A Vital Progressivism


Donald L. Miller, with Waldo E. Martin, Jr., and Virginia Scharff, looks at the Progressive era (from 1890 to 1926) as it was experienced by minority groups, including women, African Americans, Native Americans, and Asian and Mexican immigrants.

The Reform Impulse


Donald L. Miller and Louis P. Masur trace the American impulse to reform from 1800 to 1848. They look at the development of political parties, including the Democrats and the Whigs; reform associations and movements, including changes in attitudes toward education, alcohol, and punishment of criminals; women's rights efforts; the fervor of the Second Great Awakening; and the continuing debate over slavery.

Education in the 21st Century


Marshall S. "Mike" Smith, senior counselor to U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, delivers the keynote address, "Education in the 21st Century," at a Library of Congress forum on K-12 education.

Forum speakers included Librarian of Congress James H. Billington, a leading advocate of using primary-source digital material in the classroom; former Colorado Gov. Roy Romer, chairman of Strong American Schools; and Lauren Resnick, professor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh. There were also presentations by educators from Colorado, Illinois, and Northern Virginia in the Library of Congress's groundbreaking Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Program; Gov. Romer introduced the second panel and provided an overview of attempts to promote high content standards for K-12 education.