Fort Hill State Memorial [OH]


Fort Hill State Memorial is a nature preserve containing one of the best preserved Indian hilltop enclosures in North America. The Hopewell Indians (100 B.C.–A.D. 500) constructed the 1 1/2 mile long earthwork hilltop enclosure as well as at least two ceremonial buildings and probably a village in the Brush Creek Valley.

The site is open to the public.

Piqua Historical Area [OH]


The Piqua Historical Area State Memorial celebrates 2,000 years of Ohio's rich history from prehistoric Indians to Ohio's canal era. The focal point of the peaceful 200-acre park is John Johnston—farmer, public official, and United States Indian Agent for western Ohio from 1812 to 1829. Today, visitors enjoy the home and farm of this most extraordinary man much as it appeared in 1829. Preserved and furnished structures include Johnston's two-story mixed Dutch Colonial/Georgian style farmhouse, a unique two-story spring house, and a cider house. Costumed interpreters and craft demonstrators provide farm tours and display activities in the summer kitchen and fruit kiln areas. A mammoth double-penned log barn, constructed in 1808, is reputed to be the oldest and largest of its type in Ohio, and is still in use on the grounds. Nearby a ring-shaped mound earthwork discovered and preserved by Johnston was constructed by people of the Adena culture over 2,000 years ago. Not far from Johnston's farm is a modern museum, which was constructed to resemble the blockhouse style of Fort Piqua, General Anthony Wayne's 18th-century supply post. In 2001 the museum was renovated with updated exhibits that trace the story of the Eastern Woodland Indians of Ohio and the newly acquired Fort Pickawillany site. Artifacts from Ohio's canal era are also on exhibit. The patio portion of the museum building allows visitors the opportunity to view a restored mile-long section of the Miami and Erie Canal, which extended the length of Ohio from Toledo to Cincinnati. An array of outdoor interpretive panels explore Johnston's later role as a state canal commissioner and provide an introduction to how canals helped in the development and expansion of frontier Ohio. Afterwards, guests may enjoy a ride aboard the General Harrison of Piqua, a replica 70-foot-long mixed cargo canal boat often used for transportation of passengers and cargo in the 19th century. Costumed guides direct the mule-drawn boat to provide an authentic and memorable experience for all.

The site offers exhibits; tours; demonstrations; boat rides; and recreational and educational events, including living history events.

Mesa Historical Museum [AZ]


The Mesa Historical Museum was opened in 1987, and is located in the buildings of the old Lehi School, which is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The museum chronicles the history Mesa, Arizona.

The museum offers field trip programs, exhibits, educational programs, and special events such as historic home tours. The website offers a history of the museum, visitor information, an online exhibit, a collection of oral histories, and an events calendar.

Fort Recovery [OH]


In late 1791, Miami Indians defeated General Arthur St. Clair's forces at this site along the Wabash River. Nearly three-quarters of St. Clair's men were killed or wounded in the Indian attack. In late 1793, General Anthony Wayne sent a force to build a four-blockhouse post named Recovery at the site of St. Clair's defeat. It was completed in March of 1794 and on June 30 of that year General Wayne's army defeated a huge Indian force. This set the stage for Wayne's final triumph at Fallen Timbers in August of 1794. Today Fort Recovery State Memorial offers visitors a glimpse of the 1790s, featuring two reconstructed blockhouses with connecting stockade, a monument, and a museum.

A second site, specifically for the fort's museum, can be found here.

The site offers exhibits and tours.

Graham Cave State Park [MO]


Nestled in the hills above the Loutre River in Montgomery County, Graham Cave State Park features an unusual sandstone cave that contained evidence that rewrote history books. Once used for shelter, Graham Cave became historically significant when archaeologists discovered how long ago human occupancy had occurred. University of Missouri archaeologists uncovered artifacts revealing human use of the cave dating back to as early as 10,000 years ago. Clues to the lifestyle of the ancient Dalton and Archaic period Native Americans were uncovered. Today, visitors are allowed in the entrance of the cave, where interpretive signs point out interesting discoveries.

The park offers exhibits and occasional recreational and educational events.

Boone Station State Historic Site


"Daniel Boone (1734-1820), known for his role in the exploring and settling of the Kentucky frontier decided that the settlement of Boonesborough had become far too crowded. In December 1779, Boone and his family established Boone’s Station. At its height, the community had 15 to 20 families, including the Boone, Barrow, Hays, Morgan, Muir, Scholl and, Stinson families.

Daniel Boone and his family endured many hardships while living at Boone's Station. Both his son Israel, and nephew Thomas Boone were killed at the Battle of Blue Licks in 1781. By 1781, Boone’s claim to Boone Station proved to be invalid. He and other members of the settlement continued to live there for a brief period. However, by 1791 Boone Station had ceased to exist. In 1795, Robert Frank purchased 500 acres that included the Station site.

Eventually Boone and his family moved to Missouri where the famous pioneer died in 1820. In 1845, the Governor, and General Assembly of Kentucky requested that the remains of Daniel Boone and his wife Rebecca Bryan Boone be reburied in Kentucky. They are buried in the State Cemetery in Frankfort, Kentucky."

Tonight's the Night: PBS Broadcasts We Shall Remain

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The five-episode PBS series We Shall Remain begins tonight. Check local listings for broadcast times of this American Experience documentary.

Teaching Guides and Lesson Plans are now available on the rich, interactive, and immersive series website. Teaching Guides are defined by episode, and each includes discussion questions, student activities, additional resources, and lists of relevant themes corresponding to those developed by the National Council for the Social Studies Curriculum Standards and common state social studies standards.

But don't stop there. Explore supplementary video resources including discussions of language, sovereignty, and enterprise included under the Native Now section.

Elsewhere, on PBS Teachers, guest author, educator Eric Langhorst discusses the program and tackles the question, How do you teach Native American history and culture in the context of an American history class?

Excerpts from Slave Narratives

Title, Excerpts from Slave Narratives

Unadorned and easy to navigate, this comprehensive website contains 46 first-person accounts of slavery and African life dating from 1682 to 1937. Each document is introduced with an illustrative sentence or short paragraph that describes the historical context.

There are both recognizable and unknown actors in this website. Former slaves such as Olaudah Equiano, Frederick Douglass, and Harriet Tubman, as well as white abolitionists such as John Brown express forceful, if familiar, condemnations of slavery.

In addition, there are unheralded historical voices that not only speak poignantly, but also reflect different (African-centered) perspectives. For example, a ship doctor's searing report of the Middle Passage; a slave husband's anguished letter to his wife after she was sold; and black social reformers' protests against the cruel punishments of slave owners.

When taken together, the assembled testimonies, including those by women, present slavery as a deeply entrenched institution that provoked a wide range of compelling commentary.