The U.S. Constitution and American History


This professional development opportunity will bring Texas teachers together with leading scholars to explore important constitutional issues in our nation's history. The program offers teachers the opportunity to work with leading scholars of U.S. history, political science, and law and share strategies for teaching with primary sources.

Contact name
Barger, Liz Bohman
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Humanities Texas
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $300 stipend
Course Credit
Offers continuing professional development credit. GT credit is also available.
Four days
End Date

Edward G. and Helen A. Borgens Elementary and Secondary Teacher Education Scholarships


This fund provides two one-time, preferred amount awards of up to $1,500 for students twenty-five (25) years of age or older. One award is given to students studying to teach at the elementary school level, the other to students studying to teach at the secondary level. The award is based on academic merit and is not automatically renewable; however, recipients may reapply for consideration as long as they meet the eligibility requirements.

Sponsoring Organization
Eligibility Requirements

All applicants must have at least a 3.50 GPA, be at least a college sophomore, and attend or plan on attending an accredited college or university.

Application Deadline
Award Amount

Landreth-Blair Grant


Each year the Arkansas Council for the Social Studies offers a small grant to underwrite teacher expenses for classroom and academic use. This grant is to be used to purchase materials or to underwrite activities which promote social studies education.

Sponsoring Organization
Arkansas Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

Teacher members of ACSS are eligible to submit applications for projects relating to the goals of the organization.

Application Deadline
Award Amount

Global Education Award


The purpose of this award is to honor a current elementary or secondary teacher who conveys to his/her students an appreciation of diverse cultures, and infuses a global awareness via the instructional process throughout the school year.

Sponsoring Organization
ProQuest Information and Learning; Florida Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

Must be a current elementary or secondary teacher.

Application Deadline
Award Amount
"$500 cash prize, plus $500 in media center materials."

Warren Tracy Beginning Teacher Award


From the Florida Council for the Social Studies website:

"This award recognizes and celebrates the enthusiasm beginning teachers bring to the social studies profession. Educators who have taught for three (3) years or less may be nominated for this award."

Sponsoring Organization
Florida Council for the Social Studies; Holt McDougal
Eligibility Requirements

"An applicant must currently be teaching social studies if an elementary teacher, or teaching social studies for the majority of the day if a 6-12 teacher. He/she can have no more than three years experience in the classroom at the time of application."

Application Deadline
Award Amount
"First Place Award: $250 Cash award for professional development, $250 stipend to support attendance at the FCSS Annual Conference, FCSS membership for one year, publication of lesson plan in the FCSS E-Newsletter. Runner's Up Award: $100 Cash award for professional development, FCSS membership for one year."

Helen Finken Award


From the Iowa Council for the Social Studies website:

"This award recognizes teachers in their first three years of teaching Social Studies, who have demonstrated a strong commitment to excellence in Social Studies Education. This award is given in memory of Helen Finken, an outstanding teacher and long time member and officer of ICSS."

Sponsoring Organization
Iowa Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

Nominees must have three or fewer years of teaching experience, submit two lesson plans and examples of Iowa Teaching Standard #8, and be a member of the Iowa Council for Social Studies.

Application Deadline
Award Amount
"Recipients receive an award and registration for the conference at which they will receive the award, plus ICSS and NCSS membership for one year."

Barringer Research Fellowship for Teachers of American History


According to the Monticello website, this fellowship "provides individual teachers an opportunity to research and study at Monticello and the Jefferson Library. It will allow teachers to work on Jefferson-specific projects such as lesson plans, curricular units, resource packets, or syllabus outlines that will enhance their classroom teaching. Fellowship recipients will spend two weeks in independent research and consultation with Monticello scholars on projects that relate directly to Thomas Jefferson and that will enhance their classroom presentations."

Sponsoring Organization
Thomas Jefferson Foundation
Eligibility Requirements

"Fellowships will be awarded to qualified elementary and secondary teachers who are employed full-time in the classroom."

Application Deadline
Award Amount
$1500 stipend, up to $1000 for travel costs, up to $1400 for lodging, up to $50 per day for food
Charlottesville, VA

Not a Good Day to Die: The Untold Story of Operation Anaconda


From the First Division Museum website:

"Join us as award-winning Army Times reporter Sean Naylor provides the most comprehensive picture of the largest battle of the Afghan war to date—Operation Anaconda. One of only eight journalists allowed to accompany the troops into battle, his first-hand insider information is chronicled in his book, Not a Good Day to Die: The Untold Story of Operation Anaconda. What was intended as a grand gesture turned into a missed opportunity to crush what remained of Al Qaida in Afghanistan in March 2002.

Operation Anaconda was conducted by a force of about 2,000 soldiers, more than half of which were US conventional forces, Special Forces, and Special Operating Forces commanded by Major General Buster Hagenbeck of the 10th Mountain Division, headquartered at Fort Drum, New York. Coalition forces from Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, and Norway joined United States troops in Operation Anaconda. Operation Anaconda was part of the ongoing effort in Afghanistan to root out Taliban and al-Qaida forces holed up in the Pakitia Province area of the country.

A book signing will follow."

Contact name
Melissa Tyer (email)
Sponsoring Organization
First Division Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
Illinois educators
Start Date
Course Credit
"Up to 1.5 CPDUs are available for most events."
Contact Title
Museum Educator

Civil War Washington Teacher Seminar and Fellowship


DC Public and Public Charter School Teachers are invited to participate in a five-day learning adventure that will immerse participants in the Civil War history of Washington and the country. By preparing and performing historical speeches, interpreting letters, and "reading" artifacts, images, and places, they will develop teaching techniques that strengthen reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.

Over the course of five mornings, participants will travel to three historic sites in some of Washington's most historic neighborhoods. In the afternoons, they will participate in interpretations of important speeches and letters, and learn tools that lead to rigorous visual and experiential learning. Teachers who attend the seminar also receive free school-year field trips for their students.

Participants who complete the program are eligible to receive free in-class visits from a teaching artist to support implementation of their Civil War Washington learning; a free performance of a History Play at Ford's Theatre; the opportunity to bring students to a History on Foot experience for free; special teacher preview tickets to Ford's Theatre performances and early opportunities to book seats for their students; and special teacher preparation for the Frederick Douglass Oratorical Competition.

Contact name
Flack, Jake
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Ford's Theatre
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Contact Title
Education Programs Coordinator
Five days
End Date

The Battlefield Experience


In this workshop, teachers will get a chance to tour the Stones River National Battlefield and discuss ways to use the park's resources to help students master curriculum standards in multiple disciplines.

Contact name
McKay, John
Sponsoring Organization
Stones River National Battlefield
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Contact Title
Education Coordinator
Four hours