Finding Professional Development

Date Published
Photo, Social Studies Teachers, September 3, 2009, Virtual Learning Center
Photo, Social Studies Teachers, September 3, 2009, Virtual Learning Center
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Is professional development on your schedule for next summer? It may seem early to start planning, but many summer programs will soon (or have already) opened their applications. And professional development opportunities aren't limited to the summer! Organizations offer workshops, seminars, and other chances to network, expand your teaching repertoire, and earn professional credits throughout the year.

Where Should I Look?

Where might you look for these opportunities? You don't have to look far afield—museums, historic sites, national parks, and historical societies in your area may offer professional development. Search a museum's website for its "Education" or "Teachers" section, and take a look. Does it offer programs for educators?

Large museums often provide a schedule of open houses (check for these in the fall), workshops, and pre-field trip orientations just for educators (see the Chicago History Museum Educator Programs page or the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum online catalogue of professional development opportunities.

Not finding anything? Maybe you have a presidential library and museum nearby, providing educators with workshops on using archival resources. Or a local university that offers professional development courses for teachers (such as the Learn NC program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill).

Professional development opportunities may also spring up in unexpected places, in response to events and celebrations. Abraham Lincoln's Bicentennial in 2009 prompted Lincoln-related workshops, conferences, seminars, and other training opportunities nationwide.

What Should I Know?

Once you've found something that interests you, make sure to check all of the specifics. You may be guaranteed a spot just by applying, or you may have to compete to participate. Enrollment may be limited to teachers in a certain area or those who teach specific grades. Some opportunities are free, some give out stipends, some cost, and others charge but offer scholarships.

Will you earn professional development credits for attending? How many? Could you earn graduate credit? (Or even a full master's degree? Check out the James Madison Fellowship Foundation designed specifically for teachers).

Examples of Professional Development

The following organizations provide professional development on a regular basis:

Gilder Lehrman Institute of American Historyweeklong summer seminars for teachers, yearly, hosted by universities across the U.S. Attendees receive a stipend. Applications for summer 2011 are now open!

National Endowment for the HumanitiesSummer Seminars and Institutes for School Teachers, and Landmarks of American History and Culture Workshops for School Teachers, both yearly. Summer Seminars and Institutes range from 2–6 weeks, and do not all focus on U.S. history topics. History and Culture Workshops last one week and focus on specific U.S. history landmark sites. Both provide a stipend.

Facing History and Ourselvesworkshops and in-person and online seminars throughout the year. Focuses on human rights and social action topics, including the Holocaust and the Civil Rights Movement. Some workshops are free; other programs charge fees.

Colonial Williamsburgweek-long institutes for elementary, middle/high, and high teachers, yearly, at Colonial Williamsburg. Charges fees.

National Archives and Records Administrations"Primarily Teaching" workshops, yearly, introducing techniques for using archive resources and teaching with documents. Small fee for materials.

Smithsonian American Art Museumannual Clarice Smith National Teacher Institute, for teams of middle or high school teachers, with priority given to those teaching social studies and English/language arts. Participants learn how to use art and 21st-century skills to make interdisciplinary connections with their subjects. $200 registration fee; $500 scholarships available.

Federal Judicial Center and American Bar Associationyearly week-long Federal Trials and Great Debates in U.S. History institute for secondary U.S. history and government teachers. Provides reimbursement for travel, lodging, and meal expenses.

The Memorial Library and Holocaust Educators Network12-day summer seminar for middle through high teachers, on teaching the Holocaust and social justice issues. $1,000 stipend.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museumyearly teacher fellowship for 7–12-grade teachers, including a five-day teacher institute. Expenses paid for institute attendence.

National Humanities Centerhour-and-a-half long online seminars, including tie-ins with PBS American Experience documentaries. Charges fees.

C-SPANtwo-day conference for 6th–12th-grade social studies educators or media/technology specialists, on integrating C-SPAN's resources into the classroom. Also offers a four-week Teacher Fellowship program. Expenses paid.

Dirksen CenterCongress in the Classroom, a four-day workshop for middle- or high-school teachers, on both pedagogical strategies and content for teaching about Congress. Charges registration fee; other expenses paid.

Joe Jelen's Ads as Primary Sources: The Ad Council's Historic Campaigns Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 05/19/2011 - 11:32
Date Published
Photo,  Smokey Bear Fire Prevention sign along State Highway 70, Jul. 1960, NARA
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The Ad Council has been producing public service announcements attempting to affect change in society and serve the public interest for nearly 70 years. The campaigns take the form of print, radio, and television advertisements. They have run the spectrum of societal issues, from "Rosie the Riveter" and the campaign to place women in war jobs to contemporary ads related to predatory lending. The Ad Council has brought us memorable characters like Smokey Bear, McGruff the Crime Dog, and Vince and Larry (the two crash test dummies who convinced us to wear seat belts). But what do these public advertising campaigns say about America? How can we use these ad campaigns to better understand U.S. history?

Through analyzing the ads we can isolate time periods in history and understand what were believed to be the most pressing societal issues of the time. These campaigns tried to decrease behaviors that were believed to lead to social problems or promote behaviors that would lead to a better society. Thus, in seeking to understand the advertisements, we can help students uncover the contemporaneous sociology of the ad campaign.

Where to Start

You can begin by exploring the Ad Council's Historic Campaigns that highlight some of the more notable campaigns in the last 70 years. Each campaign is complete with background information and some have links to PSA videos associated with the campaign. An even more complete retrospective of past advertising campaigns is maintained by the Advertising Educational Foundation and can be accessed here.

How can we use these ad campaigns to better understand U.S. history?

I have found the site particularly useful in helping students understand more recent history. For instance, few would disagree that, socially, the 1980s were rocked by the AIDS epidemic. The site highlights PSAs to prevent the spread of AIDS, which represent a dramatic shift in societal norms with the public call for condom use. The ads on crime prevention featuring McGruff the Crime Dog also help illuminate the 1980s. These ads coincide with America's "war on drugs" and emphasis on law and order during the 1980s. 1970s culture was epitomized by environmental awareness featuring Ad Council PSAs showing Native Americans distraught to find their territory littered. These ads and more can be found in the Historic Campaigns section.

Using Ads in the Classroom

Teaching with advertisements as primary sources is beneficial in two ways. One, students are exposed to yet another example of primary sources that come with their own unique set of historical questions. Two, by learning how to unpack the intent of advertisements on people of the past, students are more apt to be able to recognize advertising manipulation in the present. The Ad Council dedicates a page of resources for educators that includes useful links and frequently asked questions. These pages also identify current advertising campaigns, which might be useful for students to identify some of the important topics of today compared to the important issues they find in earlier decades.

Before having students analyze advertisements as primary sources, it is important to model for students how advertisements should be read. Students should also be made aware of the strengths and limitations of using advertisements to understand the past. An excellent overview of these strengths and weaknesses can be found on page 11 of this guide to primary sources, from the Smithsonian's History Explorer, along with questions to guide students in analyzing advertisements.

By learning how to unpack the intent of advertisements on people of the past, students are more apt to be able to recognize advertising manipulation in the present.

A natural fit to teaching U.S. history through public service announcements would be to have students create their own PSAs. Students could be given a list of pertinent social issues to a particular time period or could be asked to research important topics on their own. Students could write a script and use a pocket camcorder to record their PSA. Editing could be done using iMovie, Windows MovieMaker, or any number of free online video editing tools. The purpose of the assignment is to help students understand the changing nature of social issues in the United States.

Another idea is to have students research the effectiveness of given historic campaigns. The Ad Council maintains a database of reports and figures related to the success of various PSAs. This is a condensed version highlighting the impact of the Ad Council's more famous campaigns. The purpose here is to help students see how effective advertising not only convinces people to buy products, but also can convince people to change behavior for the common good.

Selling Social Issues

The Ad Council works to address the most significant social issues of the day. With that purpose, the Ad Council offers a unique look into making sense of our social past by revealing important issues of the time. Advertisements offer students an opportunity to interpret an overlooked type of primary source of the past and establish connections to the present.

For more information

Looking for more guidelines on using ads in the classroom? Historian Daniel Pope helps you make sense of advertisements, and historian Roger Horowitz analyzes historical documents behind 1950s potato chip advertising campaigns. This syllabus from a university history course also walks you through the steps of analyzing an ad.

Search our Website Reviews using the keyword "advertisement" for reviews of more than 200 websites featuring archived advertisements.

Seeking Simulations

Photo, "Challenger Learning Center - Communications," HMNS, Flickr, cc

Does anyone know a solid, one-stop shop for interactive simulation and activities for high level, college-bound U.S. history students? I am looking to freshen up some of my units and I thought these might be fun. I am specifically looking for one-day activities that engage students (there can be homework before and after).


While the web is full of great resources for the history classroom, you’ll have to narrow your search in order to find simulations. The most efficient way to start is to head to sites offering lesson plans, and to search within them for simulations.

One great resource for lesson plans is the work of Teaching American History grant partners, which is often posted online. The Danbury, CT TAH project, for instance, has a number of lesson plans on its website, including a number of simulations relevant for an American history class. Fitchburg State University also has a number of lesson plans online, including a simulation on the causes of the Civil War.

While the web is full of great resources for the history classroom, you’ll have to narrow your search in order to find simulations.

Another kind of web resource to explore is the work of states and school districts. One good example of this kind of resource is SCORE, the Schools of California Online Resources for Education site, which has a number of resources for classroom teachers including simulations for U.S. history classes. Some come from outside sources like Harper’s Weekly online, which hosts a simulation on Reconstruction, while others, like a simulation on immigration, are created by classroom teachers.

Colleges and universities are also rich sources for materials, often providing creative approaches to classroom instruction. The University of North Carolina School of Education has a number of lesson plans and ideas online, including a simulation on fugitive slaves. Columbia University, through Columbia American History Online, also offers lesson plans, like a simulation of pre-Civil War efforts at compromise.

Yet another good place to look for resources is an aggregating site like Best of History Websites or the National History Education Clearinghouse. At the former of those sites, you can find links to resources like the Day in the Life of a Hobo podcast—a creative simulation focusing on the Great Depression. At the latter of those two sites, you can find a number of resources, including a link to a simulation game exploring the impeachment of Andrew Johnson. Interact also has classroom ready simulations about U.S. and world history, which can be purchased by your school.

Good luck with your search!

Iowa: 9th-Grade Standards

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(Note: By the completion of twelfth grade, Iowa students are expected to master the following standards.)

Subject: Behavioral Sciences

Behavioral sciences include, but are not limited to, the areas of sociology, anthropology and psychology. In addressing these disciplines the actions and reactions of humans are studied through observational and experimental methods.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the historical development of the behavioral sciences and the changing nature of society.

    • Understand the fields of psychology and sociology developed in response to social and economic changes.
    • Understand the role of major social institutions of American society.
    • Understand the role of social institutions as well as individual and group behaviors, in bringing about social change.
    • Understand that mass media, migrations, and conquest have affected social change by exposing one culture to another.
    • Understand change and development in institutions further both continuity and change in societies.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the influences on individual and group behavior and group decision making.

    • Understand the appropriate research procedures and skills of the behavioral scientist.
    • Understand the types of research methods used by behavioral scientists to study human behavior, social groups, social issues and problems.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand current social issues to determine how the individual is able to formulate opinions and responds to those issues.

