Using Primary Sources in the Social Studies Classroom


The use of primary sources as an instructional tool in the social studies classroom engages students, encourages high levels of learning, and raises test scores. But with so much to do and so little time, how can teachers know what strategies and resources work best? In this workshop, teachers will join other social studies teachers to find the answer to that question. Participants will be introduced to both online and print materials and provided specific examples of how to use those resources with their students.

Sponsoring Organization
Target Audience
Start Date
$60 nonmembers; $30.00 members; $45.00 associate members
Seven hours

Reading and Writing in the Social Studies


Students often struggle to understand the increasingly complex content and vocabulary presented in social studies. Frustrated teachers often feel that it is easier to just cover the information presented instead of working to help students make meaningful connections. Effective strategies increase students learning and build scores on standardized social studies reading and writing tests. This workshop will share successful strategies that target the unique features and constructions of social studies texts as well as other forms of nonfiction and fiction. Handouts and materials provided can be used immediately to modify social studies instruction.

Sponsoring Organization
Target Audience
Start Date
$60 nonmembers; $30.00 members; $45.00 associate members. $10 materials fee.
Seven hours

Problem-Based Learning in Social Studies


How can social studies teachers engage their students at deep levels so true learning occurs? Brain researchers and educational leaders such James Zull and Robert Marzano suggest developing instructional units around the mysteries of history. Participants in this workshop will use resources from the Buck Institute and others to focus on both the theory and implementation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL). Who killed the Iceman? What really happened at the Battle of the Little Big Horn? What became of the lost colony of Roanoke? Who was the Man in the Iron Mask? How did Cortez conquer the Aztecs? Teachers can use these and mysteries like them to focus student attention and meet state standards. During this workshop, educators will be presented with resources, examples, and time to begin constructing their own history mystery unit.

Sponsoring Organization
Target Audience
Start Date
$60 nonmembers; $30.00 members; $45.00 associate members
Seven hours

Problem-Based Learning in Social Studies


How can social studies teachers engage their students at deep levels so true learning occurs? Brain researchers and educational leaders such James Zull and Robert Marzano suggest developing instructional units around the mysteries of history. Participants in this workshop will use resources from the Buck Institute and others to focus on both the theory and implementation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL). Who killed the Iceman? What really happened at the Battle of the Little Big Horn? What became of the lost colony of Roanoke? Who was the Man in the Iron Mask? How did Cortez conquer the Aztecs? Teachers can use these and mysteries like them to focus student attention and meet state standards. During this workshop, educators will be presented with resources, examples, and time to begin constructing their own history mystery unit.

Sponsoring Organization
Target Audience
Start Date
$60 nonmembers; $30.00 members; $45.00 associate members
Seven hours

Having Fun is a Good Thing: Video Games


Many teachers now understand that video games (and other technology) can help encourage high levels of learning. Attendees at this workshop will find out what Steven Johnson, John Beck, Marc Prensky, and James Paul Gee are saying about the use of video games as teaching and learning tools. There are plenty of resources to help educators begin to integrate PlayStation, XBox, GameCube, PC games, and other types of video games into the classroom.

Sponsoring Organization
Target Audience
Start Date
$120 nonmember; $60 members; $90 associate members
Seven hours

Reading and Writing in the Social Studies


Students often struggle to understand the increasingly complex content and vocabulary presented in social studies. Frustrated teachers often feel that it is easier to just cover the information presented instead of working to help students make meaningful connections. Effective strategies increase students learning and build scores on standardized social studies reading and writing tests. This workshop will share successful strategies that target the unique features and constructions of social studies texts as well as other forms of nonfiction and fiction. Handouts and materials provided can be used immediately to modify social studies instruction.

Sponsoring Organization
Target Audience
Start Date
$120 nonmember; $60 members; $90 associate members. $10 material fee.
Seven hours

Websites and Technology in Social Studies


From the beginning to the expert teacher, using technology as part of social studies instruction in the 21st century is essential. K–12 students use cell phones, the internet, video games, and many other forms of technology. To maintain relevance in the lives of those students, classroom instruction needs to include not only social studies content but 21st-century tools and skills. This workshop will showcase content-specific websites and technology examples that educators can use right away.

Sponsoring Organization
Target Audience
Start Date
$120 nonmember; $60 members; $90 associate members
Seven hours

Seeing is Believing: Using Google Earth in Social Studies


Google Earth lets users see the world around them in brand new ways. Users can travel to the Great Pyramids, analyze live earthquake data, compare before and after images of deforestation, or integrate literature and social studies. But how best can educators use it to improve learning? In this workshop, participants will spend the day learning how to use the Google Earth interface, exploring its capabilities, adapting existing Google Earth tours, and creating a few of their own.

Contact name
Sponsoring Organization
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$120 nonmember; $60 members; $90 associate members
Seven hours

Problem-Based Learning in the Social Studies


This workshop will use resources from the Buck Institute and others to focus on both the theory and implementation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL).

Who killed the Iceman? What really happened at the Battle of the Little Big Horn? What became of the lost colony of Roanoke? Who was the Man in the Iron Mask? How did Cortez conquer the Aztecs? Teachers can use these and mysteries like them to focus student attention AND meet state standards. This workshop will provide resources, examples, and time to begin constructing a history mystery unit.

Contact name
Sponsoring Organization
Educational Services and Staff Development Association of Central Kansas (ESSDACK)
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$120 for non-ESSDACK members; $60.00 for members; $90.00 for Associate Members
Seven hours



Podstock is a new conference designed to bring podcast creators and those who see the real value of podcasting as creators and consumers together. The conference will include breakout sessions on podcasting for beginners, as well as sessions for and by seasoned pros. It will explore podcasting as well as many other Web 2.0 tools that can enhance learning and communication.

Sponsoring Organization
Educational Services and Staff Development Association of Central Kansas
Wichita, KS
Start Date
End Date