Historic Fourth Ward School Museum [NV]


The Historic Fourth Ward School Museum is located in Comstock Historic District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Permanent exhibit topics include area history, mining, the Fourth Ward School building, Virginia City Alumni, Mark Twain, and education in the 1870s.

The museum offers exhibits, guided tours, and a junior docent program. The website offers lesson plans.

Benjamin Banneker Historical Park and Museum [MD]


The Benjamin Banneker Historical Park and Museum is the largest original
African American historical site in the United States. Established in 1998, it
includes Banneker’s original farmstead and a nature preserve that is located in Oella, Maryland. A multitude of adventures awaits you while exploring this 142-acre park and museum.

This site features: exhibits, excavated artifacts, multi-media presentations, a colonial cabin, gardens, and nature trails. Mary Bannaky may even welcome you to her homestead as she goes about her daily tasks.

Educational programs are available for students to learn about: Benjamin
Banneker’s extraordinary life and accomplishments, African American history in
Maryland, settlement and development of the Patapsco River Valley, life in the 18th century, and nature and environmental conservation.

Teachers are welcome to reserve a tour and/or rental space for professional development and teacher workshops. The site also provide digital data about our

Association for the Preservation of Historic Natchitoches, Melrose Plantation, and Kate Chopin House [LA]


The Association for Preservation of Historic Natchitoches seeks to preserve areas of historic value in the oldest settlement in the Louisiana Purchase Territory. The Association maintains the Melrose Plantation and the Kate Chopin House. The Melrose story begins with Marie Therese Coincoin, a slave born in 1742; she was eventually she sold to a Frenchmen, Claude Thomas Pierre Metoyer. In time, Metoyer freed Marie Therese and 10 Franco-African children. Evidence points to Metoyer as the father of these children. Marie Therese and son Louis Metoyer received large grants of land including the present Melrose Plantation. This Creole-style home celebrates its most famous resident, Kate Chopin, and its original inhabitant, Alexis Cloutier. Built by slave labor between 1805 and 1809, the structure exemplifies the early 19th-century homes of the area.

The association offers occasional recreational and educational events; the plantation offers tours; the house offers exhibits and tours.

Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum [MO]


The Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum properties includes eight buildings: six historically significant buildings and two interactive museums whose collections include 15 original Norman Rockwell paintings. A self-guided tour of the Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum properties gives visitors the chance to explore the Hannibal of Samuel Clemens's childhood and experience the beloved stories he created as Mark Twain through the power of his imagination.

The site offers exhibits, tours, educational programs, and recreational and educational events.

Berkshire County Historical Society and Herman Melville's Arrowhead [MA]


The Society is committed to the preservation and interpretation of Arrowhead, home of author Herman Melville, the first National Historic Landmark to be so designated in Berkshire County. The author's study, piazza, the original fireplace from his short story "I and My Chimney" and the restored barn in which Melville and Hawthorne spent hours discussing their writings are all open to the public. The Society has also restored the North Meadow preserving the view of Mount Greylock which was a major inspiration to Melville.

The society offers research library access and occasional recreational and educational events; the museum offers exhibits and tours.

Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society


The Society allows visitors to step into the original Surveyors' House from Laura's book By the Shores of Silver Lake, or see firsthand Pa's craftsmanship in the house he built on Third Street, the Ingalls Home. The Society is open year-round and offers tours of the two original Ingalls family homes filled with items that belonged to Laura and her family and the First School of De Smet. There are 16 other sites in De Smet that Laura mentioned in her books that visitors may also see.

The society offers exhibits and tours.

St Joseph Museum [MO]


The St. Joseph Museums, Inc., is a non-profit organization encompassing local museums dedicated to the research, preservation, interpretation, exhibition, and teaching of St. Joseph and the Midland Empire’s history and cultures. It pursues this mission through collections analysis, ethnographic research, preservation of material culture, interpretive exhibitions, and educational programming. The St. Joseph Museums, Inc., is comprised of the Black Archives Museum, the Glore Psychiatric Museum, the Wyeth-Tootle Mansion, and the St. Joseph Museum.

Summer Reading: Clearinghouse Staff Recommendations, Part I

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cover, Steel Drivin' Man
Article Body

School's out (well, more or less—excluding professional development, workshops and conferences, and planning for next year), and more leisure time for reading may be in. Here is the first in a series of suggestions from staff at the National History Education Clearinghouse for your summertime "must read" booklist!

