The Cuban Missile Crisis: Considering Its Place in Cold War History


In 19 short video clips, ranging in length from 58 seconds to three and a half minutes, scholars Jim Blight, janet Lang, and Sergei Khrushchev examine the events that led up to the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Crisis itself, and the personalities involved. Intended to accompany the Choices Program's curriculum The Cuban Missile Crisis: Considering Its Place in Cold War History, these clips may still be used independently.

Registration is required, but free.

Confronting Genocide: Never Again?


In 17 short video clips, ranging in length from 52 seconds to over two minutes, scholars Susan Allee, Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, and David Kennedy look at how global response to genocide has developed over the past century and examine U.S. response to several genocides. Intended to accompany the Choices Program's curriculum Confronting Genocide: Never Again?, these clips may still be used independently.

Registration is required, but free.

Frances Perkins, the Woman Behind FDR


Journalist Kirstin Downey talks about Frances Perkins, the subject of her book The Woman Behind the New Deal: The Life of Frances Perkins, FDR's Secretary of Labor and His Moral Conscience. As secretary of labor during FDR's presidency, Perkins initiated social-welfare reforms in areas including unemployment, child labor, immigration, and work-week length.

They Have Killed Papa Dead!: The Road to Ford's Theatre, Abraham Lincoln's Murder and the Rage for Vengeance


As described on the Library of Congress website: "The assassination of the 16th president is one of the singular events in American history, and historian Anthony Pitch uses primary source material to document and reveal previously unknown facts about Lincoln's death...Pitch details the murder plots that were unsuccessful as well as the successful one by referencing hundred of sources." Most of his research was conducted at the Library of Congress, and Pitch discusses the sources he discovered and referred to while writing his book.