    • Understand past and current cultural, religious, and social reform movements.
    • Understand that differences in the behavior of individuals arise from the interaction of heredity and experience.
    • Understand that conflict between people or groups may arise from competition over ideas, resources, power, and/or status.
    • Understand that personal values influence the types of conclusions people make.
    • Understand that even when the majority of people in a society agree on a social decision, the minority who disagree must be protected from oppression.
    • Understand ideas and modes of inquiry drawn from behavioral science and social theory in the examination of persistent issues and social problems.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand how social status, social groups, social change, and social institutions influence individual and group behaviors.

    • Understand the concept of stratification.
    • Understand gender, age, health, and socioeconomic status affect social inequality.
    • Understand changes in social and political institutions reflect and affect individuals' values and behaviors.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the process of how humans develop, learn, adapt to their environment, and internalize their culture.

    • Understand that heredity, culture, and personal experience interact in shaping human behavior.
    • Understand the stages of physical, perceptual, and intellectual development that humans experience from infancy to old age.
    • Understand the concept of culture.
    • Understand that peoples' values and behavior are shaped by their culture.
    • Understand the processes of cultural transmission and cultural change.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand how personality and agents of socialization impact the individual.

    • Understand the factors that shape personality and identity
    • Understand the process of socialization leads individuals to become functioning members of society.
    • Understand groups and institutions sometimes promote social conformity.

Subject: Economics

Economics addresses the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The concept of scarcity is understood to mean that available resources are insufficient to satisfy the wants and needs of everyone. Economics is therefore founded upon the alternative use of available resources and the study of choices.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the function of common financial instruments.

    • Understand the cost of borrowing money over long periods of time.
    • Understand the concept of insurance.
    • Understand credit cards.
    • Understand the role of personal taxes in society.
    • Understand different financial investments, such as mutual funds, stocks and bonds.
    • Understand saving for retirement.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the role of scarcity and economic trade-offs and how economic conditions impact people’s lives

    • Understand the concepts of marginal benefit and marginal cost in connection to economic actions.
    • Understand increases and decreases in productivity are influenced by positive and negative incentives.
    • Understand production possibilities curves.
    • Understand the impact of increases in wages or a change in government policy (new taxes, interest rate, subsidies) on consumers, producers, workers, savers and investors.
    • Understand the role of business plans.
    • Understand long-term unintended consequences of economic choices made by individuals, businesses, and governments.
    • Understand the unemployment rate.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the functions of economic institutions.

    • Understand the basic functions of money.
    • Understand the composition of the money supply.
    • Understand that economic institutions have different goals, rules, and constraints.
    • Understand banks and other financial institutions affect the economy.
    • Understand government policies affect economic institutions.
    • Understand the role of non-profit organizations.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand how governments throughout the world influence economic behavior.

    • Understand the role of fiscal and monetary policies in governments.
    • Understand government regulation of industries.
    • Understand the economic trade-offs of government assistance programs.
    • Understand the impact of the federal budget on the economy at the individual, household, and business levels.
    • Understand changes in spending and taxation affect national deficits, surpluses, and debt.
    • Understand the role of the Federal Reserve.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand how universal economic concepts present themselves in various types of economies throughout the world.

    • Understand the law of supply and demand affects the price of products.
    • Understand major world economic systems.
    • Understand factors that influence Gross Domestic Product for specific countries.
    • Understand different policies and actions that combat inflation, deflation, and recession.
    • Understand economic self-interest influences economic decisions.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the local, state, regional, national, and international factors that create patterns of interdependence in the global economy.

    • Understand the difference between domestic and global economic systems and how the two interact.
    • Understand absolute and comparative advantage.
    • Understand the costs and benefits of free trade among countries.
    • Understand trade barriers imposed by the United States from a historical perspective and the impact of those actions.
    • Understand the role of exchange rates between countries and their effect on purchasing power.
    • Understand government subsidies to industries and the effect on global trade.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the impact of advancing technologies on the global economy.

    • Understand the role of technologies that interlock the global economy.
    • Understand the role of investment and government support in advancing technologies.
    • Understand the impact of green technologies in the global economy.

Subject: Geography

Geography is the study of the interaction between people and their environments. Geography therefore looks at the world through the concepts of location, place, human-environmental interaction, movement, and region.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the use of geographic tools to locate and analyze information about people, places, and environments.

    • Understand the characteristics and uses of geographic technologies.
    • Understand geographic representations and tools used to analyze, explain and solve geographic problems.
    • Understand the use of mental maps of physical and human features of the world to answer complex geographic questions.
    • Understand perspective and point of view in interpreting data on maps.
    • Understand the value of using maps from different sources and points of view.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand how physical and human characteristics create and define regions.

    • Understand culture as an integrated whole that explains the function and interactions of language, literature, the arts, traditions, beliefs and values and behavior patterns.
    • Understand regional boundaries change.
    • Understand places and regions are important to individual human identity and as symbols for unifying or fragmenting society.
    • Understand external forces can conflict economically and politically with internal interests in a region.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand how human factors and the distribution of resources affect the development of society and the movement of populations.

    • Understand population issues.
    • Understand international migrations are shaped by push and pull factors.
    • Understand the impact of human migration on physical and human systems.
    • Understand the impact of policy decisions regarding the use of resources in different regions of the world.
    • Understand issues related to the reuse and recycling of resources.
    • Understand the physical and human factors that have led to famines and large-scale refugee movements.
    • Understand competition for and conflict over natural resources

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand how physical and human processes shape the Earth’s surface and major ecosystems.

    • Understand relationships between soil, climate, plant and animal life affect the distributions of ecosystems.
    • Understand the importance of ecosystems in understanding the environment.
    • Understand physical processes affect different regions of the United States and the world.
    • Understand social, cultural and economic processes shape the features of places.
    • Understand the effects of human and physical changes in ecosystems both locally and globally.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand how human actions modify the environment and how the environment affects humans

    • Understand competition for control of the Earth's surface can have a positive or negative effect on the planet and its inhabitants.
    • Understand the global impact of human changes in the physical environment.
    • Understand programs and positions related to the use of resources on a local to global scale.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand how culture affects the interaction of human populations through time and space.

    • Understand technology and human mobility have changed various cultural landscapes.
    • Understand the processes of spatial change have affected history.
    • Understand the role culture plays in incidences of cooperation and conflict in the present day world.
    • Understand the causes of boundary conflicts and internal disputes between culture groups.
    • Understand diverse cultural responses to persistent human issues.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand how cultural factors influence the design of human communities.

    • Understand the impact of changing global patterns of trade and commerce on the local community and predict the future impact of these patterns.
    • Understand cultures influence the characteristics of regions.
    • Understand people create places that reflect culture, human needs, government policy, and current values and ideals as they design and build places.

Subject: History

History is the study and analysis of the past. Built upon a foundation of historical knowledge, history seeks to analyze the past in order to describe the relationship between historical facts, concepts, and generalizations. History draws upon cause and effect relationships within multiple social narratives to help explain complex human interactions. Understanding the past provides context for the present and implications for the future.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand historical patterns, periods of time, and the relationships among these elements.

    • Understand concepts such as chronology, causality, change, conflict, and complexity to explain, analyze, and show connections among patterns of historical change and continuity.
    • Understand significant historical periods and patterns of change within and across cultures, such as the development of ancient cultures and civilizations, the rise of nation states, and social, economic, and political revolutions.
    • Understand patterns of social and cultural continuity in various societies.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand how and why people create, maintain, or change systems of power, authority, and governance.

    • Understand the purpose of government and how its powers have been acquired, used, and justified.
    • Understand different political systems from historical periods.
    • Understand from a historical perspective the purpose and effects of treaties, alliances, and international organizations that characterize today's interconnected world.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the role of culture and cultural diffusion on the development and maintenance of societies.

    • Understand the ways groups, societies, and cultures have addressed human needs and concerns in the past.
    • Understand societal patterns for preserving and transmitting culture while adapting to environmental or social change.
    • Understand the value of cultural diversity, as well as cohesion, within and across groups.
    • Understand the origins, central ideas, and global influence of world religions
    • Understand cultural factors that have promoted political conflict.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the role of individuals and groups within a society as promoters of change or the status quo.

    • Understand the significance of important people, their work, and their ideas in the areas of political and intellectual leadership, inventions, discoveries, and the arts.
    • Understand the role the values of specific people in history played in influencing history.
    • Understand the significant religious, philosophical, and social movements and their impacts on society and social reform.
    • Understand the effect of "chance events" on history.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the role of individuals and groups within a society as promoters of change or the status quo.

    • Understand how economic issues have influenced society in the past.
    • Understand connections between the cultural achievements of early civilizations and the development of political and economic institutions.
    • Understand that choices made by individuals, firms, or government officials often have unintended consequences that can offset the initial effects of the decision.
    • Understand that the introduction of new products and production methods by entrepreneurs has impacted economic growth, competition, technological progress, and job opportunities.
    • Understand the historical relationship between economic growth, higher production levels, new technologies, and standard of living.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the effects of geographic factors on historical events.

    • Understand ways that historical events have been influenced by, and have influenced, physical and human geographic factors in local, regional, national, and global settings.
    • Understand reasons for changes in the world's political boundaries.
    • Understand the historic reasons for conflicts within specific world regions.
    • Understand past government policies designed to change a country's population characteristics.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the role of innovation on the development and interaction of societies.

    • Understand significant changes caused by technology, industrialization, urbanization, and population growth and the effects of these changes.
    • Understand the historical impact of the interaction and interdependence of science, technology, and society in a variety of cultural settings.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand cause and effect relationships and other historical thinking skills in order to interpret events and issues.

    • Understand processes such as using a variety of sources, providing, validating, and weighing evidence for claims, checking credibility of sources, and searching for causality.
    • Understand relationships between and among significant events.
    • Understand facts and concepts drawn from history, along with methods of historical inquiry, to inform decision-making about and action-taking on public issues.
    • Understand the process of critical historical inquiry to reconstruct and reinterpret the past.
    • Understand multiple viewpoints within and across cultures related to important events, recurring dilemmas, and issues.
    • Understand how and why events may be interpreted differently depending upon the perspectives of participants, witnesses, reporters, and historians.

Subject: Political Science/Civic Literacy

Political science is the study of power and authority through the examination of political processes, governmental institutions, and human behavior in a civil society. In this context the study of civics is understood to include the form and function of government. Civic literacy encompasses civics but also addresses the individual’s social and political participation.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the rights and responsibilities of each citizen and demonstrate the value of lifelong civic action.

    • Understand rights, roles, and status of the individual in relation to the general welfare.
    • Understand that constitutional democracy requires the participation of an attentive, knowledgeable, and competent citizenry.
    • Understand personal, political, and economic rights are secured by constitutional government, the rule of law, checks and balances, an independent judiciary, and a vigilant citizenry.
    • Understand ways citizens participate in the political process at local, state, and national levels.
    • Understand the importance of becoming knowledgeable about public affairs.
    • Understand the importance of voluntarism as a characteristic of American society.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand how the government established by the Constitution embodies the enduring values and principles of democracy and republicanism.

    • Understand the central ideas of American constitutional government and how this form of government has shaped the character of American society.
    • Understand the role of government in major areas of domestic and foreign policy.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the purpose and function of each of the three branches of government established by the Constitution.

