The Supreme Court


"This course is an intensive study of the highest court in the federal judiciary, focusing on the place of the Supreme Court in the American constitutional order. Areas of study may include the relationship between the Court and the other branches of the federal government as well as the states; the Court's power of judicial review; and judicial politics and statesmanship. We will examine these kinds of issues by investigating how the Court has interpreted the Constitution in some of its most historic decisions."

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Ashbrook Center,
Phone number
1 419-289-5411
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
None ($500 stipend)
Course Credit
"Teachers may choose to receive two hours of Master's degree credit from Ashland University. This credit can be used toward the new Master of American History and Government offered by Ashland University or may be transfered to another institution. The two credits will cost $440."
Six days
End Date

The Constitution and Its Early Interpretation


"This seminar is concerned with the formative period of early American constitutionalism. It begins with the pre-Revolutionary debate over the rights that the American colonists could claim under the 'ancient' imperial constitution, and ends with the escalating controversies over the interpretation of the Federal Constitution of 1787, culminating (in a sense) with the Supreme Court’s much-heralded decision in Marbury v. Madison and its less known but arguably more important holding in Stuart v. Laird a week later. In between, the heart of the seminar focuses on the constitutional experiments of the 1770s and 1780s: the adoption of the first state constitutions (1776-1780), and the framing and ratification of the Federal Constitution (1787-1791, if we throw in the first ten amendments)."

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Phone number
1 646-366-9666
Target Audience
High School
Start Date
None ($400 stipend)
Course Credit
"Participants who complete the seminar in a satisfactory manner will receive a certificate. Teachers may use this certificate to receive in-service credit, subject to the policy of their district. No university credit is offered for the course."
One week
End Date

Twentieth Century Women’s Rights Movements


"Movements for women’s equality and gender justice have transformed American society over the past few generations. Nancy Cott will focus this seminar on the varied branches of feminism. After reviewing the suffrage campaign and opportunities for women during World War II, the seminar will explore convergences and conflicts among women’s groups, both feminist and conservative, emerging after 1960. Topics include the formation of the National Organization for Women, radical feminism, African American and Chicana feminism, reproductive rights advocacy, the women’s health movement, Roe v. Wade and its opponents, the women’s rights revolution in law, and the campaigns for and against the Equal Rights Amendment."

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Phone number
1 646-366-9666
Target Audience
Start Date
None ($400 stipend)
Course Credit
"Participants who complete the seminar in a satisfactory manner will receive a certificate. Teachers may use this certificate to receive in-service credit, subject to the policy of their district. No university credit is offered for the course."
One week
End Date

A Nation of States or a Nation-State? – An Informed and Active Citizenry


This seminar will explore competing notions of how the U.S. government should be organized, looking at ways in which presidents, judicial decisions, business practices, and other forces have shaped and changed the form of government throughout history.

Contact name
Scott, Marianne
Sponsoring Organization
The Bill of Rights Institute
Phone number
1 703-894-1776
Target Audience
Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Contact Title
Education Programs Coordinator
One day

The Expansion of Expression


This seminar will explore historical issues related to the freedom of speech and expression in the U.S., examining court cases including the 1919 U.S. Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States, the 1989 case Texas v. Johnson, and the 1997 case Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union.

Contact name
Scott, Marianne
Sponsoring Organization
The Bill of Rights Institute
Phone number
1 703-894-1776
Target Audience
Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Contact Title
Education Programs Coordinator
One day

Clarence Darrow, William Jennings Bryan, and the Scopes Trial


Professor Charles Postel reviews the lives of lawyers Clarence Darrow (1857–1938) and William Jennings Bryan (1860–1925) and their involvement as adversaries in the 1925 legal case Scopes v. State, in which a school teacher was found guilty of violating a Tennessee law prohibiting the teaching of evolution in public schools.

Link dead: "Temporarily Unavailable"

Affirmative Action


Professor Lucas E. Morel discusses the history of affirmative action in the U.S., looking at how it has changed from the early 1960s to the present day. He examines particularly the 2003 U.S. Supreme Court cases Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger, both on affirmative action.

Dead link.

Hatton W. Sumners Institute


The institute is divided into three levels, as follows:

101: This 40-hour training begins with an in-depth study of the Declaration of Independence. Participants will then be taken through the ancient and European origins of the U.S. Constitution, followed by the American origins. The training will continue with a famous Federalist debating a famous Anti-Federalist over whether a New York State convention should vote to ratify the Constitution in 1788.

Then attending teachers will be taken on a walk through the seven articles of the Constitution. The remainder of the time will be spent studying the First Amendment and famous Supreme Court cases on the First Amendment, including the current term cases.

The agenda is divided into blocks of time spent with scholars, followed by break-out sessions where activities are demonstrated on the curriculum covered in the scholar sessions.

201: Available to those teachers who have completed the 101 session, the advanced session begins with a look at the "Ladder of the Bill of Rights." The remainder of the three-day, 18-hour institute is spent studying Amendments Two through 10, along with Supreme Court cases decided under each of these amendments. Break-out sessions follow each scholar session with activities on the Bill of Rights.

301: The one-day, seven-hour Update Session is available to those teachers who have previously attended both 101 and 201. Participants will spend most of the time discussing Supreme Court cases that have been decided during the past few years with the scholars. They will also receive a new activity guide, which includes lessons on Federalism and writing.

Contact name
Greenwood, Yvonne
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Law Focused Education, Inc.
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
The State Board for Educator Certification approves the institute for continuing education credit for teacher certification, and optional graduate credit is available through the University of St. Thomas in either Political Science or Education.
Contact Title
Five days
End Date