teddy Roosevelt, who visited the area beginning in 1878. As a young man under the guidance of his lifelong friend and guide Bill Sewall, Roosevelt camped at the southern end of Mattawamkeag Lake and hunted and fished throughout the area. It was reported that, each day, Roosevelt would take his bible and hike to a beautiful point of land at the confluence of the West Branch of the Mattawamkeag River and First Brook where he would read the bible. A plaque at the site commemorates Roosevelt's love for the area.

The site is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive services available at the site.

Harrison Tomb [OH]


Harrison's tomb and monument contains the remains of William Henry Harrison, ninth president of the United States. An obelisk of Bedford limestone, with marble entranceway, rises 60 feet above the tomb. Harrison, who was born in Virginia in 1773, spent most of his adult life in Ohio and Indiana. He served as secretary to the territorial governor, senator, representative, and president, but he is most famous as a military hero. Harrison commanded the western army during the War of 1812.

The tomb is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive services available at the site.

Affirmative Action


Professor Lucas E. Morel discusses the history of affirmative action in the U.S., looking at how it has changed from the early 1960s to the present day. He examines particularly the 2003 U.S. Supreme Court cases Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger, both on affirmative action.

Dead link.

The Shadow of FDR


Professors Sidney Milkis and Marc Landy look at the memory of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency and how the presidents that followed him—Lyndon B. Johnson and Ronald Reagan—failed to establish similar legacies.

Dead link.