War of Invasion, War of Liberation: Occupied Nashville and the Civil War and Emancipation in the Upper South


No details available.

Contact name
Hunt, Robert
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Middle Tennessee State University
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Six days
End Date

Remembering the Alamo: Landmark of American History and Culture


At this workshop participants will engage in dynamic, in-depth, interdisciplinary study of the Alamo and associated major themes of American history, literature, and popular culture. They will study in intimate seminar settings with major scholars, interact with their colleagues in lively conversations, and develop classroom teaching activities based on individual interdisciplinary research conducted in the Alamo Library Archives, the Institute of Texans Cultures, the American History Center and other Texas archives while working in seminars with five nationally recognized Texas scholars.

Contact name
Berry, David A.
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Essex County College
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Contact Title
Executive Director
One week
End Date

"Stony the Road We Trod": Alabama's Role in the Modern Civil Rights Movement


From Bombingham to Selma, Montgomery to Tuskegee, Alabama's people and places left an indelible mark on the world in the 1950s and 1960s. From Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver to the Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth, Alabama citizens have been at the forefront of the crusade to improve African Americans' lot in life in the United States. Selma's citizens began a march in 1965 to protest the killing of one man. This day became known as Bloody Sunday. Now the citizens of Selma have created a people's museum so the world will not forget those tumultuous days and will remember the people's stories. Teachers in this workshop work with noted scholars, converse with living legends, participate in discussion groups, meet foot soldiers of the movement, and travel to key sites of memory dedicated to the preservation of the history of the modern Civil Rights Movement.

Contact name
Cooper, Priscilla Hancock
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
One week
End Date

"Stony the Road We Trod": Alabama's Role in the Modern Civil Rights Movement


From Bombingham to Selma, Montgomery to Tuskegee, Alabama's people and places left an indelible mark on the world in the 1950s and 1960s. From Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver to the Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth, Alabama citizens have been at the forefront of the crusade to improve African Americans' lot in life in the United States. Selma's citizens began a march in 1965 to protest the killing of one man. This day became known as Bloody Sunday. Now the citizens of Selma have created a people's museum so the world will not forget those tumultuous days and will remember the people's stories. Teachers in this workshop work with noted scholars, converse with living legends, participate in discussion groups, meet foot soldiers of the movement, and travel to key sites of memory dedicated to the preservation of the history of the modern Civil Rights Movement.

Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Contact Title
Cooper, Priscilla Hancock
One week
End Date

Shaping the Constitution: A View from Mount Vernon, 1783-1789


What do an English historian, an Italian wine merchant, an anti-slavery advocate, and the Father of the Constitution have in common? Each of these individuals—Catherine Sawbridge Macaulay Graham, Philip Mazzei, Francis Asbury, and James Madison—paid one or more visits during the years 1783–1789 to the retired leader of the American Revolutionary forces, George Washington, at his Virginia waterfront plantation, Mount Vernon. Perhaps these guests marveled at the brilliant colors of the mansion's main dining room. They might have strolled around the grounds and seen the slaves performing the multitude of tasks necessary to make the plantation flourish. It's likely that the visitors sat on the east-facing piazza and watched the ships sail up and down the Potomac River. Finally, and most significantly, these visitors—and others like them—participated in dialogues and discussions at Mount Vernon which resulted in the creation of the American constitutional system. The Landmarks of American History and Culture Workshop, "Shaping the Constitution: A View from Mount Vernon 1783–89," funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities We the People initiative, is an opportunity for educators (and ultimately their students) to gain a better understanding of Mount Vernon as a crossroads for the discussion of ideas that led to the Constitution. In brief, the workshop offers academic content about Mount Vernon, George Washington, and the Constitution; the opportunity to engage in scholarly discourse with leading academics; a stipend to help cover housing and meal costs; a transportation allowance; networking with other social studies teachers from around the nation; and ongoing professional development opportunities and the opportunity to earn graduate credit.

Contact name
Hodges, Susan (phone); Ross, Jason (email)
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Bill of Rights Institute; George Washington's Mount Vernon
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Course Credit
At the conclusion of the seminar, participants will be provided with certificates verifying their attendance at all required sessions. There will be approximately 35 hours of actual instruction within the workshop. Participants should determine in advance to what degree their state or local school districts will accept participation in the workshop for continuing education units. However, the Bill of Rights Institute and Mount Vernon will work with participants to provide sufficient documentation for their school districts. This year, the workshop is able to provide an academic credit option for those interested. Ashland Unversity in Ohio will grant two semester hours of Education graduate credit to participants who submit a teaching activity and pay a total tuition charge of $400. Registration will be handled on the first day of the program and participants must bring either a check or credit card information if they would like to earn these credits.
Five days
End Date

Missouri Council for the Social Studies Conference


The theme for this conference will be "The Over-Arching Impact of Social Studies Instruction."

