Film Review: The Alamo

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photography, Alamo Defenders at Rest, 15 March 2010, Alan Butler, Flickr CC
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A funny—or not so funny—thing happened on the way to making what was conceived as a historically complex version of the Alamo's story: 9/11. Though the Walt Disney Company had agreed to make The Alamo at least two years before the World Trade Center fell, the film was reconceived in the year after that event. By the summer of 2002, The Alamo had lost its director (Ron Howard) and its star (Russell Crowe), and the screenplay by John Sayles was undergoing a major rewrite. Howard was replaced by John Lee Hancock, Crowe was replaced by Dennis Quaid, and Sayles's screenplay was rewritten by a team of script doctors. The 2004 release of The Alamo culminated what had been a long and public struggle to make this film.

Howard's expressed interest was based on his desire to correct the historical inaccuracies found in the John Wayne-directed The Alamo (1960), a creature of the Cold War and Wayne's rightist politics. In addition, Howard was intrigued by the complexities of ethnic conflict and the issues of U.S. expansion that the Alamo story presented. Said Howard upon leaving the project, “I realized that there was a disconnect between the studio and I as to how the film should be approached.” The completed version of the film retains vestiges of Howard's vision, but they are largely submerged within a film that was built by committee in a post-9/11 United States.

For such myths to perform their cultural work, we must see those who died in the events as martyrs for the greater national cause.

The battle of the Alamo as a historical event, like Custer's Last Stand, the attack on Pearl Harbor, and now 9/11, stands as one of the galvanizing events in the narrative of U.S. history, providing a tale of tragic commitment to the cause of U.S. nationalism. Ideally, the story would lead to the redemptive annihilation of those who had killed these tragic heroes. Richard Slotkin's broad concept of “regeneration through violence” and his more focused discussion of the cultural significance of Custer's Last Stand in his study The Fatal Environment: The Myth of the Frontier in the Age of Industrialization, 1800–1890 (1985) help us see the cultural work that this film attempts to do and the way it fuses residual myth and contemporary events. For such myths to perform their cultural work, we must see those who died in the events as martyrs for the greater national cause. Apparently Howard was at least going to mitigate that mythology. The film as released embraces it, though in a somewhat diffuse way.

The Alamo begins with ground-level shots of the courtyard of the Alamo mission and the plains outside the walls that show the carnage of the siege of the mission, providing an image that triggers memories of the events of September 2001. The film then jump-cuts to a title informing us that we are now in Washington, DC, one year earlier, in 1835. We see Sam Houston (Dennis Quaid) at a ball attempting to interest investors in Texas lands and Davy Crockett (Billy Bob Thornton) somewhat sheepishly attending a play that embellishes his life and legend. In these scenes we can see the intention of Howard and his crew to demystify the legends of Houston and Crockett. Houston is primarily an entrepreneur, and one with a drinking problem, and Crockett a creature intrigued by the contours of his own legend. But in the film as made, we subsequently see how circumstances have remade these worldly men into heroes (though Thornton's Crockett is somewhat abashed by the dimensions of his own fame, a perspective that makes this Crockett a far more humble and complex figure than he was in the Disney television series of the 1950s or in the Wayne film).

But what is missing is…a sense of the way the events at the Alamo are connected to the national story of slavery, expansion, and the removal of Native Americans…

As history, The Alamo looks accurate, and, indeed, we find that San Antonio de Béxar was carefully re-created with little sparing of expense (the film cost $95 million to make) and with the able assistance of the Alamo historian and curator, Richard Bruce Winders, and Stephen L. Hardin, a historian at Victoria College in Victoria, TX. But what is missing is similar to what is absent from the Wayne movie: a sense of the way the events at the Alamo are connected to the national story of slavery, expansion, and the removal of Native Americans from the eastern United States in the 1830s and 1840s. If we include this larger tale, we can perhaps get a feel for the broader perspective that initially generated interest in the project.