    • Understand the purpose of government and how its powers are acquired, used and justified.
    • Understand the necessity of politics and government.
    • Understand the purposes, organization, and functions of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches and the independent regulatory agencies.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the differences among the complex levels of local, state and national government and their inherent, expressed, and implied powers.

    • Understand the design and features of the Constitution prevent the abuse of power by aggregating power at the national, state, and local levels and using a system of checks and balances.
    • Understand provisions of the Constitution and principles of the constitutional system help to insure a government that will not exceed its limits.
    • Understand the limits the United States Constitution places on the powers of the states and on the powers of the national government over state governments.
    • Understand the policies of state and local governments provide citizens with ways to monitor and influence the actions of members of government and hold them responsible for their actions.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand strategies for effective political action that impact local, state, and national governance.

    • Understand participation in civic and political life can help citizens attain individual and public goals.
    • Understand the role of diversity in American life and the importance of shared values, political beliefs, and civic beliefs in an increasingly diverse American society.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand how law and public policy are established at the local, state, and national levels of government.

    • Understand the purposes and functions of law.
    • Understand the processes by which public policy concerning a local, state, or national issue is formed and carried out.
    • Understand issues concerning the relationship between state and local governments and the national government.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand how various political systems throughout the world define the rights and responsibilities of the individual.

    • Understand ideologies, structures, institutions, processes and political cultures of different political systems in the world.
    • Understand the essential characteristics of limited and unlimited governments.

Essential Concept and/or Skill:

Understand the role of the United States in current world affairs.

    • Understand conditions, actions and motivations that contribute to conflict and cooperation within and among nations.
    • Understand the significance of foreign policies and events in the United States' relations with the world.
    • Understand the idea of national interest and how it is used as a criterion for shaping American foreign policy.
    • Understand the effects that significant world political developments have on the United States.
    • Understands the influence that American ideas about rights have had abroad and how other peoples’ ideas about rights have influenced Americans.

Wyoming's Ninth Grade Standards

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  • WY.1. Content Standard: Citizenship/Government/Democracy

    Students demonstrate how structures of power, authority, and governance have developed historically and continue to evolve.

    • 1.1. Benchmark:

      Students describe unique freedoms, rights, and responsibilities of living in a democratic society and explain their interrelationships.

    • 1.2. Benchmark:

      Students explain and/or demonstrate how to participate in the political processes and express personal beliefs and convictions.

    • 1.3. Benchmark:

      Students explain the historical development of the U.S. Constitution and how it has shaped the U.S. and Wyoming governmental systems.

    • 1.4. Benchmark:

      Students demonstrate an understanding of the major distinguishing characteristics of the United States and Wyoming Constitutions.

    • 1.5. Benchmark:

      Students demonstrate an understanding of the U.S. civil and criminal legal systems and distinguish differences between those systems.

  • WY.2. Content Standard: Culture/Cultural Diversity

    Students demonstrate an understanding of different cultures and how these cultures have contributed and continue to contribute to the world in which they live.

    • 2.1. Benchmark:

      Students explain how various cultural influences impact society.

    • 2.2. Benchmark:

      Students communicate how shared cultural experiences influence peoples' perceptions of prominent historical figures, groups, institutions, and world events.

  • WY.3. Content Standard: Production, Distribution, and Consumption

    Students demonstrate an understanding of economic principles and concepts and describe the influence of economic factors on individuals and societies.

    • 3.1. Benchmark:

      Students explain how different economic systems are organized for production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.

    • 3.2. Benchmark:

      Students formulate solutions to economic problems.

    • 3.3. Benchmark:

      Students describe the impacts of global economic interdependence.

    • 3.4. Benchmark:

      Students demonstrate an understanding of economic principles that influence individual financial planning.

  • WY.4. Content Standard: Time, Continuity and Change

    Students demonstrate an understanding of the people, events, problems, ideas, and cultures that were significant in the history of our community, state, nation and world.

    • 4.1. Benchmark:

      Students analyze the interactions among individuals and groups and their impact on significant historical events.

    • 4.2. Benchmark:

      Students analyze current events to better understand the world in which they live.

    • 4.3. Benchmark:

      Students evaluate the impact of technology and how it has shaped history and influenced the modern world.

    • 4.4. Benchmark:

      Students explain how past events impact the present and the future.

  • WY.5. Content Standard: People, Places, and Environments

    Students demonstrate an understanding of interrelationships among people, places, and environments.

    • 5.1. Benchmark:

      Students interpret charts, maps, and graphs to answer questions dealing with people, places, events, or environments.

    • 5.2. Benchmark:

      Students analyze how physical characteristics of the earth and human interactions with the environment have affected the development of societies, cultures, and individuals.

    • 5.3. Benchmark:

      Students demonstrate an ability to organize and process information about people, places, and environments.

Wisconsin's Ninth Grade Standards

Article Body
  • WI.A. Content Standard: Geography

    People, Places and Environments: Students in Wisconsin will learn about geography through the study of the relationships among people, places, and environments.

    • A.12.1. Performance Standard:

      Use various types of atlases and appropriate vocabulary to describe the physical attributes of a place or region, employing such concepts as climate, plate tectonics, volcanism, and landforms, and to describe the human attributes, employing such concepts as demographics, birth and death rates, doubling time, emigration, and immigration.

    • A.12.2. Performance Standard:

      Analyze information generated from a computer about a place, including statistical sources, aerial and satellite images, and three-dimensional models.

    • A.12.3. Performance Standard:

      Construct mental maps of the world and the world's regions and draw maps from memory showing major physical and human features.

    • A.12.4. Performance Standard:

      Analyze the short-term and long-term effects that major changes in population in various parts of the world have had or might have on the environment.

    • A.12.5. Performance Standard:

      Use a variety of geographic information and resources to analyze and illustrate the ways in which the unequal global distribution of natural resources influences trade and shapes economic patterns.

    • A.12.6. Performance Standard:

      Collect and analyze geographic information to examine the effects that a geographic or environmental change in one part of the world, such as volcanic activity, river diversion, ozone depletion, air pollution, deforestation, or desertification, may have on other parts of the world.

    • A.12.7. Performance Standard:

      Collect relevant data to analyze the distribution of products among global markets and the movement of people among regions of the world.

    • A.12.8. Performance Standard:

      Identify the world's major ecosystems and analyze how different economic, social, political, religious, and cultural systems have adapted to them.

    • A.12.9. Performance Standard:

      Identify and analyze cultural factors, such as human needs, values, ideals, and public policies, that influence the design of places, such as an urban center, an industrial park, a public project, or a planned neighborhood.

    • A.12.10. Performance Standard:

      Analyze the effect of cultural ethics and values in various parts of the world on scientific and technological development.

    • A.12.11. Performance Standard:

      Describe scientific and technological development in various regions of the world and analyze the ways in which development affects environment and culture.

    • A.12.12. Performance Standard:

      Assess the advantages and disadvantages of selected land use policies in the local community, Wisconsin, the United States, and the world.

    • A.12.13. Performance Standard:

      Give examples and analyze conflict and cooperation in the establishment of cultural regions and political boundaries.

  • WI.B. Content Standard: History

    Time, Continuity, and Change: Students in Wisconsin will learn about the history of Wisconsin, the United States, and the world, examining change and continuity over time in order to develop historical perspective, explain historical relationships, and analyze issues that affect the present and the future.

    • B.12.1. Performance Standard:

      Explain different points of view on the same historical event, using data gathered from various sources, such as letters, journals, diaries, newspapers, government documents, and speeches.

    • B.12.2. Performance Standard:

      Analyze primary and secondary sources related to a historical question to evaluate their relevance, make comparisons, integrate new information with prior knowledge, and come to a reasoned conclusion.

    • B.12.3. Performance Standard:

      Recall, select, and analyze significant historical periods and the relationships among them.

    • B.12.4. Performance Standard:

      Assess the validity of different interpretations of significant historical events.

    • B.12.5. Performance Standard:

      Gather various types of historical evidence, including visual and quantitative data, to analyze issues of freedom and equality, liberty and order, region and nation, individual and community, law and conscience, diversity and civic duty; form a reasoned conclusion in the light of other possible conclusions; and develop a coherent argument in the light of other possible arguments.

    • B.12.6. Performance Standard:

      Select and analyze various documents that have influenced the legal, political, and constitutional heritage of the United States.

    • B.12.7. Performance Standard:

      Identify major works of art and literature produced in the United States and elsewhere in the world and explain how they reflect the era in which they were created.

    • B.12.8. Performance Standard:

      Recall, select, and explain the significance of important people, their work, and their ideas in the areas of political and intellectual leadership, inventions, discoveries, and the arts, within each major era of Wisconsin, United States, and world history.

    • B.12.9. Performance Standard:

      Select significant changes caused by technology, industrialization, urbanization, and population growth, and analyze the effects of these changes in the United States and the world.

    • B.12.10. Performance Standard:

      Select instances of scientific, intellectual, and religious change in various regions of the world at different times in history and discuss the impact those changes had on beliefs and values.

    • B.12.11. Performance Standard:

      Compare examples and analyze why governments of various countries have sometimes sought peaceful resolution to conflicts and sometimes gone to war.

    • B.12.12. Performance Standard:

      Analyze the history, culture, tribal sovereignty, and current status of the American Indian tribes and bands in Wisconsin.

    • B.12.13. Performance Standard:

      Analyze examples of ongoing change within and across cultures, such as the development of ancient civilizations; the rise of nation-states; and social, economic, and political revolutions.

    • B.12.14. Performance Standard:

      Explain the origins, central ideas, and global influence of religions, such as Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, and Christianity.

    • B.12.15. Performance Standard:

      Identify a historical or contemporary event in which a person was forced to take an ethical position, such as a decision to go to war, the impeachment of a president, or a presidential pardon, and explain the issues involved.

    • B.12.16. Performance Standard:

      Describe the purpose and effects of treaties, alliances, and international organizations that characterize today's interconnected world.

    • B.12.17. Performance Standard:

      Identify historical and current instances when national interests and global interests have seemed to be opposed and analyze the issues involved.

    • B.12.18. Performance Standard:

      Explain the history of slavery, racial and ethnic discrimination, and efforts to eliminate discrimination in the United States and elsewhere in the world.

  • WI.C. Content Standard: Political Science and Citizenship

    Power, Authority, Governance, and Responsibility: Students in Wisconsin will learn about political science and acquire the knowledge of political systems necessary for developing individual civic responsibility by studying the history and contemporary uses of power, authority, and governance.

    • C.12.1. Performance Standard:

      Identify the sources, evaluate the justification, and analyze the implications of certain rights and responsibilities of citizens.

    • C.12.2. Performance Standard:

      Describe how different political systems define and protect individual human rights.

    • C.12.3. Performance Standard:

      Trace how legal interpretations of liberty, equality, justice, and power, as identified in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and other Constitutional Amendments, have changed and evolved over time.

    • C.12.4. Performance Standard:

      Explain the multiple purposes of democratic government, analyze historical and contemporary examples of the tensions between those purposes, and illustrate how governmental powers can be acquired, used, abused, or legitimized.

    • C.12.5. Performance Standard:

      Analyze different theories of how governmental powers might be used to help promote or hinder liberty, equality, and justice, and develop a reasoned conclusion.

    • C.12.6. Performance Standard:

      Identify and analyze significant political benefits, problems, and solutions to problems related to federalism and the separation of powers.

