Women's History


This institute will examine documents that trace the diverse and complex roles played by women throughout the history of the United States. Participants will meet with women's history specialists at the Library of Congress and examine original historical materials from the Library's collections. Library staff will also guide participants in finding and using materials related to women's history on the Library of Congress website, as well as exploring different ways to integrate those materials into the classroom.

Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Library of Congress
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
No college or professional development credits are provided for those participating in the Teacher Institutes.
Three days
End Date

Incorporating Primary Sources into the Teaching Process


This institute will help teachers take advantage of the instructional power of primary sources. Though many teachers are familiar with the importance of primary sources, they are not sure how to use them in the classroom, how to develop inquiry-based lessons, or how to help students use them in projects. In this workshop, Library of Congress specialists will introduce participants to the unique characteristics of primary sources, while helping explore some of the millions of digitized primary sources available on the Library's website. Participants will look at ways to introduce students to primary sources and how to incorporate them in inquiry-based classroom activities.

Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Library of Congress
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
No college or professional development credits are provided for those participating in the Teacher Institutes.
Three days
End Date

Philadelphia's Economy in an Age of Atlantic World Revolutions


This seminar will have daily discussion at the Library Company of Philadelphia, which was founded by Benjamin Franklin, and where participants will have hands-on access to writings and images of this tumultuous era. Daily meetings will look at the ups and downs of fighting a long war for American independence, and then relate these experiences to the wider Atlantic world of revolutionary contagion. Participants will visit some of the historical places Philadelphians would have known more than 200 years ago, many of which are within blocks of the Library Company.

Contact name
Shapiro, Debbie
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Library Company of Philadelphia
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $3,200 stipend
Twenty-six days
End Date

Metro DC and National Lincoln Teacher Seminar and Fellowships


By preparing and performing historical speeches, interpreting letters, and "reading" artifacts, images, and places, participants in this seminar will develop teaching techniques that strengthen reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. They will work with teachers from across the country to develop web resources to support themselves and others in teaching the Civil War.

Over the course of five mornings, participants will travel to three historic sites in Washington's historic neighborhoods. In the afternoons, they will participate in interpretations of important speeches and letters, learning tools that lead to rigorous visual and experiential learning.

During the school year, participants will receive priority access to field trips at each of the three historic sites; updated online study guides and lesson plans from each of the three Civil War Consortium historic sites; access to additional free professional development and arts and cultural opportunities in and around DC; a network of supportive teachers and scholars to reinforce learning; and the chance to become a paid Lincoln Teacher Fellow Consortium faculty fellow in future summers.

This program is designed for teachers in the DC Metropolitan area, and also welcomes teachers interested in Civil War Washington history from around the country.

Contact name
Flack, Jake
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Ford's Theatre; Frederick Douglass National Historic Site; Tudor Place Historic House and Garden
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$300 for commuters; $600 for out-of-town
Contact Title
Education Programs Coordinator
Five days
End Date

The President and Congress: Constitutional Principles and Practices That Have Shaped Our Understanding of the War Powers


The seminar will explore the separation of powers as it applies to the allocation of responsibility between Congress and the president concerning national security and foreign policy powers. Presidents and legislators have been warring over the question since the earliest days of the republic. The nation's political experience suggests that there are sound arguments to be made on both sides. It also suggests that the issues are unlikely to be finally resolved anytime soon. As participants in this seminar shall see, the debate between President Bush and Congress concerning the war in Iraq is but a modern re-setting of an argument that prompted a spirited exchange on the war powers between James Madison and Alexander Hamilton in 1793. Indeed, it may be argued that there is very little to this debate that was not more or less fully anticipated by those two worthies four years after the Constitution was ratified. Through a series of focused historical readings, the seminar will begin by examining the foundations of the Framers' thought and some of the controversies that exhibit the founding principles at work during the early days of the Republic. Participants will go on from there to examine selected executive-congressional debates as they arose during later military conflicts, especially the Civil War, World War II, the Vietnam War, and the current conflict in the Mideast. The seminar will meet formally for three 90-minute sessions on four days of each week. Each of these sessions will be devoted to a particular set of readings and each of the participants will have a one-on-one session with Professor Uhlmann to discuss the best ways in which the lessons of the seminar might be converted to his or her particular classroom environment. Because the seminar takes place in Washington and devotes a great deal of time to the Founders' thoughts, it would be remiss if it did not take advantage of the knowledge of Pamela Scott, a noted Washington architectural historian, who will share ways in which the art and architecture of Washington reflects the principles of the American regime. The greater part of one day during each week, she will lead specially arranged tours, including Mount Vernon.

