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Lessons Online: TED-Ed

Have you heard of TED? Short for Technology, Entertainment, Design, this nonprofit organization shares "free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers," according to its mission statement. Known for its TEDTalks, TED brings the ideas of prominent thinkers, leaders, innovators, and public figures, ranging from Michelle Obama to Ken Robinson to Diana Laufenberg (who has written for—check out her blog entries!) to a widespread audience via the Internet. With more than 1,100 talks in its online database, TED covers topics including history, technology, politics, and, of course, education.
In April, TED plans to add even more educational resources to its repertoire. According to TED, TED-Ed will feature videos of outstanding educators presenting innovative lessons enhanced by animation. TED has already released 19 videos. Check out "How Containerization Shaped the World" for the story of one American's invention of steel shipping containers.
Do you have a fantastic lesson you want to share with the world? Do you know someone who teaches lessons with clarity, energy, and a passion for historical thinking and student engagement? TED-Ed is accepting nominations for educators to be featured in future videos, as well as nominations for lesson ideas.
Nominate yourself or an educator you admire, suggest a U.S. history lesson you think TED-Ed should cover, and help use this new free platform for sharing critical thinking skills!
For more information
Looking for online history lectures, presentations, and documentaries? Search's History in Multimedia database to find video and audio presentations to inspire you and your students.
Your students can make their own presentations, too. Find overviews of digital tools for video and audio editing in Tech for Teachers. Watch examples of students engaged in producing their own docudramas in our Teaching in Action video featuring the Virginia program "Of the Student, For the Student, By the Student."