Making Use of Oral History Interviews


From a Densho email announcement:

"Oral histories offer a valuable way to preserve and document the memories of individuals. They are also useful for creating innovative educational materials. This workshop is for individuals who collect or want to collect oral history interviews for educational use. The 3-hour training will look at real world examples like videos, websites, classroom activities, books, and multimedia presentations. The session will examine important factors to consider in preparing oral histories so that effective educational materials can be created."

To register, contact

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Target Audience
Start Date
Three hours

Cartoon: The Times


An intricate political cartoon about the depressed state of the American economy during the financial panic of 1837 is illuminated by Professor Matthew Warshauer.

This feature is no longer available.

The Story of Emmett Till


NBC Narrator Rosalind Jordan looks back at the story of Emmett Till, who was 14 when he left Chicago to visit his family in the segregated South. Two white men accused Till of making a pass at Bryant's wife, Carolyn, and Till was brutally murdered.

This feature is no longer available.