Totem Bight State Historical Park [AK] Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 01/08/2008 - 13:26

The park preserves 14 reconstructions of Native totem poles and a reconstruction of a community house or clanhouse. A house of this size could have housed 30 to 50 people. Although it is doubtful a clanhouse existed on this site (originally a fish camp), this design is representative of the type in many Indian villages built in the early 19th century.

The park is open to the public.

Amy Trenkle's Columbus in the Capital

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Students at DC Columbus memorial
Students at DC Columbus memorial
Students at DC Columbus memorial
Students at DC Columbus memorial
Students at DC Columbus memorial
Students at DC Columbus memorial
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Columbus in Context

When I first started teaching a little more than 10 years ago, very few of my students knew why they were getting Columbus Day off. Now, I find a lot more know why they have the day off and have a pretty strong opinion as to whether or not it should be celebrated as a national holiday. I've enjoyed watching my students be able to express their opinions better and better throughout the years.

While my U.S. History state standards do not cover Columbus's voyages and exploration, I find it is a lesson worth teaching, and very timely with the holiday. As my students have grown in their knowledge and understanding of Columbus, I have had to change my lesson to contain more depth. One way I like to do that is by integrating a local monument into our discussion.

Preparing for the Site Visit

I start the lesson out by reading several chapters from Joy Hakim's A History of US, Book 1. The chapters talk about Columbus's character, his experiences, and effect on the "New World." While most of my students cite that Columbus shouldn't have a holiday because he didn't "find" anything new—that there were inhabitants living there already—they are unaware of the details of his encounters with Native Americans. They also do not know about the Columbian Exchange or Columbus's use of scientific knowledge to aid his survival.

After our reading, complete with guiding questions, I ask the students why we have memorials. Most say that it is to remember a person or an event. Here in DC, student examples range from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial to the Vietnam Wall. I tell them that we are going to go see a memorial to Christopher Columbus. I ask them what a 'symbol' is and work with the definition until there is an understanding among the students. We talk about how memorials and monuments convey their message through words and symbols. I tell the students that we are going to be looking at this memorial for symbols.

While the Columbus Memorial is only a few blocks from our school, and many of my students pass it twice a day, most do not know about it. Those that do, usually do because they had a sibling in my class in previous years.

After a quick reminder on memorial etiquette and general good behavior expectations, I have the students get their jackets, take a handout that I provide, and a pen or pencil. . . .and we're off!

On-site with Christopher Columbus

The five-block walk to Union Station is quick, and as we come up to it, I can hear many of my students say that they know this memorial, but they never knew what it was about or who it was to.

I tell the students they have between 10 and 15 minutes to look at the memorial and to answer the questions on their paper. They may work individually or in small groups. I remind them to look for symbols.

The question sheet is not difficult, but it does make them look at the memorial. The questions on the sheet are:

  1. What is your first impression of this monument?
  2. Have you seen this monument before? If you have, did you know that it was a monument to Christopher Columbus?
  3. What symbols do you see on this monument that give you clues to what Columbus did in his life? (List them here.)
  4. Are there any words on the monument? If so, what are they?
  5. Do you think anything is missing from this monument? If so, what? If not, what makes it complete?
  6. Does this monument portray Columbus in a positive or a negative way? How do you know?
  7. Do you think this is an appropriate monument? Why or why not? Give evidence (from our reading yesterday and from your own feelings) to support your answer.

I give them a few minutes to look and then I begin to circulate to see what they have come up with, what questions they have, and maybe to point out a symbol or two they may have missed.

What Do You See?

After 10 or 15 minutes, I call them back together at the front of the memorial and I ask them to share what symbols they have found. Some of them include:

  • lions (for the courage to sail into the unknown)
  • the Native American (on one side of Columbus, to represent the New World)
  • the European man (on the other side of Columbus, to represent the Old World)
  • the bow of the ship (for his means of travel)
  • the three flag poles behind the memorial (to represent the three ships he first sailed on)
  • the medallion of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella on the back (in recognition of who he sailed for and who funded his expeditions)

The students really enjoy being able to share what they found. Some students believe that some of Columbus's crewmates should be added to the memorial because, my students say, he couldn't have done it alone. Some believe that goods from the Columbian Exchange should be integrated into the memorial. Others believe that chains, to represent the start of slavery in the New World, should be added.