Contact name
Patton, Susannah
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Claremont Graduate University
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $2,000 stipend
Eleven days
End Date

A Rising People: Benjamin Franklin and the Americans


During this one-week workshop, workshop fellows will walk the streets and alleys that Benjamin Franklin walked, step through the doorways that he knew, sit in the churches where he worshiped, and stroll around the houses and public buildings where he helped to found the United States. Fellows will also explore the many rooms of Benjamin Franklin's mind: writer, printer, civic leader, politician, diplomat, scientist, revolutionary, founder. They will read Franklin's words—published and personal—and those of other men and women who lived in the era. They will examine the key aspects of gender, of race, of social class, and diverse other topics.

Contact name
Boudreau, George W.
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Pennsylvania State University Harrisburg
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Course Credit
Two types of credit will be available to each educator participating: Institute staff will assist educators in receiving continuing education credit (similar to Pennsylvania's Act-48 requirements). In addition, participants may register for graduate-level credit through the Pennsylvania State University, which will require both participation in all programs of the week-long workshop and additional readings and assignments.
Contact Title
Project Director
Six days
End Date

A Rising People: Benjamin Franklin and the Americans


During this one-week workshop, workshop fellows will walk the streets and alleys that Benjamin Franklin walked, step through the doorways that he knew, sit in the churches where he worshiped, and stroll around the houses and public buildings where he helped to found the United States. Fellows will also explore the many rooms of Benjamin Franklin's mind: writer, printer, civic leader, politician, diplomat, scientist, revolutionary, founder. They will read Franklin's words—published and personal—and those of other men and women who lived in the era. They will examine the key aspects of gender, of race, of social class, and diverse other topics.

Contact name
Boudreau, George W.
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Pennsylvania State University Harrisburg
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Course Credit
Two types of credit will be available to each educator participating: Institute staff will assist educators in receiving continuing education credit (similar to Pennsylvania's Act-48 requirements). In addition, participants may register for graduate-level credit through the Pennsylvania State University, which will require both participation in all programs of the week-long workshop and additional readings and assignments.
Contact Title
Project Director
Six days
End Date
Ellis Island: Public Health and the American Workforce, 1891–1924 Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 11/21/2008 - 15:42

At this workshop, educators will be joined by immigration scholars and public health historians, visit related historic sites in New York City that vividly tell the story of immigration in the early part of the 20th century, and investigate Ellis Island's unrestored hospital buildings with an architectural historian to uncover their significance. This workshop will specifically address the impact of the 1891 immigration legislation mandating health as a criterion for admission to the U.S., precipitating construction of the U.S. Public Health Service hospital on Ellis Island to screen and treat arriving immigrants.

Contact name
Frazier, Jan
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Save Ellis Island, Inc.
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Course Credit
Although the workshop cannot arrange for individual professional development credit certifications, it will supply a certificate with equivalent professional development hours for each participant. Participants will be responsible for submitting the certificate to any certifying agency or organization. A New Jersey professional development provider number will be included for reference. This year, through partnership with the Bank Street College of Education, participants may receive one graduate credit for the workshop. There will be a fee and additional assignments to complete to receive this credit.
Five days
End Date