Martin Luther King, Jr., Part Two Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 01/04/2008 - 14:04

Professor Peter Myers investigates Martin Luther King, Jr.'s concepts of civil disobedience and political action, as well King's thought, as found in his writings and speeches, more generally. Myers examines particularly the objectives King wished to achieve with his work.

This lecture continues from the lecture Martin Luther King, Jr., Part One.

Martin Luther King, Jr., Part Two Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 01/04/2008 - 14:04

Professor Lucas E. Morel reviews the life and views of Martin Luther King, Jr., focusing on the March on Washington and King's "I Have a Dream" speech. This lecture continues from the lecture Martin Luther King, Jr., Part One.

For the lecture, scroll down to the third seminar of Wednesday, August 4. Readings, available for download, accompany the lecture.

An older version of this lecture can be found here.

Martin Luther King, Jr., Part One Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 01/04/2008 - 14:04

Professor Lucas E. Morel reviews the life and views of Martin Luther King, Jr., examining his views of race relations, his religious beliefs, and his definition of civil disobedience, as suggested in his writings and speeches. This lecture continues in the lecture Martin Luther King, Jr., Part Two.

For the lecture, scroll down to the second seminar of Wednesday, August 4. Readings, available for download, accompany the lecture.

An older version of this lecture can be found here.

Multilaterals Project

Image, Multilaterals Project

Texts of about 300 international multilateral treaties, agreements, and conventions are available on this website, from the Treaty of Westphalia (1648) to the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides (November 2002). Originally designed to provide environmental agreements, this website now offers additional agreements, including drafts of many documents.

Materials are arranged in 10 categories: atmosphere and space; flora and fauna, biodiversity; cultural protection; diplomatic relations; general; human rights; marine and coastal; other environmental; trade and commercial relations; and rules of warfare and arms control. Most of the texts date from the post-World War II period to the present. Listings are also arranged in chronological order and users may search by keyword. There are links to approximately 120 additional sources on treaties and conventions.

Trail End State Historic Site [WY]


Finished in 1913, Trail End was the home of the John B. Kendrick family. He was a cowboy who came up the Texas Trail in 1879, made his money in ranching and real estate, and later served as Wyoming's Governor and U.S. Senator. Trail End's Flemish Revival design and technologically-advanced interior are unique to the Rocky Mountain west. Today's visitors can enjoy 3.8 acres of groomed grounds (containing hundreds of indigenous and exotic trees) and a fully-restored historic house museum (mostly original furniture), plus regular productions at the Carriage House Theater.

A second website for this site can be found here.

The site offers exhibits, tours, educational programs, research library access, and performances.

The Articles of Confederation


This mini documentary, produced by NBC, describes the Articles of Confederation, which suited the goals of the Americans when they were fighting for freedom from the monarchy. These documents, which favored state's rights over federal power, were inadequate after the Revolution when a strong central government became necessary.

To view the documentary, follow the link below and scroll down past "Thomas Paine and 'Common Sense'" and "Women in the American Revolution."

A Brilliant Solution: Inventing the American Constitution


What political traditions did the Framers draw upon as they wrote the Constitution and what innovations did they introduce into the political life of the nation?

Dr. Carol Berkin of Baruch College speaks on the crisis the delegates to the Constitutional Convention believed their new nation was facing, the personalities and backgrounds of these delegates, and the main issues and ideals that shaped the Constitution these men created.