Andrew Jackson's policy of removing indigenous peoples from east of the Mississippi River to the West relied on the United States' domain over those western lands. Although Texas was not a part of the land that Jackson had dedicated to the tribes displaced from the East, it did abut them. Further, Texas had become a more and more tempting piece of western land after Mexico became independent of Spain in 1821. Mexico lacked economic resources, a strong central government, and a clear sense of national identity. The relative weakness of the nation to the south made annexation of its lands quite attractive. That the Mexican government had encouraged Anglo settlement further tempted entrepreneurs and manifest destinarians alike.

Texas also rose to the center of the national consciousness as a result of its relation to the line of demarcation that defined slave and free states in the Missouri Compromise of 1820. As a state south of the southern border of Missouri, its entry into the Union would make it a slave state, and, indeed, its various settlers had mostly come from the South, some bringing slaves. The issue of slavery would remain a matter of debate both in defining the region as part of the United States and in exacerbating the conflict with Mexico over domain. And while the film does introduce the question of where the loyalties of its two characters who are enslaved should lie—with the antislavery Mexicans or the proslavery Anglos—the broader issue of slavery in Texas is largely elided.

Texas also rose to the center of the national consciousness as a result of its relation to the line of demarcation that defined slave and free states in the Missouri Compromise of 1820.

Similarly, there is a Hispanic character, Juan Seguin (Jordi Mollà), who has a secondary role in the film and whose status as a Mexican who supports the Anglos is clearly significant. But there is little fleshing out of the character or his reasons, elements that might have added historical complexity to the narrative. Historically, Seguin was a civic leader in the Béxar region who supported the independence movement in 1835 and 1836 and led a militia of around a hundred men. This placed him among a minority of Mexicans who supported the independence movement because of their opposition to federalism and support of local rule. However, by 1837 almost no non-Anglos remained loyal to the Republic of Texas, as the racist practices of its leaders and partisans had reduced all Mexicans to a subordinate political and social status.

The film ends with the redemptive Battle of San Jacinto, as the Anglo forces are led to victory by Sam Houston, thus closing our narrative. The final scene cuts from the mass killing fields of San Jacinto, featuring dead Mexican soldiers as far as the eye can see, to the iconic figure of Davy Crockett fiddling on the wall of the Alamo. The carnage at San Jacinto redresses the slaughter at the Alamo and is all the more significant for its delivering Texas from the clutches of the tyrannical Mexican general Antonio López de Santa Anna. The vanquishing of the barbaric and morally suspect—evil—Mexican leader brings into being the Texas republic. In contemporary terms, such a conclusion is oddly resonant as national leaders attempt to show how delivering Iraq from the clutches of the tyrannical Saddam Hussein—and the imposition of “democracy” in that nation—will avenge the attacks of 9/11. On March 2, 2005, Republican congressman Ted Poe from the district that includes the Alamo spelled out the connection:

On this day, 169 years ago, Texas declared its independence from Mexico and its dictator, Santa Anna, the 19th-century Saddam Hussein. . . Freedom has a cost. It always does. It always will. And as we pause to remember those who lost their lives so that Texas could be a free Nation, we cannot forget those Americans that are currently fighting in lands across the seas for the United States’ continued freedom and liberty today.


This review was first published in the Journal of American History, 92 (3) (2005): 1086–1088. Reprinted with permission from the Organization of American Historians (OAH).

San Antonio Missions National Historical Park [TX]


The San Antonio Missions National Historical Park is located along the San Antonio River and is comprised of four historic missions and the surrounding land. Visitors can enjoy sections of unaltered river, centuries old irrigation systems, church services in the historic missions, and exhibits in the historical park's museum.

The park offers curriculum-based programs for schoolchildren, tours, ranger led activities, and periodic special events including guest lectures. The website offers historical information regarding the park, visitor information, and resources for teachers including primary sources and online activities. In order to contact the park via email, use the "contact us" link located on the left side of the webpage.

Chamizal National Memorial [TX] Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 01/08/2008 - 13:33

According to the National Park Service, "The Chamizal Convention of 1963 was a milestone in diplomatic relations between Mexico and the United States. Chamizal National Memorial was established to commemorate this treaty, which resulted in the peaceful settlement of a century-long boundary dispute." The park features a 1.8 mile walking trail and a visitor center.

