American Character, Being Human, and Our World


Professors Christopher Flannery and David Tucker examine the definitions of the ideal American character, government, and values today and how they are both different from and similar to those of the past. They focus on the relations of the U.S. with the rest of the world and how these values affect these relations.

To listen to this lecture, follow the link below, and scroll down to the first seminar under Friday, August 6.

The Future of American Foreign Policy


Professors John Moser and Jeremi Suri look at Wilsonianism in foreign policy post-Vietnam, particularly in the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Moser and Suri also look at foreign policy in the present day.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to the Friday, July 16th, 10:50 am-12:20 pm session; and select either the RealAudio image or link in the gray bar to the left of the main body of text.

Wilsonianism in the Cold War and Beyond


Professor Jeremi Suri considers the influence of Wilsonianism on foreign policy since the presidencies of both Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Suri looks at this foreign policy school's supporters both during the Cold War and after.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to the Friday, July 16th, 9:00 am-10:30 am session; and select either the RealAudio link or image in the gray bar to the left of the main body of text.

American Character, Being Human, and Our Times


Professors Christopher Flannery and David Tucker examine the definitions of the ideal American character, government, and values today and how they are both different and similar to those of the past. They look at materials written and spoken by George W. Bush and 1984 and 1988 presidential candidate Gary Hart.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to session 13, and select the RealAudio link to the left of the main body of text.

RFK: The Last Campaign


This NBC Nightly New Report looks at the 1968 Presidential race, in which three Democratic candidates vied for the nomination. When Robert F. Kennedy won the California Primary, he emerged as the party's front-runner; but his victory was suddenly cut short by tragedy.

This feature is no longer available.

The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire


The fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory in New York City was the deadliest workplace disaster in New York history until 9/11. David Von Drehle, the author of Triangle: The Fire that Changed America, discusses the fire in this segment from the NBC Today Show.

This feature is no longer available.