Sponsoring Organization
Missouri Council for the Social Studies
Contact email
St. Louis, MO
Contact name
Megan Moncure
Phone number
Start Date
End Date

Library of Congress Summer Institute


From the Library of Congress website:

"The four-day institute will provide educators with the tools and resources to effectively integrate primary sources into classroom teaching.

Though many teachers are familiar with the importance of primary sources, they are not sure how to use them in the classroom, how to develop inquiry-based lessons, or how to help students use them in projects. In this institute, Library of Congress education specialists will introduce participants to the unique characteristics of primary sources, while helping them explore some of the millions of digitized primary sources available on the Library's Web site. Participants will be able to work with like-minded teachers from around the country to explore methods for effectively integrating primary sources into classroom activities.

After participating in the Summer Teacher Institutes, participants will:

  • Understand and analyze primary sources
  • Employ primary sources in classroom activities
  • Access primary sources from the Library of Congress
  • Understand the legal and ethical use of digital resources
  • Understand the inquiry process
  • Create inquiry-based activities using primary sources"
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Library of Congress
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
"Although the Library cannot provide college or professional development credits for those participating in the Teacher Institutes, we will provide a certificate of completion."
Four days
End Date

Abraham Lincoln and the Forging of Modern America


This workshop will consider the myths and realities of four themes central to the figure of Abraham Lincoln. First, participants will examine Lincoln and American Nationalism. To more fully understand this theme, they will examine how historians have portrayed Lincoln over time. A starting point for this examination will be reading from primary sources including Lincoln's Message to Congress in Special Session (July 4, 1861), followed by selected sections from secondary sources: James McPherson's Abraham Lincoln and the Second American Revolution, and Barry Schwartz's Lincoln at the Millennium. Central to this examination is the question of how Lincoln used history, especially the American Revolution and the Founding Fathers, to develop his rhetorical defense of the Union and justification for action. Second, participants will consider Lincoln and power. The examination of this theme centers on the dilemma of how to fight a civil war and preserve civil liberties. Lincoln scholars will provide participants with opportunities to discuss how Lincoln attempted to preserve the Union without sacrificing the Constitution. The investigation begins with required reading of selections from David Donald's Lincoln and David Potter's Jefferson Davis and the Political Factors in Confederate Defeat. Participants will probe critical issues such as suspension of habeas corpus, censorship of the press, and declaration of martial law through reading Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address. Third, participants will consider Lincoln and freedom. It has been argued that Lincoln changed the meaning of the Constitution. Participants will investigate this theme by first reading the Gettysburg Address and selected letters in which Lincoln describes his vision of equality. Then, they will analyze selections from Garry Wills's 1992 The Words that Remade America, which suggests that the change went beyond the relationship between the federal government and the states to the relationship between the federal government and the individual. How might Lincoln's words, "a new birth of freedom" suggest change in the vision of equality? Finally, participants will consider Lincoln and race. They will examine the Emancipation Proclamation and the complex issue of race in America. Readings for this theme draw on selections from the Lincoln-Douglas debates, the Emancipation Proclamation and selected Lincoln letters, and readings from Lerone Bennet's Was Abe Lincoln a White Supremacist? and Philip Shaw Paludan's Emancipating the Republic: Lincoln and the Means and Ends of Antislavery. Much of Lincoln's position of honor in American history rests upon his action to free the slaves. Yet, some view the proclamation as an empty gesture or even a conservative attempt to forestall more radical action. These discussions will provide participants with an opportunity to explore the evolution of Lincoln's attitude toward emancipation that culminated in his support for the 13th Amendment.

Contact name
Pryor, Caroline R.
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Course Credit
Participants who might want graduate credit (History or Education) will be provided with an SIUE graduate tuition waiver for up to three units of graduate course credit for this workshop. University fees will still apply. To receive course credit and a grade, an additional series of three lesson plans will be required to be submitted to the project director, following workshop participation. Registration for this tuition waiver will be processed on campus during the workshop.
Contact Title
Project Director
Six days
End Date

Immigration Then and Now: 1890-1920; 1964-2009


From the National Humanities Center website:

"One of the most familiar truisms about the United States is that we are a 'nation of immigrants.' Indeed, immigration and immigrants inform nearly every narrative of progress and possibility that Americans have told about themselves for more than a century, from individual stories of rags to riches to generational accounts of upward mobility and becoming American. And yet, immigration today remains one of the most controversial political topics, generating intense conflicts over who or what is an American and who should have the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. In this seminar, we examine and compare two waves of immigration to the United States: the 'new' immigration between 1890 and 1920, composed mainly of immigrants from southern and eastern Europe and Japan; and contemporary immigration, post 1964, involving undocumented and legal migration from Southeast Asia, Mexico, Central America, and Africa. By exploring changes and continuities in immigration to the United States, we seek to historicize contemporary controversies and fears."

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Humanities Center
Target Audience
North Carolina high school U.S. history and American literature educators
Start Date
Free; $100 stipend
Course Credit
"Each seminar may yield one CEU credit. Because the seminars are conducted online, they may qualify for technology credit in districts that award it. The Center will supply documentation of participation."
Six hours