The National Memorial offers ranger-led programs that focus on a specific topic in history, outdoor activities, a visitor center with historical exhibits, and a stage where live entertainment including music and theater is performed each summer. The website offers visitor information, a calendar of events, and field trip and curriculum planning information for teachers.

Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument [TX] Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 01/08/2008 - 13:37

The Alibates Flint Quarries are located in Fritch, Texas, in the upper panhandle, and are the site of extensive mining operations by the local Indian tribes. The flint mined at Alibates is multicolored and uniquely suited for the formation of primitive tools. Today, a visitor center stands by the quarries, which are open to visitors year round.

The quarries offer exhibits and presentations in the visitor center, daily tours, field trip programs, and a traveling trunks service. The website offers historical information regarding Alibates, visitor information, and photo galleries of the park.

Palo Alto Battlefield National Historic Site [TX] Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 01/08/2008 - 13:37

The Palo Alto Battlefield National Historic Site preserves the site of the May 8, 1846 battle which officially initiated the U.S.-Mexican War. The war was fought to determine the boundary of Texas. During this battle, Mexican forces effectively delayed the advancement of U.S. troops and continued their siege of Fort Texas. However, these benefits had a high cost in casualties—102, as opposed to nine U.S. deaths.

The site offers a 15-minute introductory film, exhibits, wayside interpretive panels, a half-mile trail, Junior Ranger activities, educational programs for students, and one-hour outreach programs for students. The film is available in English and Spanish. All educational programs require at least two weeks advance notice. The website offers elementary school and middle school teacher's guides, as well as introductory video segments for children.

Fort Davis National Historic Site [TX]


The Fort Davis National Historic Site consists of a surviving frontier Indian Wars fort, used between 1854 and 1891. The soldiers of the fort sought to protect travelers along the San Antonio-El Paso Road and the Chihuahua Trail from Native American attack. The Comanche and Apache peoples proved to be the greatest concern for the fort. Five structures on site have been returned to their 1880s appearances, and are fully furnished. Visitors can also explore 20 other buildings and more than 50 ruins.

The site offers a 15-minute introductory film, period rooms, self-guided tours, one- to three-hour educational programs, costumed interpreters, audio programming, Junior Ranger activities, traveling trunks, hiking trails, and a picnic site. Junior Ranger activity booklets are available in large print and in braille. Reservations are required for school groups. The website offers curricula.

Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park [TX] Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 01/08/2008 - 13:36

The Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park is located at Lyndon Johnson's final resting place on his beloved LBJ Ranch. The park chronicles the entire life of Johnson, starting with his ancestors and going through his presidency and life after presidency.

The park offers guided tours, traveling trunks, a traveling chuckwagon for a more in-depth experience, field trip programs, and frequent guest speakers. The website offers visitor information, information regarding all educational programs offered, a brief biography of Johnson, and a history of the park. In order to contact the website via email, use the "contact us" link located on the left side of the webpage.

Texas Association of Museums [TX]


"The Texas Association of Museums is dedicated to fostering educational, cultural, and recreational opportunities for all Texans. It accomplishes this, through service to its members, by providing a communications network, sponsoring educational programs, and encouraging adherence to professional standards and practices." The association offers a variety of professional services, including educational workshops and online tools such as fundraising software.

The site offers information and purchasing information for all services offered by the association, as well as a museum location finding service.

Senftenburg-Brandon House Museum [TX]


This house reflects many different patterns, materials, and colors in its construction, decoration, furnishings, and apparel collection. Partially built before the Civil War in Greek Revival Style (a second story was later added), changes made in the early 1900s are best described as Stick Style with Queen Anne features. Highlights include a tub stenciled in an 1890s pattern created by Candace Wheeler, a well-known designer of fabrics and wallpaper; a basement that houses a children's toy exhibit; a bird's egg collection; Renaissance Revival, Queen Anne, and Empire style furnishings; and hand-cut English-style wallpaper.

The house offers tours.