We Had Sneakers, They Had Guns: Kids Who Fought for Civil Rights in Mississippi


From the Library of Congress website:

"As an illustrator and journalist, Tracy Sugarman covered the nearly one thousand student volunteers who traveled to the Mississippi Delta to assist black citizens in the South in registering to vote. Two white students and one black student were slain in the struggle, many were beaten and hundreds arrested, and churches and homes were burned to the ground by the opponents of equality. Yet the example of Freedom Summer resonated across the nation. The U.S. Congress was finally moved to pass the civil rights legislation that enfranchised millions of black Americans.

Blending oral history with memoir, We Had Sneakers, They Had Guns chronicles the sacrifices, tragedies and triumphs of that unprecedented moment in American history."

The Afterlife of Abraham Lincoln


From the Maine Humanities Council website:

"Thomas J. Brown is Associate Professor of History at the University of South Carolina, where he also serves as Associate Director of the Institute for Southern Studies. He is a Distinguished Lecturer with the Organization of American Historians. In this lecture, Brown examined the ways in which debates over regionalism, race relations and governmental power have influenced how America has remembered Abraham Lincoln, particularly in public monuments."

The United Nations: Challenges and Change


In 37 short video clips, ranging in length from 31 seconds to over two minutes, scholars Susan Allee, Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, Ricardo Lagos, David Kennedy, and P. Terrence Hopmann look at the history of the U.N., the United States' relationship with it, and issues the U.N. is involved in today. Intended to accompany the Choices Program's curriculum The United Nations: Challenges and Change, these clips may still be used independently.

Registration is required, but free.

The U.S. Role in a Changing World


In 47 short video clips, ranging in length from 43 seconds to over three minutes, 11 different scholars examine changes for the U.S. in the recent past and issues facing the country today, including the end of the Cold War, environmental concerns, international relations, terrorism and WMDs, and trade. Intended to accompany the Choices Program's curriculum The U.S. Role in a Changing World, these clips may still be used independently.

Registration is required, but free.

Iran Through the Looking Glass: History, Reform, and Revolution


In 45 short video clips, ranging in length from 53 seconds to over three minutes, scholars Jo-Ann Hart, Shala Haeri, Farzaneh Milani, Mariam Habibi, Joseph Cirincione, and Linda Miller look at Iranian history over the 20th and 21st centuries, focusing on events that led up to the 1979 Revolution, the Revolution and the Iran Hostage Crisis, and the effects of those events on Iran today. The clips examine how the U.S. was involved in all of these events. Intended to accompany the Choices Program's curriculum Iran Through the Looking Glass: History, Reform, and Revolution, these clips may still be used independently.

Registration is required, but free.