    • C.12.7. Performance Standard:

      Describe how past and present American political parties and interest groups have gained or lost influence on political decision-making and voting behavior.

    • C.12.8. Performance Standard:

      Locate, organize, analyze, and use information from various sources to understand an issue of public concern, take a position, and communicate the position.

    • C.12.9. Performance Standard:

      Identify and evaluate the means through which advocates influence public policy, and identify ways people may participate effectively in community affairs and the political process.

    • C.12.10. Performance Standard:

      Evaluate the ways in which public opinion can be used to influence and shape public policy.

    • C.12.11. Performance Standard:

      Explain the United States' relationship to other nations and its role in international organizations, such as the United Nations, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and North American Free Trade Agreement.

    • C.12.12. Performance Standard:

      Describe and evaluate ideas of how society should be organized and political power should be exercised, including the ideas of monarchism, anarchism, socialism, fascism, and communism; compare these ideas to those of representative democracy; and assess how such ideas have worked in practice.

    • C.12.13. Performance Standard:

      Explain and analyze how different political and social movements have sought to mobilize public opinion and obtain governmental support in order to achieve their goals.

    • C.12.14. Performance Standard:

      Describe and analyze the origins and consequences of slavery, genocide, and other forms of persecution, including the Holocaust.

    • C.12.15. Performance Standard:

      Describe the evolution of movements to assert rights by people with disabilities, ethnic and racial groups, minorities, and women.

  • WI.D. Content Standard: Economics

    Production, Distribution, Exchange, Consumption: Students in Wisconsin will learn about production, distribution, exchange, and consumption so that they can make informed economic decisions.

    • D.12.1. Performance Standard:

      Explain how decisions about spending and production made by households, businesses, and governments determine the nation's levels of income, employment, and prices.

    • D.12.2. Performance Standard:

      Use basic economic concepts (such as supply and demand; production, distribution, and consumption; labor, wages, and capital; inflation and deflation; market economy and command economy) to compare and contrast local, regional, and national economies across time and at the present time.

    • D.12.3. Performance Standard:

      Analyze and evaluate the role of Wisconsin and the United States in the world economy.

    • D.12.4. Performance Standard:

      Explain and evaluate the effects of new technology, global economic interdependence, and competition on the development of national policies and on the lives of individuals and families in the United States and the world.

    • D.12.5. Performance Standard:

      Explain how federal budgetary policy and the Federal Reserve System's monetary policies influence overall levels of employment, interest rates, production, and prices.

    • D.12.6. Performance Standard:

      Use economic concepts to analyze historical and contemporary questions about economic development in the United States and the world.

    • D.12.7. Performance Standard:

      Compare, contrast, and evaluate different types of economies (traditional, command, market, and mixed) and analyze how they have been affected in the past by specific social and political systems and important historical events.

    • D.12.8. Performance Standard:

      Explain the basic characteristics of international trade, including absolute and comparative advantage, barriers to trade, exchange rates, and balance of trade.

    • D.12.9. Performance Standard:

      Explain the operations of common financial instruments (such as stocks and bonds) and financial institutions (such as credit companies, banks, and insurance companies).

    • D.12.10. Performance Standard:

      Analyze the ways in which supply and demand, competition, prices, incentives, and profits influence what is produced and distributed in a competitive market system.

    • D.12.11. Performance Standard:

      Explain how interest rates are determined by market forces that influence the amount of borrowing and saving done by investors, consumers, and government officials.

    • D.12.12. Performance Standard:

      Compare and contrast how values and beliefs, such as economic freedom, economic efficiency, equity, full employment, price stability, security, and growth, influence decisions in different economic systems.

    • D.12.13. Performance Standard:

      Describe and explain global economic interdependence and competition, using examples to illustrate their influence on national and international policies.

    • D.12.14. Performance Standard:

      Analyze the economic roles of institutions, such as corporations and businesses, banks, labor unions, and the Federal Reserve System.

  • WI.E. Content Standard: The Behavioral Sciences

    Individuals, Institutions, and Society: Students in Wisconsin will learn about the behavioral sciences by exploring concepts from the discipline of sociology, the study of the interactions among individuals, groups, and institutions; the discipline of psychology, the study of factors that influence individual identity and learning; and the discipline of anthropology, the study of cultures in various times and settings.

    • E.12.1. Performance Standard:

      Summarize research that helps explain how the brain's structure and function influence learning and behavior.

    • E.12.2. Performance Standard:

      Explain how such factors as physical endowment and capabilities, family, gender, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, attitudes, beliefs, work, and motivation contribute to individual identity and development.

    • E.12.3. Performance Standard:

      Compare and describe similarities and differences in the ways various cultures define individual rights and responsibilities, including the use of rules, folkways, mores, and taboos.

    • E.12.4. Performance Standard:

      Analyze the role of economic, political, educational, familial, and religious institutions as agents of both continuity and change, citing current and past examples.

    • E.12.5. Performance Standard:

      Describe the ways cultural and social groups are defined and how they have changed over time.

    • E.12.6. Performance Standard:

      Analyze the means by which and extent to which groups and institutions can influence people, events, and cultures in both historical and contemporary settings.

    • E.12.7. Performance Standard:

      Use scientific methods to assess the influence of media on people's behavior and decisions.

    • E.12.8. Performance Standard:

      Analyze issues of cultural assimilation and cultural preservation among ethnic and racial groups in Wisconsin, the United States, and the world.

    • E.12.9. Performance Standard:

      Defend a point of view related to an ethical issue such as genetic engineering, declaring conscientious objector status, or restricting immigration.

    • E.12.10. Performance Standard:

      Describe a particular culture as an integrated whole and use that understanding to explain its language, literature, arts, traditions, beliefs, values, and behaviors.

    • E.12.11. Performance Standard:

      Illustrate and evaluate ways in which cultures resolve conflicting beliefs and practices.

    • E.12.12. Performance Standard:

      Explain current and past efforts of groups and institutions to eliminate prejudice and discrimination against racial, ethnic, religious, and social groups such as women, children, the elderly, and individuals who are disabled.

    • E.12.13. Performance Standard:

      Compare the ways in which a universal theme is expressed artistically in three different world cultures.

    • E.12.14. Performance Standard:

      Use the research procedures and skills of the behavioral sciences (such as gathering, organizing, and interpreting data from several sources) to develop an informed position on an issue.

    • E.12.15. Performance Standard:

      Identify the skills needed to work effectively alone, in groups, and in institutions.

    • E.12.16. Performance Standard:

      Identify and analyze factors that influence a person's mental health.

    • E.12.17. Performance Standard:

      Examine and describe various belief systems that exist in the world, such as democracy, socialism, and capitalism.

Washington's Ninth Grade Standards

Article Body
  • WA.1. Ealr / Domain: CIVICS

    The student understands and applies knowledge of government, law, politics, and the nation's fundamental documents to make decisions about local, national, and international issues and to demonstrate thoughtful, participatory citizenship.

    • 1.2. Component / Goal:

      Understands the purposes, organization, and function of governments, laws, and political systems.

      • 1.2.3. Benchmark / Gle: FORMS OF GOVERNMENT

        Evaluates the impact of various forms of government on people in the past or present.

    • 1.3. Component / Goal:

      Understands the purposes and organization of international relationships and United States foreign policy.

      • 1.3.1. Benchmark / Gle: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS

        Analyzes the relationships and tensions between national interests and international issues in the world in the past or present.

  • WA.2. Ealr / Domain: ECONOMICS

    The student applies understanding of economic concepts and systems to analyze decision-making and the interactions between individuals, households, businesses, governments, and societies.

    • 2.1. Component / Goal:

      Understands that people have to make choices between wants and needs and evaluate the outcomes of those choices.

      • 2.1.1. Benchmark / Gle: ECONOMIC CHOICES

        Analyzes how the costs and benefits of economic choices have shaped events in the world in the past or present.

    • 2.2. Component / Goal:

      Understands how economic systems function.

      • 2.2.1. Benchmark / Gle: ECONOMIC SYSTEMS

        Understands and analyzes how planned and market economies have shaped the production, distribution, and consumption of goods, services, and resources around the world in the past or present.

      • 2.2.2. Benchmark / Gle: TRADE

        Analyzes how and why countries have specialized in the production of particular goods and services in the past or present.

    • 2.3. Component / Goal:

      Understands the government's role in the economy.

      • 2.3.1. Benchmark / Gle: GOVERNMENT AND THE ECONOMY

        Analyzes the costs and benefits of government trade policies from around the world in the past or present.

    • 2.4. Component / Goal:

      Understands the economic issues and problems that all societies face.

      • 2.4.1. Benchmark / Gle: ECONOMIC ISSUES

        Analyzes and evaluates how people across the world have addressed issues involved with the distribution of resources and sustainability in the past or present.

  • WA.3. Ealr / Domain: GEOGRAPHY

    The student uses a spatial perspective to make reasoned decisions by applying the concepts of location, region, and movement and demonstrating knowledge of how geographic features and human cultures impact environments.

    • 3.1. Component / Goal:

      Understands the physical characteristics, cultural characteristics, and location of places, regions, and spatial patterns on the Earth's surface.


        Identifies major world regions and understands their cultural roots.

    • 3.2. Component / Goal:

      Understands human interaction with the environment.

      • 3.2.1. Benchmark / Gle: HUMAN-ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTION

        Analyzes and evaluates human interaction with the environment across the world in the past or present.

      • 3.2.2. Benchmark / Gle: CULTURE

        Understands and analyzes examples of ethnocentrism.

      • 3.2.3. Benchmark / Gle: HUMAN MIGRATION

        Understands the causes and effects of voluntary and involuntary migration in the world in the past or present.

    • 3.3. Component / Goal:

      Understands the geographic context of global issues and events.

      • 3.3.1. Benchmark / Gle: GEOGRAPHIC CONTEXT OF GLOBAL ISSUES

        Understands how the geography of expansion and encounter has shaped global politics and economics in the past or present.

  • WA.4. Ealr / Domain: HISTORY

    The student understands and applies knowledge of historical thinking, chronology, eras, turning points, major ideas, individuals, and themes in local, Washington State, tribal, United States, and world history in order to evaluate how history shapes the present and future.

    • 4.1. Component / Goal:

      Understands historical chronology.

      • 4.1.1. Benchmark / Gle: CHRONOLOGY

        Analyzes change and continuity within a historical time period.

      • 4.1.2. Benchmark / Gle: CHRONOLOGICAL ERAS

        Understands how the following themes and developments help to define eras in world history:

        • 4.1.2.a. Grade Level Expectation:

          Global expansion and encounter (1450 - 1750).

        • 4.1.2.b. Grade Level Expectation:

          Age of revolutions (1750 - 1917).

        • 4.1.2.c. Grade Level Expectation:

          International conflicts (1870 - present).

        • 4.1.2.d. Grade Level Expectation:

          Emergence and development of new nations (1900 - present).

        • 4.1.2.e. Grade Level Expectation:

          Challenges to democracy and human rights (1945 - present).

    • 4.2. Component / Goal:

      Understands and analyzes causal factors that have shaped major events in history.

      • 4.2.1. Benchmark / Gle: INDIVIDUALS AND MOVEMENTS

        Analyzes how individuals and movements have shaped world history (1450 - present).

      • 4.2.2. Benchmark / Gle: CULTURES AND CULTURAL GROUPS

        Analyzes how cultures and cultural groups have shaped world history (1450-present).

