Rocky Point Historical Society


The Society exists to promote and encourage historical research; to gather, preserve, display, and make available for study artifacts, relics, books, manuscripts, papers, photographs, and other records and materials relating to the history of the State of New York and particularly of Rocky Point and its environs, from earliest times to the present; to encourage and disseminate a greater knowledge of the history of the State of New York and particularly Rocky Point and the surrounding area through lectures, exhibits and publications; to encourage the suitable marking of places of historic interest; and to acquire by purchase, gift, devise, or otherwise the title to or the custody and control of historic sites and structures, and preserve and maintain such sites and structures.

Does not appear to be affiliated with any tourable historical sites.

Fort Kaskaskia State Historic Site


Fort Kaskaskia State Historic Site preserves the timeworn earthen remains of Fort Kaskaskia, constructed by the French ca. 1759 to defend the town of Kaskaskia. Founded in 1703, the town was for more than a century the region's principal commercial center, also serving from 1818 to 1820 as the first capital of Illinois. The small fort, containing only a three-room barrack and a kitchen, was apparently never fully completed. The fort was periodically occupied by French or U.S. troops until 1807 and sheltered local settlers during Indian scares rising from the War of 1812. Today's historic site consists of four major sections: the remains of Fort Kaskaskia, Garrison Hill Cemetery, the Mississippi River overlook and picnic area, and a large campground.

Does the site offer any docent/interpretation services? Site does not specify.

Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation


Through student/teacher workshops, tours, exhibits, and a variety of educational programs, Landmarks encourages people to notice and appreciate historic buildings, parks, public spaces, bridges, streets, and other assets that make up the city and its neighborhoods and compose the character of the Pittsburgh region. Landmarks works to preserve and restore the area's historical assets and to assist others in doing the same.

The foundation offers courses, tours, and other educational and recreational programs.

Seems to be more a preservation/umbrella organization than individual historical sites.

Landmark Society of the Niagara Frontier


The Society is dedicated to enhancing appreciation of the built and natural landmarks in the Niagara Region using various lifelong learning and storytelling techniques. Its goal is to expand sustainable storytelling in the Buffalo-Niagara region through awards, lectures, publications, signage, tours, websites, and collaborative history-driven preservation and development projects.

The society offers lectures, tours, and symposiums.

Seems to be a site/organization dedicated more to networking/providing an umbrella for other groups and resources, over unique content.