Race and Religion

In 1931, nine African American boys rode with hobos on a train from Chattanooga to Memphis and along the way, two white women—fearful of arrest for prostitution—claimed the Scottsboro boys raped them. Local juries found them guilty, even after the U.S. Supreme Court twice struck down the verdict and one of the two women changed her story. Kelly Schrum, Clearinghouse Co-Director and Director of Educational Projects for the Center for History and New Media, recommends James Goodman's account of the narrative of the Scottsboro boys, Stories of Scottsboro. "It's an engaging read. Goodwin is a storyteller, and he weaves together multiple perspectives and threads—often conflicting and competing—to demonstrate how we make sense of experiences." Stories from Scottsboro explores layers of meaning through the perspectives of plaintiffs and defendants, lawyers, judges, journalists, NAACP workers, and the Communist-backed International Labor Defense and links those points of view to the larger historical framework of the 1930s.

Theology and place influences how people think about race and identity.

Sharon Leon, Clearinghouse Co-Director and Director of Public Projects for the Center for History and New Media, recommends Parish Boundaries: The Catholic Encounter with Race in the Twentieth-Century Urban North by John T. McGreevy. According to Leon, "This book does a good job of paying attention to the role of place and theology in thinking about identity and race." Parish Boundaries explores the meaning of neighborhood to urban Catholics, a meaning in which geography, church, and school became inseparable. McGreevy explores how this sense of neighborhood influenced local Catholic resistance to integration—even when the Catholic church itself espoused racial equality.

Folk Songs and Material Culture

The Ballad of John Henry is perhaps the most recorded song in America—the story of the iconic railroad man who became a mythical embodiment of the heroism of the American worker. Lee Ann Ghajar, Clearinghouse Project Manager, likes Steel Drivin' Man: John Henry, the Untold Story of an American Legend because it is as much a book about how to do history as it is an historical narrative. The reader travels with historian Scott Reynolds Nelson and his dog in his wife's Ford Escort in pursuit of the real John Henry—a man more likely a mistreated, rather short, convict-laborer than the gigantic hero of folk songs who died with a hammer in his hand after a mighty race against a steam drill. "You follow the historian as he follows John Henry from the early days of his research when an historic map saved Scott Reynolds Nelson from a speeding ticket into archives, libraries, census documents, and company reports. It's a great story," Ghajar explains.

Is there a relationship between early American consumerism and today?

Teresa DeFlitch, Clearinghouse Project Manager, appreciates The Refinement of America: Persons, Houses, Cities by Richard Bushman. Bushman looks at the material culture of everyday life—houses and their rooms, clothing, conversation, books, manners, entertainment and posture, for example—and discusses how changes over time illustrated changing values and the development of the American middle class. DeFlitch says The Refinement of America "vividly demonstrates the importance of material culture and landscape in history and how we use things to create identity." Bushman uses different kinds of evidence, from teacups to churches to etiquette books, to demonstrate how the refining process affected the way Americans interacted with each other. "Students can relate to the agency of consumers, even if they are from long gone centuries, and there is plenty of opportunity to use the book as a framework for teaching behavioral differences between then and now," DeFlitch concludes.

Keep Your Top Eye Open

Theodore Parker, Ballous Pictorial, November 6, 1858

I have a copy of a poster from 1851 that warns the “Colored People of Boston” to stay away from constables and policemen as they are required to enforce the Fugitive Slave Law. The last sentence reads, “Keep A Sharp Look Out for Kidnappers and have TOP EYE open.” What is the reference to the “Top Eye”? What does “Top Eye” mean in this case?


The original of this handbill is in the Boston Public Library’s Rare Book collection. It is part of the papers, manuscripts, and diaries of abolitionist and controversial Unitarian clergyman Theodore Parker, who composed it and had it printed and distributed.

Boston Vigilance Committee

At the time he posted it around Boston, Parker was the head of the Boston Vigilance Committee, a group of white and black abolitionists, eventually numbering more than 200, who agitated in various legal and extra-legal ways to frustrate slaveholding. The committee set up a secret network of operators on the Underground Railroad, who transported escaped slaves through the area. The committee also looked for slave-catchers in Boston who had come north to search for fugitive slaves. Parker and his fellow committee members alerted the sympathetic white and black community in the area, and sometimes threatened the slave-catchers and scared them off, and even rushed the jail to free captured slaves.

The committee’s semi-secretive efforts increased in intensity after the 1850 passage of the Fugitive Slave Act (part of the Compromise of 1850), which specifically required Northern states to remit or return fugitive slaves to their Southern owners. The committee’s collective outrage peaked during the 1851 trial and return to Georgia of escaped slave Thomas Sims (the handbill is from this period), the capture and freeing of fugitive slave Shadrach Minkins in 1851, and the riots during the capture and return under Federal guard of fugitive slave Anthony Burns to Virginia in 1854.

Top Eye Open

Having or keeping your top eye open simply meant keeping a careful watch, no matter what else you were doing. It most often carried the idea that you had to keep a lookout for threatening intruders, enemies, or competitors.

