Shays's Rebellion


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces Shays's Rebellion, which revealed the weakness of the federal government—which lacked the power to deploy troops.

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The Stamp Act


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the Stamp Act, a British tax on all printed material, from marriage licenses to playing cards. It infuriated colonists.

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The Boston Tea Party


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces the Boston Tea Party, which followed Britain's attempts to compromise by taxing tea after several attempts to tax the American colonies failed. Colonial radicals led by Samuel Adams of Boston were incensed and dumped the British tea into Boston Harbor.

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The Navigation Acts


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces England's attempts to regulate colonial trade by passing the Navigation Acts—which included adding new taxes and controlling seaports. Americans were angered by the acts of legislation even though they helped stimulate the economy.

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The American System


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes how, as a young nation, the U.S. desperately needed a national system of trade and transportation. But the "American System," proposed by Speaker of the House Henry Clay, became a source of heated debate in the Senate.

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The Tax History Project Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 04/14/2008 - 11:31

Created by a nonprofit group interested in "open debate on federal, state, and international tax policy," this site furnishes an eclectic range of primary and secondary resources on the history of American taxation. "Tax History Museum" currently offers a 23,000-word narrative in eight chronological segments summarizing tax policy and politics from 1660 to 1900, supplemented with 70 images and links to related documents. The 20th-century portion is in development. "The Price of Civilization" makes available 14 posters and more than 6,500 pages of federal documents—primarily Treasury Department reports—on the development of the current tax system during the Great Depression and World War II. "Presidential Tax Returns" includes returns of recent presidents and Vice President Cheney. "Taxing Federalism" features nine Federalist Papers, and "Image Gallery" offers 15 political cartoons from the turn of the century to 1947, many by Washington Star cartoonist Clifford Berryman. The site also offers a bibliography and four sound clips of federal officials discussing tax policy.