Reenactor Marcia Estabrook plays half-white, half-black slave Ellen Craft. Estabrook tells Craft's story of her upbringing as a slave and her escape from slavery dressed as a white man, with her husband posing as a slave.
This seminar focuses on the era of the American Civil War and especially on the revolutionary transformation of social and political life in that critical period of U.S. history. Using an array of historical documents as well as lectures, discussions, and (possibly) visits to historical sites, seminar members will analyze the way a war of unprecedented scope drove a process of state building and slave emancipation that reconfigured the nation and remade the terms of political membership in it. Starting with the Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case in 1857 and ending with the constitutional amendments of the postwar period, the seminar will take up the key events and developments in the Union and the Confederacy, including secession, the destruction of slavery (on plantations and in the law), African-American enlistment, and popular politics North and South. By focusing throughout on the racial and gender terms of citizenship, the seminar makes clear what changed—and what did not—in American political life, while conveying a sense of the epic drama by which the United States was remade in the vortex of war.
Pittsburg State University (PSU) is pleased to offer graduate credit to workshop participants at a tuition fee of $199 per credit hour. Participants can receive three graduate credit hours for the duration of the week.
This PhilaPlace project workshop will suggest approaches for developing local history mapping lessons and discuss ways to incorporate immigration and oral history into such projects.
This PhilaPlace project workshop will introduce teachers to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping and show how it can be a valuable tool to assess immigration and ethnic change over time.
This conference will include a variety of lectures, clinics, and other opportunities for educators to share ideas and learn new techniques related to their profession.
This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces the Quakers, or the Society of Friends, who sought a refuge in America where they could practice without persecution. Quaker William Penn found a permanent settlement in Pennsylvania.
Teachers can explore the Gettysburg Museum of the American Civil War and Gettysburg National Military Park without their students. They get a jump start to field trip planning and preview a range of trip itineraries and options to meet the grade level, time frame, and size of their group during this four-hour-long workshop.
Teachers can explore the Gettysburg Museum of the American Civil War and Gettysburg National Military Park without their students. They get a jump start to field trip planning and preview a range of trip itineraries and options to meet the grade level, time frame, and size of their group during this four-hour-long workshop.
Teachers can explore the Gettysburg Museum of the American Civil War and Gettysburg National Military Park without their students. They get a jump start to field trip planning and preview a range of trip itineraries and options to meet the grade level, time frame, and size of their group during this four-hour-long workshop.