The phrase appears to be an Americanism. I see written evidence for its use, among both uneducated and educated and among both whites and African Americans, as early as 1828 and as late as 1911. Those who used it probably felt it to be a bit unusual because it often appeared with quotation marks around it, as if they understood it as slang.

Today, we would say something like “keep your eyes peeled” or “keep one eye open” or “sleep with one eye open.” When you lie down to sleep, one eye is uppermost and is therefore your “top eye,” the one with the slightly better vantage point. “Top” probably also connoted “best,” so that your “top eye” was the one that could see farther and clearer.

Having or keeping your top eye open simply meant keeping a careful watch, no matter what else you were doing.

John S. Skinner, for example, in an 1828 issue of The American Farmer, counseled his readers, “So that as small sands form the mountain, and economy is said to be wealth, perhaps it would be as well to keep our top-eye open a little sharper towards those smaller items of family expenses.” The satirist John S. Robb, in a backwoods story he published in an 1845 issue of The Spirit of the Times, had one of his rustic characters say: “You, Mike, keep your eye skinned for Ingins, ‘cause ef we git deep in a yard here, without a top eye open, the cussed varmints ‘ll pop on us unawars, and be stickin’ some of thur quills in us—nothing’ like havin’ your eye open and insterments ready."

The phrase was a warning to keep your guard up, but also simply to pay close attention to what was happening so that you could forestall a threat as it arose and even shrewdly turn the situation into a favorable opportunity for your own success or profit.

Theodore Parker’s Use of the Phrase

Theodore Parker certainly understood the phrase in this way. In a speech he gave to the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society in 1853, he said, “I am glad that a ‘top eye’ is open to scrutinize the acts of public men—an eye that never slumbers nor sleeps—an eye that does not spare a friend when he falters more than a foe when he is false; I am glad of that.” And in a letter he wrote in 1854, Parker facetiously chided fellow abolitionist Samuel J. May for having tried to argue that the Bible was a pacifist tract, when there was plenty of evidence to the contrary: “But all this, O father! is a delusion of Satan, who will deceive the very elect if they do not keep a top-eye open and a bright look-out.”

The phrase also had currency among other abolitionists, who used it to describe slaves who carried on with their normal activities, but constantly watched for the moment when they could act by making their escape. The Provincial Freeman in its issue of April 21, 1855, for example, used the phrase:

The cook (a colored man) having his “top eye open,” kept quiet till the steamer had fairly reached New York, then quietly procured a carriage, and apprised the property [that is, a slave onboard] that it was at liberty to assume a more independent air; consequently, it was not unconscious of the value of time; and lo! to the utter amazement of the Mate, it was seen making quick paces in the direction of the carriage.

Abolitionist activist and writer William Still, in his 1872 history, The Underground Rail Road, described the rescue of a slave, Jane Johnson, and her children, using the phrase—“Jane had her ‘top eye open,’ and in that brief space had appealed to the sympathies of a person whom she ventured to trust, saying, ‘I and my children are slaves, and we want liberty!’”

The phrase “keep (or have) your top eye open” had this meaning all during the time it was current, through the first decade of the 20th century.

Another Later Meaning of the Phrase

For about 15 years, from about 1885 to 1900, long after Parker had written his handbill, the phrase briefly developed another meaning before it dropped out of currency altogether. Liberal reformers and spiritual progressives, especially from New England, used it to refer to cultivating a new and higher angle of vision on the world. To keep or have your top eye open meant to look a little deeper into the reasons of things or to look behind the surface of everyday things, to take your eyes off the ground and look into the air, up to heaven, to look there for subtle signs and omens, to be high-minded, to be spiritual rather than materialistic, to be focused on the true and lasting rather than the false, the sensual, and the transitory, on the intuitive rather than the calculating.

Parker’s use of the phrase in 1851 has nothing in it, even implicitly, that connects it to this later meaning. However, the distant origins of the image that this later meaning captures probably lay in Parker’s friend and fellow Transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay, “Nature,” written in 1836, where he described an “exaltation” he experienced one day at twilight staring into snow puddles: "Standing on the bare ground—my head bathed by the blithe air and uplifted into infinite space—all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or parcel of God."

"I become a transparent eyeball"

The “top eye” was the “skylight of the soul,” like the oculus at the top of the Pantheon in Rome. It saw, not the waves, but “Him who walks upon the waves,” in the words of ex-Quaker, Temperance worker and suffragist Hannah Whitall Smith. For her, opening one’s top eye was a mystical experience, a religious conversion, a reception of holiness and sanctification into one’s life. In 1883, Smith’s coworker and friend, Frances Elizabeth Willard, the President of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, described Mrs. Smith’s home and family:

There is no fear of the “next thing,” because it is the next and not the last. There is no looking back, after the puerile fashion of Lot’s wife, but, with earnest gaze forward and upward, this family group moves forward, blessing and blessed. “Keep your top eye open,” is the mother’s constant motto for her children.