      • 4.2.3. Benchmark / Gle: IDEAS AND TECHNOLOGY

        Analyzes and evaluates how technology and ideas have shaped world history (1450 - present).

    • 4.3. Component / Goal:

      Understands that there are multiple perspectives and interpretations of historical events.

      • 4.3.1. Benchmark / Gle: HISTORICAL INTERPRETATION

        Analyzes and interprets historical materials from a variety of perspectives in world history (1450 - present).

      • 4.3.2. Benchmark / Gle: MULTIPLE CAUSATION

        Analyzes the multiple causal factors of conflicts in world history (1450 - present).

    • 4.4. Component / Goal:

      Uses history to understand the present and plan for the future.

      • 4.4.1. Benchmark / Gle: HISTORICAL ANTECENDENTS

        Analyzes how an understanding of world history can help us prevent problems today.

  • WA.5. Ealr / Domain: SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS

    The student understands and applies reasoning skills to conduct research, deliberate, form, and evaluate positions through the processes of reading, writing, and communicating.

    • 5.1. Component / Goal:

      Uses critical reasoning skills to analyze and evaluate positions.

      • 5.1.1. Benchmark / Gle: UNDERSTANDS REASONING

        Analyzes consequences of positions on an issue or event.

      • 5.1.2. Benchmark / Gle: EVALUATES REASONING

        Evaluates the precision of a position on an issue or event.

    • 5.2. Component / Goal:

      Uses inquiry-based research.

      • 5.2.1. Benchmark / Gle: FORMS QUESTIONS

        Creates and uses research questions that are tied to an essential question to focus inquiry on an idea, issue, or event.

      • 5.2.2. Benchmark / Gle: ANALYZES SOURCES

        Evaluates the validity, reliability, and credibility of sources when researching an issue or event.

    • 5.3. Component / Goal:

      Deliberates public issues.

      • 5.3.1. Benchmark / Gle: DELIBERATION

        Evaluates one's own viewpoint and the viewpoints of others in the context of a discussion.

    • 5.4. Component / Goal:

      Creates a product that uses social studies content to support a thesis and presents the product in an appropriate manner to a meaningful audience.

      • 5.4.1. Benchmark / Gle: CREATES POSITION AND PRODUCT

        Evaluates multiple reasons or factors to develop a position paper or presentation.

      • 5.4.2. Benchmark / Gle: CITING SOURCES

        Creates strategies to avoid plagiarism and respects intellectual property when developing a paper or presentation.

Virginia's Ninth Grade Standards

Article Body
  • Strand / Topic: World History and Geography

    1500 A.D. to the Present

    • WHII.1 Standard / Strand:

      The student will improve skills in historical research and geographical analysis by

      • WHII.1a) Indicator / Standard:

        Identifying, analyzing, and interpreting primary and secondary sources to make generalizations about events and life in world history since 1500 A.D.;

      • WHII.1b) Indicator / Standard:

        Using maps, globes, artifacts, and pictures to analyze the physical and cultural landscapes of the world and to interpret the past since 1500 A.D.;

      • WHII.1c) Indicator / Standard:

        Identifying geographic features important to the study of world history since 1500 A.D.;

      • WHII.1d) Indicator / Standard:

        Identifying and comparing political boundaries with the location of civilizations, empires, and kingdoms from 1500 A.D. to the present;

      • WHII.1e) Indicator / Standard:

        Analyzing trends in human migration and cultural interaction from 1500 A.D. to the present.

    • WHII.2 Standard / Strand:

      The student will demonstrate an understanding of the political, cultural, and economic conditions in the world about 1500 A.D. by

      • WHII.2a) Indicator / Standard:

        Locating major states and empires;

      • WHII.2b) Indicator / Standard:

        Describing artistic, literary, and intellectual ideas of the Renaissance;

      • WHII.2c) Indicator / Standard:

        Describing the distribution of major religions;

      • WHII.2d) Indicator / Standard:

        Analyzing major trade patterns;

      • WHII.2e) Indicator / Standard:

        Citing major technological and scientific exchanges in the Eastern Hemisphere.

    • Standard / Strand: Era V

      Emergence of a Global Age, 1500 to 1650 A.D.

      • WHII.3 Indicator / Standard: Emergence of a Global Age, 1500 to 1650 A.D.

        e student will demonstrate knowledge of the Reformation in terms of its impact on Western Civilization by

        • WHII.3a) Indicator:

          Explaining the effects of the theological, political, and economic differences that emerged, including the views and actions of Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Henry VIII;

        • WHII.3b) Indicator:

          Describing the impact of religious conflicts, including the Inquisition, on society and government actions;

        • WHII.3c) Indicator:

          Describing changing cultural values, traditions, and philosophies, and assessing the role of the printing press.

      • WHII.4 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of the impact of the European Age of Discovery and expansion into the Americas, Africa, and Asia by

        • WHII.4a) Indicator:

          Explaining the roles of explorers and conquistadors;

        • WHII.4b) Indicator:

          Describing the influence of religion;

        • WHII.4c) Indicator:

          Explaining migration, settlement patterns, cultural diffusion, and social classes in the colonized areas;

        • WHII.4d) Indicator:

          Defining the Columbian Exchange;

        • WHII.4e) Indicator:

          Explaining the triangular trade;

        • WHII.4f) Indicator:

          Describing the impact of precious metal exports from the Americas.

      • WHII.5 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of the status and impact of global trade on regional civilizations of the world after 1500 A.D. by

        • WHII.5a) Indicator:

          Describing the location and development of the Ottoman Empire;

        • WHII.5b) Indicator:

          Describing India, including the Mughal Empire and coastal trade;

        • WHII.5c) Indicator:

          Describing East Asia, including China and the Japanese shogunate;

        • WHII.5d) Indicator:

          Describing Africa and its increasing involvement in global trade;

        • WHII.5e) Indicator:

          Describing the growth of European nations, including the Commercial Revolution and mercantilism.

      • WHII.6 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of scientific, political, economic, and religious changes during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries by

        • WHII.6a) Indicator:

          Describing the Scientific Revolution and its effects;

        • WHII.6b) Indicator:

          Describing the Age of Absolutism, including the monarchies of Louis XIV, Frederick the Great, and Peter the Great;

        • WHII.6c) Indicator:

          Assessing the impacts of the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution on democracy;

        • WHII.6d) Indicator:

          Explaining the political, religious, and social ideas of the Enlightenment and the ways in which they influenced the founders of the United States;

        • WHII.6e) Indicator:

          Describing the French Revolution;

        • WHII.6f) Indicator:

          Identifying the impact of the American and French Revolutions on Latin America;

        • WHII.6g) Indicator:

          Describing the expansion of the arts, philosophy, literature, and new technology.

      • WHII.7 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of political and philosophical developments in Europe during the nineteenth century by

        • WHII.7a) Indicator:

          Assessing the impact of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna, including changes in political boundaries in Europe after 1815;

        • WHII.7b) Indicator:

          Describing the influence of revolutions on the expansion of political rights in Europe;

        • WHII.7c) Indicator:

          Explaining events related to the unification of Italy and the role of Italian nationalists;

        • WHII.7d) Indicator:

          Explaining events related to the unification of Germany and the role of Bismarck.

      • WHII.8 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of the effects of the Industrial Revolution during the nineteenth century by

        • WHII.8a) Indicator:

          Citing scientific, technological, and industrial developments and explaining how they brought about urbanization and social and environmental changes;

        • WHII.8b) Indicator:

          Explaining the emergence of capitalism as a dominant economic pattern, and subsequent development of socialism and communism;

        • WHII.8c) Indicator:

          Describing the evolution of the nature of work and the labor force, including its effects on families, the status of women and children, the slave trade, and the labor union movement;

        • WHII.8d) Indicator:

          Explaining the rise of industrial economies and their link to imperialism and nationalism;

        • WHII.8e) Indicator:

          Assessing the impact of European economic and military power on Asia and Africa, with emphasis on the competition for resources and the responses of colonized peoples.

      • WHII.9 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of the worldwide impact of World War I by

        • WHII.9a) Indicator:

          Explaining economic and political causes, major events, and identifying major leaders of the war, with emphasis on Woodrow Wilson and Kaiser Wilhelm II;

        • WHII.9b) Indicator:

          Explaining the outcomes and global effect of the war and the Treaty of Versailles;

        • WHII.9c) Indicator:

          Citing causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution.

      • WHII.10 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of political, economic, social, and cultural developments during the Interwar Period by

        • WHII.10a) Indicator:

          Describing the League of Nations and the mandate system;

        • WHII.10b) Indicator:

          Citing causes and assessing the impact of worldwide depression in the 1930s;

        • WHII.10c) Indicator:

          Examining events related to the rise, aggression, and human costs of dictatorial regimes in the Soviet Union, Germany, Italy, and Japan, and identifying their major leaders, i.e., Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Hirohito, and Hideki Tojo.

      • WHII.11 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of the worldwide impact of World War II by

        • WHII.11a) Indicator:

          Explaining economic and political causes, major events, and identifying leaders of the war, with emphasis on Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Douglas MacArthur, George Marshall, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Hid

        • WHII.11b) Indicator:

          Examining the Holocaust and other examples of genocide in the twentieth century;

        • WHII.11c) Indicator:

          Explaining the terms of the peace, the war crimes trials, the division of Europe, plans to rebuild Germany and Japan, and the creation of international cooperative organizations.

      • WHII.12 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of major events and outcomes of the Cold War by

        • WHII.12a) Indicator:

          Explaining key events of the Cold War, including the competition between the American and Soviet economic and political systems and the causes of the collapse of communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe;

        • WHII.12b) Indicator:

          Assessing the impact of nuclear weaponry on patterns of conflict and cooperation since 1945;

        • WHII.12c) Indicator:

          Describing conflicts and revolutionary movements in eastern Asia, including those in China and Vietnam, and their major leaders, i.e., Mao Tse-tung (Zedong), Chiang Kai-shek, and Ho Chi Minh.

      • WHII.13 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of political, economic, social, and cultural aspects of independence movements and development efforts by

        • WHII.13a) Indicator:

          Describing the struggles for self-rule, including Gandhi's leadership in India;

        • WHII.13b) Indicator:

          Describing Africa's achievement of independence, including Kenyatta's leadership of Kenya;

        • WHII.13c) Indicator:

          Describing the end of the mandate system and the creation of states in the Middle East.

      • WHII.14 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of the influence of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism in the contemporary world by

        • WHII.14a) Indicator:

          Describing their beliefs, sacred writings, traditions, and customs;

        • WHII.14b) Indicator:

          Locating the geographic distribution of religions in the contemporary world.

      • WHII.15 Indicator / Standard:

        The student will demonstrate knowledge of cultural, economic, and social conditions in developed and developing nations of the contemporary world by

        • WHII.15a) Indicator:

          Identifying contemporary political issues, with emphasis on migrations of refugees and others, ethnic/religious conflicts, and the impact of technology, including chemical and biological technologies;

        • WHII.15b) Indicator:

          Assessing the impact of economic development and global population growth on the environment and society, including an understanding of the links between economic and political freedom;

        • WHII.15c) Indicator:

          Describing economic interdependence, including the rise of multinational corporations, international organizations, and trade agreements.

