San Marcos de Apalache Historic State Park [FL]


The history of this National Landmark began in 1528 when Panfilo de Narvaez arrived in the area with 300 men; however, the first fort was not built until 1679. Andrew Jackson occupied the fort for a brief time in the early 1800s. The museum at the park displays pottery and tools unearthed near the original fort and explains the history of the San Marcos site.

The park offers exhibits and tours.

Fort Mose Historic State Park [FL]


The power politics of 18th-century England and Spain reached across the Atlantic to the Florida frontier. In 1738, the Spanish governor of Florida chartered Fort Mose as a settlement for freed Africans who had fled slavery in the British Carolinas. When Spain ceded Florida to Britain in 1763, the inhabitants of Fort Mose migrated to Cuba. Although nothing remains of the fort, the site was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1994 for its importance in American history.

The park offers tours.

Fort Toulouse / Fort Jackson State Historic Site [AL]


History is alive and outside at Fort Toulouse-Fort Jackson. Here Native Americans, Spanish explorers, French soldiers, English and Scottish traders, American settlers, and modern archaeologists have all left their mark. Frequent living history events showcase a recreated 1751 French fort, recreated Creek Indian houses, and the partially restored 1814 American Fort Jackson. A 3,000-year-old Mississipian Indian mound, the William Bartram Nature Trail, and an early 19th-century house weave even more strands into this colorful tapestry of Alabama's earliest days.

Two other websites for the site exist: a second general website here and a website for the site's living history programs here.

The site offers exhibits, tours, and occasional recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Junipero Serra Museum [CA]


The Junípero Serra Museum is one of the most familiar landmarks in San Diego. As a major symbol of the city, it stands atop the hill recognized as the site where California began. It was here in 1769 that a Spanish Franciscan missionary, Father Junípero Serra, with a group of soldiers led by Gaspar de Portolá, established Alta California's first mission and presidio (fort). On July 16, 1769, near the site where the museum now stands, Serra founded the Mission San Diego de Alcalá. Often confused for the Mission, the Serra Museum was built between 1928–1929 for the purpose of housing and showcasing the collection of the San Diego Historical Society, which was founded in 1928. The structure was designed by architect, William Templeton Johnson, using Spanish Revival architecture, to resemble the early missions that once dominated the landscape of Southern California.

The museum offers exhibits, tours, and educational programs.

Fort St. Jean Baptiste State Historic Site [LA]


Fort St. Jean Baptiste was established by the French in 1716 to prevent the Spanish in Texas from entering French Louisiana. The fort proved crucial to trade among the French, Spanish, and local Native Americans. In 1762, with the loss of the French and Indian War, France ceded the Louisiana Territory to Spain. Initially used for trade purposes, the fort was eventually abandoned by the Spanish as it lacked an obvious military purpose. The historic site contains a reconstruction of the fort.

The site offers exhibits, tours, educational programs, and a picnic site.

Rancho de Guadalupe Historical Society [CA]


The Rancho de Guadalupe Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of Guadalupe, California. To that end, the society operates a museum, a historic jail, and a non-circulating library. Artifacts on display include Native American adobes and pieces representative of the cultures which succeeded the Chumash—the Chinese, Filipinos, Mexicans, Swiss, Italians, Spanish, Japanese, and Portuguese.

The society offers exhibits and library access.

Tubac Presidio State Historic Park [AZ]


The Tubac Presidio was established by the Spanish explorers in the 1690s, and served as a mission farm and ranch. Tubac Presidio is notable for the bloody revolt of the Pima Indians in 1751 and for Juan Bautista de Anza II, second commander of the Presidio and founder of San Francisco.

The park offers a visitor center with exhibits and presentations, guided tours, and field trip programs. The website offers a history of the site, visitor information, an events calendar, and a photo gallery of the park.

Palace of the Governors [NM]


The Palace of the Governors, an early 17th-structure built to house Spain's colonial government in the American Southwest, today chronicles the history of Santa Fe and New Mexico. Exhibits explore all of the periods of New Mexico's history, from Spanish colonial to Mexican to its time as a U.S. territory and, finally, a state. Museum-goers may also visit the Palace Print Shop and Bindery, a living exhibit which recreates 19th-century printing techniques.

The museum offers exhibits, self-guided and guided tours for school groups, research library access, and recreational and educational events.

Los Adaes State Historic Site [LA]


Los Adaes State Historic Site commemorates the Presidio Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Los Adaes (Fort of Our Lady of Pilar at the Adaes), built by the Spanish in reaction to increasing French activity in the vicinity of east Texas. Los Adaes became the capital of the province of Texas in 1729. Although it would retain this title for 44 years, life at Los Adaes was difficult enough that inhabitants quickly became involved with illicit trade with the French in order to prevent starvation.

The site offers a historic structure, educational programs, and tours.

Coronado State Monument [NM]


Coronado State Monument where Francisco Vásquez de Coronado—with 300 soldiers and 800 Indian allies from New Spain—entered the valley while looking for the fabled Seven Cities of Gold. Instead he found villages inhabited by prosperous native people. Coronado's party camped near the Tiwa pueblo of Kuaua, one of the many villages encountered by the explorers. Kuaua, a Tiwa word for "evergreen," was first settled around AD 1300 by American Indians who had long known about the fertile land near the Rio Grand. Kuaua is an earthen pueblo excavated in the 1930s by WPA workers, who also reconstructed new ruin walls over the reburied original ruins. A square kiva, excavated in the south plaza of the community, contained many layers of mural paintings. These murals represent some of the finest examples of Pre-Columbian mural art in the United States. Both the kiva and one of the mural layers are reconstructed and open to visitors, while several of the preserved mural segments are open to viewing in the mural room of the visitor center. The visitor center, designed by noted architect John Gaw Meem, also contains prehistoric and historic Indian and Spanish colonial artifacts on exhibit with several hands-on components.

A second website, maintained by the Friends of Coronado, can be found here.

The site offers a short film, exhibits, lectures, workshops, and occasional recreational and educational events.