About the same time, Congregationalist lecturer, Joseph Cook, at one of his weekly prayer meetings at Boston’s Tremont Temple, told his audience:

British advanced thought believes in its frontal eye, but not in its coronal eye. This is a defect of the English mind and of the American. When you reach India, in your tour of the globe, you will find people who believe in their coronal eye; who see God in an intuitive way, as Emerson did. … The Scotch have an eye in the dome of their souls; but they have such an immense front window that they are chiefly occupied in gazing out of it. Rarely, except in periods of mighty religious fervor, do they look aloft through the dome. … In general, Scotchmen, Englishmen, and Americans believe in experience, observation, definition, induction, the scientific method, and nothing else. You notice thus one of the defects of Anglo-Saxon advanced thought, that it sees with its front eye, and not with its top eye.

For more information

The Boston Public Library Anti-Slavery Collection.

Archer Taylor, Bartlett Jere Whiting, A Dictionary of American Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases, 1820-1880. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1958.


John S. Robb (pseudo. Solitaire), “Fun with a ‘Bar,’ A Night Adventure on the Missouri,” in Streaks of Squatter Life, and Far-West Scenes, Philadelphia: Carey and Hart, 1846, p. 105. Published first in The Spirit of the Times (New York), Dec 20, 1845.

“Speech of Theodore Parker at the Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts A. S. Society, Friday Evening, Jan. 28, 1853,” The Liberator, Feb 25, 1853, p. 2.

Theodore Parker, correspondence to Samuel J. May, March 1854, in Octavius Brooks Frothingham, Theodore Parker: A Biography, Boston: R. Osgood, 1874, p. 289.

William Still, The Underground Rail Road. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, 1872, p. 91.

Frances Elizabeth Willard, Woman and Temperance; or, the work and workers of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. Hartford: James Betts, 1883, p. 198.

Joseph Cook, “Advanced Thought in England and Scotland,” Christian Advocate, Jan 18, 1883, p. 37.

New England Puritans

helmet worn by a pilgrim, image from New York Public Library

I am teaching The Scarlet Letter in my AP Literature class and need some higher-level resources that discuss the Puritan lifestyle, from dress to their interactions with natives to their belief systems. Do you know of several resources?


On the material culture of Plymouth Colony, including descriptions of housing, furniture, clothing, and family life and relationships, you could look at John Demos, A Little Commonwealth: Family Life in Plymouth Colony, or his, Remarkable Providences: Readings on Early American History. Also good is David Hackett Fischer, Albion’s Seed: Four British Folkways in America, section on “The Exodus of the English Puritans, 1629-41.”

Easily the most influential book about the New England Puritans' religion has been Perry Miller's 1956, Errand into the Wilderness. More recent and well-regarded books include Sacvan Bercovitch, The Puritan Origins of the American Self and David D. Hall, Worlds of Wonder, Days of Judgment: Popular Religious Belief in Early New England.

Online, Professor Donna M. Campbell’s valuable web pages on “Puritanism in New England” may help begin to clarify some of the Puritans’ religious beliefs.

Also online, you can find plenty to read and assign in volumes 1 and 2 of A Library of American Literature, edited by Edmund Stedman and Ellen Hutchinson, and compiled and published in 1887, and which is available via Google Books. The editors included diverse short selections from Puritan writers describing their inner and outer lives and their adventures in settling in America.

A newer anthology of Puritan writings, focusing exclusively on religion (and not available on the web), is The Puritans in America: A Narrative Anthology, edited by Alan Heimert and Andrew Delbanco, published in 1985 by Harvard University Press.

Teaching The Scarlet Letter and also reading historical works from and about the Puritans provides an opportunity to emphasize to students that Hawthorne's work was one of historical fiction, written almost two centuries after the events it imagined. Students can easily understand that the book is fiction because the specific people and events its described did not actually exist. They may need some help, however, in understanding that Hawthorne's Puritan world might differ from the real Puritans' world, or in understanding that Hawthorne's fictional enterprise was deeply imbued with mid-19th-century sensibilities and preoccupations. A 17th-century Puritan would never have written a book like it.

For more information

Sacvan Bercovitch, The Puritan Origins of the American Self. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1978.

David D. Hall, Worlds of Wonder, Days of Judgment: Popular Religious Belief in Early New England. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990.

Alan Heimert and Andrew Delbanco, eds. The Puritans in America: A Narrative Anthology. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1985.


John Demos, A Little Commonwealth: Family Life in Plymouth Colony. 2nd edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

John Demos, Remarkable Providences: Readings on Early American History, rev. edition. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1991.

David Hackett Fischer, Albion’s Seed: Four British Folkways in America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.

Perry Miller, Errand into the Wilderness. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1956