Women's Roles in Whig Politics


Michael F. Holt of the University of Virginia examines the use and acceptance of women in politics in the antebellum Whig and Democratic parties, focusing on Whig encouragement of the idea of women as the "moral center" of families.

To view this clip, select "Women's Roles in Whig Politics" under "Political Development Video."

Whig Political Ideas


Charles McCurdy of the University of Virginia contrasts the emphasis of the antebellum Whig party on public interest with the Democratic party's emphasis on individual rights.

To view this clip, select "Whig Political Ideas" under "Economic Development and Labor Video."

Lincoln the Whig


Gerald Prokopowicz of the Lincoln Museum very briefly looks at Abraham Lincoln's association with the Whig party and his reasons for choosing it, as a believer in free labor.

To view this clip, scroll to "Lincoln the Whig" under "Abraham Lincoln's Biography Video."

Harry S. Truman and the American People, Part Two: Foreign Policy and Politics


Professor Alonzo Hamby analyzes the life and presidency of Harry Truman, looking at the popular image of him held today and contemporary public reaction to his presidency. Hamby focuses on Truman's foreign policies and decisions, including his decision to use the atomic bomb at the end of World War II and to initiate the Korean War. This lecture continues from the lecture "Harry S. Truman and the American People, Part One: Domestic Issues and Policies."