Contemporary History


Donald L. Miller, along with a range of other historians and presenters, overviews contemporary U.S. history, from 1972 to 2000, briefly touching on the Cold War and its end, economic ups and downs, and the rise of AIDS and of personal computers. The presentation ends with a discussion on interpreting events as they happen, and on the difficulties of remembering history and engaging with the present in a media age.

The West


Donald L. Miller, with Virginia Scharff and Louis P. Masur, looks at the settling of the American West between 1862 and 1893. Topics covered include the transcontinental railroad, conflict between Native Americans and settlers, women suffrage in the Wyoming Territory, and political and ideological conflict between farmers and industrialists.

The Industrial Revolution


Donald L. Miller and Louis P. Masur follow the growth of American capitalism and industry from 1776 to 1861. They look at Samuel Slater's introduction of factories to the U.S.; the textile factory community of Lowell; transportation development and the creation of the Erie Canal; and the growth of Chicago, including quality of life and pollution issues it faced and its integration into the country's rail system.

Westward Expansion


Donald L. Miller, with Virginia Scharff, Douglas Brinkley, Stephen Ambrose, and Pauline Maier, follows American history from 1803 to 1861. Focusing on Westward Expansion, the presentation begins with the Louisiana Purchase and continues on to examine transportation available in this time and the development of a slave-based economy in the South.

The U.S. Role in a Changing World


In 47 short video clips, ranging in length from 43 seconds to over three minutes, 11 different scholars examine changes for the U.S. in the recent past and issues facing the country today, including the end of the Cold War, environmental concerns, international relations, terrorism and WMDs, and trade. Intended to accompany the Choices Program's curriculum The U.S. Role in a Changing World, these clips may still be used independently.

Registration is required, but free.

Understanding the Battle of Gettysburg Using GIS


Dr. Anne Knowles of Middlebury College answers the question "What could Lee see at Gettysburg?" Dr. Knowles builds two digital terrain models of the battlefield, one from 1996 data derived from aerial photographs, the other based on contour lines extracted from an 1874 map of the battlefield. Using a technique called viewshed analysis, she investigates how lines of sight and real-time geographic information may have influenced commanders' decisions and terrain perceptions. The results suggest that historical maps and evidence from the physical landscape can shed new light on even the most familiar historical subjects.

China and the West in Historical Perspective


Warren I. Cohen of the University of Maryland discusses the rise of U.S. and Chinese power on the international stage. He emphasizes the fact that China's rise is not the region's first assumption of prominence on the global level—and that the original Chinese empire was, as were Western empires, based on conquest and racism. He notes that China will likely wield its power in opposition to the U.S., just as the U.S. has opposed other global powers in the past—and that the economic future of China is still in doubt. This lecture was conducted for "China's Encounter with the West: A History Institute for Teachers," held on March 1-2, 2008. The event was sponsored by the Foreign Policy Research Institute's Wachman Center and the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Asia Program, and held at UTC.

Audio and video options are available.