Before we go, we always take a group photo.

Responding to the Experience

Upon return to the classroom (my double block is almost up by this time), I ask my students to now write one complete paragraph, taking a definitive stand (no wishy-washy yes and no answers) as to whether or not Columbus should be celebrated with a holiday. Students may not state the day off as a reason for celebrating it. If time permits, I like to have a volunteer for each side of the debate share his/her paragraph. If we have run out of time, then I start my next class with this activity.

It's a great way for my students to think about the holiday, memorials in their community, and to evaluate history. It also provides a great gateway for me to use other memorials and monuments in my teaching as the year continues.

For more information

Maybe you teach earlier grades, or your middle-school or high-school students haven't yet thought to analyze the mythology of Columbus. In her blog entry, 1st-grade teacher Jennifer Orr guides students in engaging with early exploration history.

New to the idea of teaching with monuments and memorials? U.S. history teacher James A. Percoco shows you how he approaches these public memories in this video.

Every picture or sculpture of Columbus looks different. Ever wondered why? No portraits of Columbus taken from life exist today. Take our quiz on images of Columbus, and consider why each artist chose to make Columbus look as they did.

Multilaterals Project

Image, Multilaterals Project

Texts of about 300 international multilateral treaties, agreements, and conventions are available on this website, from the Treaty of Westphalia (1648) to the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides (November 2002). Originally designed to provide environmental agreements, this website now offers additional agreements, including drafts of many documents.

Materials are arranged in 10 categories: atmosphere and space; flora and fauna, biodiversity; cultural protection; diplomatic relations; general; human rights; marine and coastal; other environmental; trade and commercial relations; and rules of warfare and arms control. Most of the texts date from the post-World War II period to the present. Listings are also arranged in chronological order and users may search by keyword. There are links to approximately 120 additional sources on treaties and conventions.

Liberty, Checks and Balances, and the Constitution, Part One


Idaho State University Political Science Professor David Gray Adler examines what he describes as the great constitutional crisis of the day: the usurpation and abdication of constitutional roles by President and Congress. Building his argument on the concerns of the Framers, Dr. Adler points to the endangerment to liberty posed by the erosion of checks and balances.

Audio and video options are available.

Patriots, Revolution, and Constitutions


Patrick Manning, Andrew W. Mellon Professor of World History at the University of Pittsburgh seeks to widen Constitutional understanding by situating the Constitution's foundation in a global context. He urges listeners to consider social movements from around the world in the quest to understand ways in which the U.S. Constitution was both unique and representative of the era.

To listen to this lecture, select "Lecture Audio: Patriots, Revolution and Constitutions Presentation" under "Presentation Materials."

Diversity, Urbanization, and The Constitution, Part One: The Great Migration, Urbanization, and the Constitution


Eric Arnesen, Professor of History and African American Studies at the University of Chicago addresses the interplay between the African-American experience between Reconstruction and the Great Migration, the U.S. Constitution, and shifting democratic ideals.

Audio and video options are available.

What Students Should Know About the War on Terrorism


Edward Turzanski of the Foreign Policy Research Institute attempts to sum up what students should be taught about the War on Terrorism, in order to prepare students to critically analyze world events and plan for and anticipate future events. He suggests that the languages of cultures beyond the Spanish-speaking and Western European world and world geography need to be more widely taught.

Audio and video options are available.

1904 World's Fair: Looking Back at Looking Forward

Photo, Entrance to Creation on the Pike, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, LoC

Marking the 100th anniversary of the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis, an event designed to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase, this site documents the extensive preparation for the event that saw 20 million visitors.

Virtual Fair recreates the original layout of the fair and allows visitors to see many of the original sights and structures through 100 contemporary photographs. Artifacts allows viewers to see 32 items significant to the fair and the subsequent Olympic Games. Short, 500- to 1,000-word essays detail the enormous preparations required for hosting the fair. Educators provides some useful materials for teachers, but is designed primarily for teachers planning to bring students to the site of the exhibition.