The Second Party System in American Politics


Michael F. Holt of the University of Virginia looks at the development of a second two-party political system in antebellum U.S. and the role the system played in balancing and unifying the nation. Holt also looks at the dissolution of this second system through loss of public faith in the Democratic and Whig parties as they stood and in the development of the Republican and Know Nothing parties in response to new social forces (such as immigration and the rise of Roman Catholicism).

To view this clip, select "The Second Party System in American Politics" under "Political Development Video."

Women's Roles in Whig Politics


Michael F. Holt of the University of Virginia examines the use and acceptance of women in politics in the antebellum Whig and Democratic parties, focusing on Whig encouragement of the idea of women as the "moral center" of families.

To view this clip, select "Women's Roles in Whig Politics" under "Political Development Video."



Scholar James Lewis looks at the influence of Shawnee leader Tecumseh and his brother, the prophet Tenskwatawa, in encouraging Native American tribes to cooperate in resisting U.S. settlers and government control.

To view this clip, select "Tecumseh" under "Native American Relations Video."

Origins of the Compromise of 1850


Michael F. Holt of the University of Virginia discusses the struggle to resolve disputes over territory acquired during the Mexican-American War, particularly the dispute over how (and whether) slavery should spread into the new territories.

To view this clip, select "Origins of the Compromise of 1850" under "Frontier Settlement Video."

Education, Culture, and the Patterns of Frontier Settlement


Kathryn Kish Sklar of SUNY—Binghamton discusses the rising importance of successful schools in antebellum frontier towns and the feminization of the teaching profession that accompanied the new demand for teachers. Sklar also looks at the impact of the Second Great Awakening on the education of female teachers.

To view this clip, select "Education, Culture, and the Patterns of Frontier Settlement" under "Frontier Settlement Video."