At a Glance
Take in full articles from the 1917 through 2005 editions of the Wisconsin Magazine of History.
Wisconsin Magazine of History

This website offers archived issues of the quarterly journal of the Wisconsin Historical Society with historical articles, book reviews, and images. The archive offers full-color page images (PDF format) of all articles from 22 issues dating from Autumn 2000 (Vol. 84 No. 1) to Winter 2005 (Vol. 89 No. 2), including a look at Wisconsin's golden days of pioneer aviation, an article on the powerful experience of visiting public historical sites, and an excerpt from a biography of Wisconsin Senator Robert M. La Follette, Jr. The searchable (by subject) cumulative online index for volumes 76 to 85 (Autumn 1992 to Summer 2002) allows visitors to locate specific articles in these issues (titles and issue numbers only). There is also a link to the Society's "Wisconsin Historical Images" site, an archive of more than 13,000 images. Although it offers only secondary sources and only articles since 2000, this site is of possible use to those researching the history of Wisconsin's people, places, and events.