Tennessee's Ninth Grade Standards

Article Body
  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 1: The Beginnings of Human Society: Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the relationship between physical environments and culture.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how language, art, music, belief systems, traditions, science, technology, values and behaviors contribute to the development and transmission of culture.

    • 1.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role that diverse cultures and historical experiences had on the development of the world.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 1: The Beginnings of Human Society: Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand economic connections, conflicts, and interdependence.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the changes that occur in the nature, use, distribution, and importance of resources.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the importance of technologies on economic development.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 1: The Beginnings of Human Society: Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of physical geographic features on world historic events.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand human geographic interactions and their impact on world historic events.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 1: The Beginnings of Human Society: Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will explain the development of a people's need to belong and organize into a system of governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify how cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control resources, rights, and privileges.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 1: The Beginnings of Human Society: History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the processes that gave rise to the earliest human civilizations.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the chronological flow of historical eras and events in Ancient History.

    • 5.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how historical information is collected, recorded, interpreted, transmitted, and disseminated across various historical eras.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 1: The Beginnings of Human Society: Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the extent to which individuals, groups and institutions interact to produce continuity and change throughout world history.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 2: Early Civilizations and the Emergence of Pastoral Peoples (4000-1000 BCE): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the relationship between physical environments and culture.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how language, art, music, belief systems, traditions, science, technology, values and behaviors contribute to the development and transmission of culture.

    • 1.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role that diverse cultures and historical experiences had on the development of the world.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 2: Early Civilizations and the Emergence of Pastoral Peoples (4000-1000 BCE): Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand economic connections, conflicts, and interdependence.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the changes that occur in the nature, use, distribution, and importance of resources.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the importance of technologies on economic development.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 2: Early Civilizations and the Emergence of Pastoral Peoples (4000-1000 BCE): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of physical geographic features on world historic events.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand human geographic interactions and their impact on world historic events.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 2: Early Civilizations and the Emergence of Pastoral Peoples (4000-1000 BCE): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will explain the development of a people's need to belong and organize into a system of governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify how cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control resources, rights, and privileges.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 2: Early Civilizations and the Emergence of Pastoral Peoples (4000-1000 BCE): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the chronological flow of historical eras and events in Ancient History.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how historical information is collected, recorded, interpreted, transmitted, and disseminated across various historical eras.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 2: Early Civilizations and the Emergence of Pastoral Peoples (4000-1000 BCE): 6.0 Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the extent to which individuals, groups and institutions interact to produce continuity and change throughout world history.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 3: Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empires (1000 BCE-300 AD): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the relationship between physical environments and culture.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize how cultural and individual's perceptions affect places and regions.

    • 1.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how language, art, music, belief systems, traditions, science, technology, values and behaviors contribute to the development and transmission of culture.

    • 1.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role that diverse cultures and historical experiences had on the development of the world.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 3: Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empires (1000 BCE-300 AD): Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand economic connections, conflicts, and interdependence.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the changes that occur in the nature, use, distribution, and importance of resources.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the importance of technologies on economic development.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 3: Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empires (1000 BCE-300 AD): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of physical geographic features on world historic events.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand human geographic interactions and their impact on world historic events.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 3: Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empires (1000 BCE-300 AD): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will explain the development of a people's need to belong and organize into a system of governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify how cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control resources, rights, and privileges.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 3: Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empires (1000 BCE-300 AD): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the chronological flow of historical eras and events in Ancient History.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how historical information is collected, recorded, interpreted, transmitted, and disseminated across various historical eras.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 3: Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empires (1000 BCE-300 AD): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the extent to which individuals, groups and institutions interact to produce continuity and change throughout world history.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 4: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter (300AD-1000 AD): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize how cultural and individual's perceptions affect places and regions.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how language, art, music, belief systems, traditions, science, technology, values and behaviors contribute to the development and transmission of culture.

    • 1.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role that diverse cultures and historical experiences had on the development of the world.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 4: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter (300AD-1000 AD): Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the changes that occur in the nature, use, distribution, and importance of resources.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the importance of technologies on economic development.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 4: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter (300AD-1000 AD): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of physical geographic features on world historic events.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand human geographic interactions and their impact on world historic events.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 4: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter (300AD-1000 AD): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will explain the development of a people's need to belong and organize into a system of governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify how cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control resources, rights, and privileges.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 4: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter (300AD-1000 AD): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the chronological flow of historical eras and events in Ancient History.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how historical information is collected, recorded, interpreted, transmitted, and disseminated across various historical eras.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Ancient History

    Era 4: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter (300AD-1000 AD): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the extent to which individuals, groups and institutions interact to produce continuity and change throughout world history.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Contemporary Issues

    Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand patterns of discrimination.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify trends and controversies regarding modern medicine and human genetics.

    • 1.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand ethical debates on internet usage.

    • 1.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand various issues concerning modern print and visual media.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Contemporary Issues

    Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes, and international competition compel students to understand, both personally, and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy making versus decision making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of the stock and the ethics of corporate handling of public investments.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify popular perception of government revenues and expenditures.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize popular attitudes and governmental regulations concerning gambling and lotteries.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Contemporary Issues

    Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the current debates on environmental usage and protection issues.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify changing global and universal frontiers.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Contemporary Issues

    Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify types of legal statutes and penal code, and issues relative to their enforcement.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the elasticity and restrictions of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and the potential for civil disobedience and protest in society.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Contemporary Issues

    History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decision in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the impact of traumatic effects of destructive events on human society.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify controversies created by differing interpretations of the Second Amendment.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Contemporary Issues

    Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify various contemporary religious perspectives on social issues.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of abortion and its controversies on modern society.

    • 6.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize current epidemic diseases and trends or approaches in dealing with terminal illness.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 8 -World Depression and World War II (1920-1945): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify instances in which language, art, music, belief systems, and other cultural elements facilitate understanding or create misunderstanding.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify examples of how language, literature, the arts, architecture, traditions, beliefs, values or behaviors contribute to the development and transmission of culture.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 8 -World Depression and World War II (1920-1945): Economics: Globalization of the economy, technological changes, the explosion of population growth, technological changes, and international competition compel students to understand both personally and globally production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand and identify economic connections, conflicts, and interdependence during the Great Depression.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the rapid change of the global economy during World War II.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 8 -World Depression and World War II (1920-1945): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify how physical and human processes shape the characteristics of a place.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify the various theaters of war during World War II.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 8 -World Depression and World War II (1920-1945): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the development of major systems of world governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how individuals and communities are affected differently by varied forms of governance.

    • 4.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the development of nation-state governments and world governmental organizations.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 8 -World Depression and World War II (1920-1945): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the causes, effects, and attempts to deal with worldwide depression after World War I.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the world events leading to World War II.

    • 5.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how to use historic information acquired from a variety of sources.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 8 -World Depression and World War II (1920-1945): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of individual and government decisions on citizens and communities.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how individual leaders can dominate groups and influence the circumstances of history.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 9 -Post World War II Era (1945 -1989): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify instances in which language, art, music, belief systems, and other cultural elements facilitate understanding or create misunderstanding.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify examples of how language, literature, the arts, architecture, traditions, beliefs, values

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 9 -Post World War II Era (1945 -1989): Economics: Globalization of the economy, technological changes, the explosion of population growth, technological changes, and international competition compel students to understand both personally and globally production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand and identify economic connections, conflicts, and interdependence.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the rapid change of the global economy.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 9 -Post World War II Era (1945 -1989): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify how physical and human processes shape the characteristics of a place.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of population growth and distribution for the world's development in the 20th Century.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 9 -Post World War II Era (1945 -1989): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the development of major systems of world governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how individuals and communities are affected differently by varied forms of governance.

    • 4.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the development of nation-state governments and world governmental organizations.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 9 -Post World War II Era (1945 -1989): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the nature and major events of the Cold War.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa in world events.

    • 5.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how to use historic information acquired from a variety of sources.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 9 -Post World War II Era (1945 -1989): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of individual and group decisions on citizens and communities.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 10 -The Contemporary World (1989 to the present): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify instances in which language, art, music, belief systems, and other cultural elements facilitate understanding or create misunderstanding.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify examples of how language, literature, the arts, architecture, traditions, beliefs, values or behaviors contribute to the development and transmission of culture.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 10 -The Contemporary World (1989 to the present): Economics: Globalization of the economy, technological changes, the explosion of population growth, technological changes, and international competition compel students to understand both personally and globally production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand and identify economic connections, conflicts, and interdependence.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the rapid change of the global economy.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 10 -The Contemporary World (1989 to the present): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify how physical and human processes shape the characteristics of a place.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of population growth and distribution on world historic events.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 10 -The Contemporary World (1989 to the present): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how individuals and communities are affected differently by varied forms of governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the growing importance of the United Nations for the endorsement of world political and military action.

    • 4.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of terrorist actions on increased government control of its civilian populations, especially in the wake of the events of September 11, 2001.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 10 -The Contemporary World (1989 to the present): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the nature of major world events since 1989.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how to use historic information acquired from a variety of sources.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Modern History

    Era 10 -The Contemporary World (1989 to the present): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of individual and group decisions on citizens and communities.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how groups can effect change

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 6: Industrial Development of the United States (1870-1900): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how industrial development affected the United States culture.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how the influx of immigrants after 1880 affected United States' culture.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 6: Industrial Development of the United States (1870-1900): Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate how the modernization of agriculture and capitalist industrial development affected the economy of the United States.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the economic disparity between farmers and wage earners as compared to industrial capitalists.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 6: Industrial Development of the United States (1870-1900): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the geographic areas in which industrialism occurred.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the areas affected by westward expansion of the United States.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 6: Industrial Development of the United States (1870-1900): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the effects of the Civil War and Reconstruction on the United States politics.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the political issues and problems that affected the United States during the last half of the nineteenth century.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 6: Industrial Development of the United States (1870-1900): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the dynamics of the post-Reconstruction era and the people and events that influenced the country.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify the events and impact of the westward movement and the Indian Wars.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 6: Industrial Development of the United States (1870-1900): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals, and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will appreciate the diversity of various cultures and their influences on the United States.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the effect of big business upon the lives of farmers and wage earners.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 7: Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand social tensions and their consequences after the turn of the century.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the cultural changes in the early 20th century.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 7: Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930): Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize how industrialization of World War I changed the United States economy.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the economy of the United States in the 1920s.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 7: Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships among people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify the countries involved in World War I.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the geographic scope of American imperialism.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 7: Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the reforms and changes in American politics and government as a result of the Progressive Movement.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the governmental policies that affected America and the world during the 1890s-1930s.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 7: Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of the United States in world affairs.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the causes for WWI and the reasons for America's entry into the war.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 7: Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the effect of World War I on the American people.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the moral, social, and cultural changes that occurred in the 1920s.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the effect of the Great Depression upon American society.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the effects of World War II upon American society.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945): Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the economic climate in the United States during the Depression Era.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how World War II affected the American economy.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify the countries affected by the totalitarian states and their acts of aggression and expansion considering geographic location;

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify the various theaters of war during World War II.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the effects of the Great Depression on the United States political and judicial system.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the effects of political policies on civil liberties during World War II.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decision in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the causes, effects and attempts to deal with the Great Depression.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the causes and significance of World War II.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the changes in American life as a result of the Great Depression.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the changing dynamics of American life during World War II.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 9: Post World War II Era (1945-1970s): Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the impact of the G.I. Bill of Rights on American society.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the effects of desegregation, the Civil Rights Movement, and the turbulent 1960s upon American society.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 9: Post World War II Era (1945-1970s): Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how demobilization and conversion to a peacetime economy affected the United States.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how sustained growth led to an affluent society.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 9: Post World War II Era (1945-1970s): Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify countries dominated and threatened by communism after World War II.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify the major areas of the world in which the United States was involved after 1945.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 9: Post World War II Era (1945-1970s): Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the causes, course, and impact of the Civil Rights Movement.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate Supreme Court decisions that affected the United States from 1945 to the early 1970s.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 9: Post World War II Era (1945-1970s): History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the causes, course, and effects of the Cold War.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate and understand the active theaters of conflict during the Cold War.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 9: Post World War II Era (1945-1970s): Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors such as culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how the 'baby boom,' suburbanization, desegregation, and other social movements affected American society.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how Cold War conformity conflicted with individual rights and self-expression.

