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History and Art: George Washington Goes Back to School
Celebrate President's Day with a free, framed, replica of Rembrandt Peale's Porthole Portrait of George Washington from the Mount Vernon historic site. It is specially sized (30”x36”) to take a place of honor in your school’s central office, library, or auditorium. Accompanying the portrait will be a George Washington Celebration Kit with suggested activities to commemorate the dedication of the portrait, as well as suggested lesson plans for classroom use.
To receive this FREE limited-edition portrait, please send a letter on school letterhead from the principal to Ann Bay, Associate Director for Education, George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate & Gardens, P.O. Box 110, Mount Vernon, VA 22121. The letter should state 1) the space where the portrait will be hung; and 2) the school’s street address for UPS delivery. For further information, visit George Washington's Mount Vernon.