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Historical Thinking Interactive Poster!

So how do we top the popularity of our historical thinking poster? We make a good thing even better! Check out’s interactive version of the historical thinking poster for the 20122013 school year!
Just like the original poster, we created a version specifically for elementary classrooms and another for secondary grade use.
What will you find?
With links to lessons, primary sources, teaching ideas and more, the interactive poster helps guide you to great resources found on, such as:
- A quiz to test your knowledge of primary and secondary sources
- A video on “What is Historical Thinking?”
- Lesson plans focused on key elements of historical thinking
- Ideas for teaching with text, photographs, art, maps, objects, and more
How can you use it?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Project the poster up on your smartboard and use it to introduce the concept of historical thinking
- Select a different teaching resource from the poster each week to reinforce a particular historical thinking skill
- Use the source information to model how to cite sources from the web
Want more?
Be sure to check out’s interactive Civil War poster filled with teaching resources related to the primary sources depicted!