    • 6.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate how technological change transformed American society and created popular culture.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 10: The Contemporary United States 1968-present: Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize how the scientific and technological advances of the computer age influenced American culture.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the transition of minorities, women, and culture groups through history.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 10: The Contemporary United States 1968-present: Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate trends in the overall economic cycle since the 1970s.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 10: The Contemporary United States 1968-present: Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the ongoing population shifts from urban to suburban and the migration from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify areas of the world in which commercial and security interests involved the United States from 1968 to the present.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 10: The Contemporary United States 1968-present: Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate the impact of political turmoil on American attitudes toward governance since 1968.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will identify the impact of constitutional change, various civil rights movements, feminism, and the Reagan Revolution.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: United States History

    Era 10: The Contemporary United States 1968-present: History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the causes, the course, and the effects of the Vietnam War at home and abroad.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will investigate domestic and foreign policy trends since 1968.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Era 10

    The Contemporary United States 1968-present: Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the dynamics of the modern American family.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the implications of the changing American society.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: World History

    Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the multi-cultural components to world culture.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the development and migration of art, architecture, language, religion, music and theater.

    • 1.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the ways in which individuals and groups contributed to changes in social conditions.

    • 1.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will examine how various individuals and groups use methods to diminish cultural elements and eradicate entire groups.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: World History

    Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the major economic systems that developed globally.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the importance of technologies for economic development.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the global economy.

    • 2.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the rapid change of the global economy after the Industrial Revolution in the 20th century.

    • 2.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the contribution of individuals to the economy systems of the world.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: World History

    Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of physical geographic features on world historic events.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand human geographic interactions and their impact on world historic events.

    • 3.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of population growth and distribution on world historic events.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: World History

    Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the development of major systems of world governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how individuals are affected differently by varied forms of governance.

    • 4.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the development of nation-state governments.

    • 4.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the emergence of world governmental organizations.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: World History

    History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the chronological flow of historical eras and events in World History.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the processes that gave rise to the earliest human civilizations.

    • 5.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the maturation of Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, the Middle East, Oceanic, and the Americas and their continuing impact on the modern world.

    • 5.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the history and impact of world religions.

    • 5.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the evolution of modern and western civilizations from 1000 CE to the present.

    • 5.6. Learning Expectation:

      understand the importance of the various economic systems in place during the 19th and 20th century.

    • 5.7. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of various global conflicts throughout history.

    • 5.8. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the continuing impact of historical events on the modern world.

    • 5.9. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of developing technology on the world.

    • 5.10. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how historical information is collected, recorded, interpreted, transmitted, and disseminated across various historical eras.

    • 5.11. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of major trends and movements in world history.

    • 5.12. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the origin, evolution, decline, and impact of empire building and imperialism.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: World History

    Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of one's culture on identity, lifestyle, and socioeconomic status.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize the role of individuals in various cultures such as Western, Asian, African, Middle Eastern, and indigenous cultures.

    • 6.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the extent to which individuals, groups and institutions interact to produce continuity and change throughout world history.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: World Geography

    Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the complex nature of culture and how cultures influence the characteristics of places and regions.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the relationship between physical environments and culture.

    • 1.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how cultural perspective impacts perceptions of places and

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: World Geography

    Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand fundamental economic concepts and their application to a variety of economic systems, regionally and globally.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the patterns and networks of economic interdependence on Earth's surface.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the changes that occur in the nature, use, distribution, and importance of resources.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: World Geography

    Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the characteristics and uses of maps, globes, and other geographic tools and technologies.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will know the location of places, geographic features, and patterns of the environment, both physical and human, locally, regionally, and globally.

    • 3.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the characteristics and uses of spatial organization of Earth's surface.

    • 3.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the physical and human characteristics of place.

    • 3.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand that common physical, biological, and cultural characteristics create regions.

    • 3.6. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how physical processes shape Earth's natural landscapes and affect environments.

    • 3.7. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how physical systems and environments affect human systems.

    • 3.8. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how human systems modify the physical environment.

    • 3.9. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the nature, distribution and migration of human populations on Earth's surface.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: World Geography

    Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the nature, complexity, and influence of systems of governance.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the forces of cooperation and conflict that shape the divisions of Earth's surface.

    • 4.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand global development and environmental issues.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: World Geography

    History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the patterns of human settlement.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will recognize that places change over time.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: World Geography

    Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals, and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of individual and group decisions on citizens and communities.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how groups can effect change at local, regional, and global levels.

    • 6.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how a geographic view is a significant tool in interpreting the present and planning for the future.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Economics

    Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how values and beliefs influence economic decisions in different societies.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will describe how the world economies are connected.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Economics

    Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand contemporary and historical data relevant to the field of economics.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the concepts and impact of the American financial structure, including banking and monetary policy.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the different major economic systems.

    • 2.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand key economic concepts and economists.

    • 2.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand that scarcity of productive resources requires choices that generate opportunity costs.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Economics

    Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of natural resources in modern economic decision-making.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of world demographics on economic systems.

    • 3.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the alternative policies and processes used in making decisions about the use of land and other physical resources in communities, regions, nations and the world.

    • 3.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the search for a balance between effective usage of land and other natural resources and environment concerns.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Economics

    Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the economic roles and responsibilities of citizens living in a democratic society.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how governmental policies have economic consequences at the national, state, and local levels.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Economics

    History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how historical events have influenced the economic development of the United States. Identify major historical events that affected the economic development of the United States.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Economics

    Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals, and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the elements of personal and fiscal responsibility

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how socioeconomic status contributes to the development of sense of self. Identify values and standards associated economically on his/her lifestyle.

    • 6.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to function effectively in a technologically expanding global economy.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: United States Government

    Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation of and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the influence of natural rights on American culture.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of the political system on American culture.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: United States Government

    Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand economic systems and political structures.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the rise of capitalism in the United States.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how all nations use 'tools of foreign policy' such as alliances, economic aid, economic sanctions, trade agreements, propaganda, military aid, treaties, troop movements, and wars to promote national interests.

    • 2.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the connection among resources and institutions that govern the management and distributions of those resources.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: United States Government

    Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand and analyze how the forces of cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control of the earth's surface

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand and analyze the impact of physical and human geography on given political systems.

    • 3.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the use of geography in determining policies such as zoning, redistricting, and the census.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: United States Government

    Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of politics and government in society.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of constitutions in preventing abuses of government power.

    • 4.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the basic features of major forms of governments in the world.

    • 4.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of the United States legal system.

    • 4.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the concept of federalism.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: United States Government

    History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decision in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand historical and modern examples of the concepts of limited and unlimited governance.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand specific historical documents and institutions which shaped the principles of the United States Constitution.

    • 5.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the importance of the rule of laws and the sources, purposes, and function of law.

    • 5.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the United States Constitution as a 'living document' in both principle and practice.

    • 5.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how the United States foreign policy is determined by the concept of national interest in both historical and modern settings.

    • 5.6. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the balance between the protection of individual rights and the general welfare of all citizens.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: United States Government

    Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of individual and group decisions on citizens and communities.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how groups can effect change at the local, state national and world levels.

    • 6.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the evolution of political parties and their role as a mechanism for creating and sustaining political participation.

    • 6.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how the philosophies of liberalism and conservatism correlate to the two major American political parties.

    • 6.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact and influence of participatory citizenship on government at all levels.

    • 6.6. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of individual leaders who have affected policies, case laws, and legislation.

    • 6.7. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of political action committees, non-profit organizations, and other groups that influenced policy and institutions.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Psychology

    Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of diversity on the individual.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand cultural biases in the field of psychology.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Psychology

    Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how different socioeconomic stratifications influence personality development.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how individual values and beliefs influence economic decisions.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Psychology

    Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the environmental influences on human behavior.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand that human needs are met by the places they create.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Psychology

    Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand conditions, actions, and motivations that contribute to conflict or to cooperation.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand political current events that are relevant to the field of psychology.

    • 4.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand conflicts, cooperation, and interdependence among individuals, groups, and institutions.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Psychology

    History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decision in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand psychology as an empirical science.

    • 5.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand contemporary and historical data as it relates to psychology.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Psychology

    Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand personality approaches and theories.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand Psychological concepts, methods and theories in analyzing how humans think learn, feel and behave.

    • 6.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the major sub-fields and career opportunities that accompany the field of psychology.

    • 6.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand ethical issues in the use of psychological theories and tool.

    • 6.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the influences of heredity and environment on humans in terms of learned and inherited traits, personality and intelligence and other individual differences.

    • 6.6. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how heredity interacts with environment to influence behavior.

    • 6.7. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the relationship between brain, sensory perceptions and behavior.

    • 6.8. Learning Expectation:

      The student will demonstrate knowledge regarding mental disorders, theories of causality and methods of treatment.

    • 6.9. Learning Expectation:

      The student will analyze the role of perceptions, attitudes, values and beliefs in the psychological growth and development of humans.

    • 6.10. Learning Expectation:

      The student will apply the use of technology to explore (web-quest) the different areas of the lifespan and other topics in psychology.

  • TN.1.0. Content Standard: Sociology

    Culture: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and tradition. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.

    • 1.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the impact of culture on group behavior.

    • 1.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the development of culture.

  • TN.2.0. Content Standard: Sociology

    Economics: Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus saving money, and policy-making versus decision-making.

    • 2.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will analyze how socioeconomic factors influence group behavior.

    • 2.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand how individual values and beliefs influence economic decisions.

    • 2.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will analyze how the difficulty of moving from one social class to another varies greatly with time, place and economic circumstances.

    • 2.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will analyze how the characteristics of the American economy such as freedom of choice, competition, private property, profit and freedom of enterprise affect personality development.

  • TN.3.0. Content Standard: Sociology

    Geography: Geography enables the students to see, understand and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments. Students will use the knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts within the six essential elements of geography: world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography.

    • 3.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand that people adapt to their physical environment.

    • 3.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand that human needs are met by the places they create.

  • TN.4.0. Content Standard: Sociology

    Governance and Civics: Governance establishes structures of power and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

    • 4.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the political institution and how power and authority relate to group behavior.

    • 4.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand conditions, actions, and motivations that contribute to conflict or cooperation.

  • TN.5.0. Content Standard: Sociology

    History: History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and causal analyses and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based.

    • 5.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the foundational history of sociology.

  • TN.6.0. Content Standard: Sociology

    Individuals, Groups, and Interactions: Personal development and identity are shaped by factors including culture, groups, and institutions. Central to this development are exploration, identification, and analysis of how individuals and groups work independently and cooperatively.

    • 6.1. Learning Expectation:

      The student will examine personality development.

    • 6.2. Learning Expectation:

      The student will explore the various ways people interact.

    • 6.3. Learning Expectation:

      The student will analyze norms and values in various societies.

    • 6.4. Learning Expectation:

      The student will examine adolescent development.

    • 6.5. Learning Expectation:

      The student will explore the aging process in society.

    • 6.6. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand deviance.

    • 6.7. Learning Expectation:

      The student will explore the idea of social mobility.

    • 6.8. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand gender and its part in shaping human behavior.

    • 6.9. Learning Expectation:

      The student will analyze the various agents of socialization.

    • 6.10. Learning Expectation:

      The student will understand the role of media and social trends in determining the development of society.

South Dakota's Ninth Grade Standards

Article Body
  • SD.9-12.US Goal / Strand: Core High School U.S. History

    Students will understand the emergence and development of civilizations and cultures within the United States over time and place.

    • 9-12.US.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze U.S. historical eras to determine connections and cause/effect relationships in reference to chronology.

      • 9-12.US.1. Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to explain the cause-effect relationships and legacy that distinguish significant historical periods from Reconstruction to the present.

      • 9-12.US.1. Standard: (Application) Students are able to relate previously learned information of these time periods to the context of succeeding time periods (Examples

        American Revolution, Westward Movement, Civil War/Reconstruction).

    • 9-12.US.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Evaluate the influence/impact of various cultures, values, philosophies, and religions on the development of the U.S.

      • 9-12.US.2. Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to describe the causes and effects of interactions between the U.S. government and Native American cultures.

      • 9-12.US.2. Standard:

        (Application) Students are able to describe the causes and effects of cultural, economic, religious, political, and social reform movements on the development of the U.S.

      • 9-12.US.2. Standard:

        (Knowledge) Students are able to identify the influences of local groups on settlement patterns of South Dakota and the Great Plains Region.

  • SD.9-12.W. Goal / Strand: Core High School World History

    Students will understand the emergence and development of world civilizations and cultures over time and place.

    • 9-12.W.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze historical eras of world history to determine connections and cause/effect relationships in reference to chronology.

      • 9-12.W.1.1 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to explain the cause-effect relationships and legacy that distinguish significant historical periods from the Renaissance to the present.

    • 9-12.W.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Evaluate the interaction of world cultures and civilizations, philosophies, and religions.

      • 9-12.W.2.1 Standard:

        (Comprehension) Students are able to define the key distinguishing features of significant cultural, economic, and political philosophies in relation to the other.

  • SD.9-12.G. Goal / Strand: Core High School Geography

    Students will understand the interrelationships of people, places, and the environment.

    • 9-12.G.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze information from geographic representation, tools, and technology to define location, place, and region.

      • 9-12.G.1.1 Standard:

        (Application) Students are able to use resources, data services, and geographic tools that generate and interpret information.

      • 9-12.G.1.2 Standard:

        (Application) Students are able to interpret geographic representations when given information about places and events.

    • 9-12.G.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze the relationships among the natural environment, the movement of peoples, and the development of societies.

      • 9-12.G.2.1 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to identify and explain the impact of the natural environment on human settlement patterns.

      • 9-12.G.2.2 Standard:

        (Comprehension) Students are able to explain how humans interact with their environment.

      • 9-12.G.2.3 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to explain how human migration impacts local and global politics, environment, economies, societies, and regions.

      • 9-12.G.2.4 Standard: (Knowledge) Students are able to identify the main characteristics of cultural geography (Examples

        spatial distribution, cultural diffusion, acculturation, institutions, language, religions).

  • SD.9-12.C. Goal / Strand: Core High School Civics (Government)

    Students will understand the historical development and contemporary role of governmental power and authority.

    • 9-12.C.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze forms and purposes of government in relationship to the needs of citizens and societies including the impact of historical events, ideals, and documents.

      • 9-12.C.1.1 Standard: (Analysis) Students are able to explain the characteristics of various forms of government (Example

        Democracies (direct and indirect); Totalitarian/Authoritarian (dictatorships, absolute monarchy).

      • 9-12.C.1.2 Standard: (Evaluation) Students are able to determine the influence of major historical documents and ideals on the formation of the United States government (Examples

        documents - Magna Carta, Petition of Rights, English Bill of Rights, Mayflower Compact, British Colonial legislation, Articles of Confederation, Colonial/early state constitutions, Declaration of Independence; ideals - Greek and Roman governments, League of Iroquois Confederation, Social Contract; philosophers - Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Machiavelli).

      • 9-12.C.1.3 Standard:

        (Knowledge) Students are able to identify the principles of the American Constitution.

      • 9-12.C.1.4 Standard:

        (Comprehension) Students are able to explain the principles of American democracy.

      • 9-12.C.1.5 Standard:

        (Comprehension) Students are able to describe the state, local, and tribal governments with emphasis on their structures, functions, and powers.

      • 9-12.C.1.6 Standard: (Application) Students are able to describe the elements of how U.S. foreign policy is created (Examples

        Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt Corollary, Iran-Contra).

    • 9-12.C.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze the constitutional rights and responsibilities of United States citizens.

      • 9-12.C.2.1 Standard:

        (Application) Students are able to describe the means of influencing and/or participating in a republic.

      • 9-12.C.2.2 Standard:

        (Comprehension) Students are able to interpret the meaning of basic constitutional rights guaranteed to citizens.

      • 9-12.C.2.3 Standard:

        (Comprehension) Students are able to describe the process of naturalization.

  • SD.9-12.E. Goal / Strand: Core High School Economics

    Students will understand the impact of economics on the development of societies and on current and emerging national and international situations.

    • 9-12.E.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze the role and relationships of economic systems on the development, utilization, and availability of resources in societies.

      • 9-12.E.1.1 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to compare the characteristics of the world's traditional, command, market, and mixed economies. [U.S. History, World History, Geography, Civics (Government)]

      • 9-12.E.1.2 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to explain how scarcity and surplus affect the basic questions of what, how, how much, and for whom to produce. [Geography, Civics (Government)]

      • 9-12.E.1.3 Standard:

        (Application) Students are able to explain the role of money and the structure of the banking system of the U.S. [U.S. History, Civics (Government)]

      • 9-12.E.1.4 Standard:

        (Evaluation) Students are able to explain the impact of labor and governmental policies on the economy of the United States. [U.S. History, Civics (Government)]

      • 9-12.E.1.5 Standard:

        (Application) Students are able to use graphs to illustrate changes in economic trends. [U.S. History, Civics (Government)]

      • 9-12.E.1.6 Standard:

        (Synthesis) Students are able to explain basic elements of trade and its impact on the U.S. economy. [Civics (Government)]

  • SD.9-12.US Goal / Strand: Advanced High School U.S. History

    Students will understand the emergence and development of civilizations and cultures within the United States over time and place.

    • 9-12.US.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze U.S. historical eras to determine connections and cause/effect relationships in reference to chronology.

      • 9-12.US.1. Standard:

        (Evaluation) Students are able to relate the causes and consequences of historical events to subsequent events and their legacy in current conditions.

    • 9-12.US.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Evaluate the influence/impact of various cultures, values, philosophies, and religions on the development of the U.S.

      • 9-12.US.2. Standard:

        (Evaluation) Students are able to evaluate the significance of interactions between the U.S. government and diverse cultures in relation to cultural preservation versus cultural assimilation.

  • SD.9-12.W. Goal / Strand: Advanced High School World History

    Students will understand the emergence and development of world civilizations and cultures over time and place.

    • 9-12.W.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze historical eras of world history to determine connections and cause/effect relationships in reference to chronology.

      • 9-12.W.1.1 Standard:

        (Evaluation) Students are able to relate the causes and consequences of historical events to subsequent events and their legacy in current conditions.

    • 9-12.W.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Evaluate the interaction of world cultures and civilizations, philosophies, and religions.

      • 9-12.W.2.1 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to describe the emergence, rise, impact, and role of significant cultural, economic, and political events and philosophies.

  • SD.9-12.G. Goal / Strand: Advanced High School Geography

    Students will understand the interrelationships of people, places, and the environment.

    • 9-12.G.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze information from geographic representation, tools, and technology to define location, place, and region.

      • 9-12.G.1.1 Standard:

        (Evaluation) Students are able to evaluate and select resources, data services, and geographic tools that generate and interpret information.

      • 9-12.G.1.2 Standard: (Synthesis) Students are able to construct geographic representations when given information about places and events (Example

        bar graph, circle graph, line graph, pictographs, map projections).

    • 9-12.G.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze the relationships among the natural environment, the movement of peoples, and the development of societies.

      • 9-12.G.2.1 Standard: (Analysis) Students are able to analyze and articulate the fundamental role that place characteristics and environments have played in history (Example

        Russian winter played an important part in the defeat of Napoleon's and Hitler's armies).

      • 9-12.G.2.2 Standard:

        (Evaluation) Students are able to evaluate how humans interact with their environment.

      • 9-12.G.2.3 Standard:

        (Synthesis) Students are able to investigate how past and present trends of human migration impact both local and global politics, environments, economies, and societies.

      • 9-12.G.2.4 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to compare and contrast the differing characteristics in developing and developed countries.

  • SD.9-12.C. Goal / Strand: Advanced High School Civics (Government)

    Students will understand the historical development and contemporary role of governmental power and authority.

    • 9-12.C.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze forms and purposes of government in relationship to the needs of citizens and societies including the impact of historical events, ideals, and documents.

      • 9-12.C.1.1 Standard:

        (Evaluation) Students are able to compare the United States' political systems with those of major democratic and authoritarian nations in terms of the structures and powers of political institutions.

    • 9-12.C.2. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze the constitutional rights and responsibilities of United States citizens.

      • 9-12.C.2.1 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to enumerate the basic constitutional rights guaranteed to citizens and their related impacts on society.

      • 9-12.C.2.2 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to analyze and explain the purpose of politics/political activity and the related implications for United States citizens.

      • 9-12.C.2.3 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to identify various issues involving individual rights and responsibilities in relation to the general welfare.

      • 9-12.C.2.4 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to analyze campaigns for national, state, and local elective office, including the nominating process, campaign funding and spending, and the influence of media coverage, including campaign advertising and public opinion polls.

  • SD.9-12.E. Goal / Strand: Economics

    Students will understand the impact of economics on the development of societies and on current and emerging national and international situations.

    • 9-12.E.1. Indicator / Benchmark:

      Analyze the role and relationships of economic systems on the development, utilization, and availability of resources in societies.

      • 9-12.E.1.1 Standard: (Synthesis) Students are able to differentiate the patterns and networks of global economic interdependence in relation to local, regional, and world economies (Examples

        transportation routes, movement patterns, market areas; how and why levels of economic development vary among places).

      • 9-12.E.1.2 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to analyze graphs to determine changes in supply and demand and their effects on price and quality.

      • 9-12.E.1.3 Standard:

        (Evaluation) Students are able to compare and contrast the economic systems of foreign countries with the market system of the United States.

      • 9-12.E.1.4 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to describe methods used to measure domestic output, national income, and price level.

      • 9-12.E.1.5 Standard:

        (Analysis) Students are able to describe the effect of fluctuation in national output and its relationship to unemployment and inflation.