The Lewis and Clark Expedition and the Making of American Imperialism Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 01/04/2008 - 14:04

Professor William Wagner considers the actual significance of the Lewis and Clark Expedition to and in U.S. history. He seeks to remove the voyage from obscuring popular myths and into the realm of historical fact, while also looking at how popular understanding of the Expedition has changed over time.

Historic Fort Steuben [OH]


The Historic Fort Stueben is a reproduction fort built upon the site of the original. Dating to 1786, the original fort was built by the First American Regiment for the purpose of protecting surveyors from local Native American groups. Their safety thus bolstered, the surveyors were able to map the Northwest Territory (1789-1803), as requested by the Continental Congress. The site includes the First Federal Land Office (an original structure), officers' quarters, enlisted quarters, a quartermaster's office, artificer shop, hospital, and commissary. Topics covered include early Ohio history and the voyage of Lewis and Clarke (1803-1806).

The fort offers tours and demonstrations of surveying, blacksmithing, and flintknapping.

Elizabeth Schaefer on Mental Maps in American History

Date Published
Photo, Mental map, American Indian History, Elizabeth Schaefer, 2010
Photo, Mental map, American Indian History, Elizabeth Schaefer, 2010
Photo, Mental map, American Indian History, Elizabeth Schaefer, 2010
Photo, Mental map, American Indian History, Elizabeth Schaefer, 2010
Photo, Mental map, American Indian History, Elizabeth Schaefer, 2010
Photo, Mental map, American Indian History, Elizabeth Schaefer, 2010
Photo, Mental map, American Indian History, Elizabeth Schaefer, 2010
Photo, Mental map, American Indian History, Elizabeth Schaefer, 2010
Article Body

In a world where kids are extremely familiar with a robotic "Turn left," and may have never actually seen a road atlas, geography has never been so important in the history classroom. Until mental maps, geography lessons did not often win the battle against history standards for precious time in my classroom. Now instead of being a sideshow, I consider maps a necessary step in teaching and checking for comprehension. Learning history content needs to be partnered with visualizing the environmental influences. After all, in order to understand how America was shaped, knowledge of the land is crucial.

Mental maps add another dimension to the history classroom. If you are not utilizing them to teach American history concepts, I recommend that you read below to discover how they help to build connections, incorporate different learning styles, and check for depth of understanding.

What is a Mental Map?

A mental map is a rough sketch of the world simplified enough that the outline can be remembered and repeated. The outline of the map can then be labeled with physical, political, or historic details.

How Do I Teach Mental Maps?

(The map described draws USA and its immediate neighbors.)

The Set-Up:

The teacher simply needs an overhead projector and some wet erase markers to begin (colors help!). The students need a piece of lined or computer paper and a writing utensil.

Before starting to draw, it is important to emphasize that no two mental maps will look identical.

First, I recommend figuring out a folding system that works for you. Folding the paper before beginning keeps the maps more proportionate. I like my students to divide the paper into six parts. Draw imaginary fold lines across the overhead to help orient the students.

Before starting to draw, it is important to emphasize that no two mental maps will look identical. Students can have trouble accepting that, and for the perfectionists this can be a particular challenge.

The Story:

The most important step to teaching mental maps is creating a story that will aid in memory. Tell the story using the overhead projector as a visual guide. After telling each part of the story, draw the corresponding piece of the map on the overhead, have the students repeat the steps, and periodically check their papers. Once they learn the outline, we use it throughout the year again and again so they have a very good understanding of our basic geography.

Many different stories could work and I have experimented with a few. This year, I told the story of "Norbert Americus, Zookeeper Extraordinaire." The story goes: Mr. Americus wanted to make the best zoo possible so he started collecting the biggest animals that he could. (If you prompt the students, you may find that they are very good at guessing the animals.) First he collected an elephant and a giraffe. Then he decided to get the very biggest animal even though he lives in the sea. Add a whale's tale to the top.

A little prairie dog wandered over from the deserts of America to see these big animals. He saw them and panicked. He took one look back and scurried all the way to the edge of the paper.

When the prairie dog arrived in Alaska, another nervous animal was there—a turtle. The turtle popped his head out when he saw the prairie dog.

The prairie dog and the turtle had each other now. They realized they had reached the West Coast so they decided it was time to chiiiiiiill out. Actually they chilled out so much that they were all the way down the Baja Peninsula before they knew it!

Just about then, the turtle and the prairie dog started talking. The animals in Mr. Americus's zoo seemed nice enough. In fact, none of those animals even eat turtles or prairie dogs. They turned back around and asked if they could be part of the zoo. The big animals liked the small animals and they of course said- "Y not?"

And that is the story of the Mr. Americus's Zoo!

In the first map that I teach, we draw the 2001 USA so we add an animal from way down low and way up high to the zoo—a snake and a bird—to outline the three major countries.

For American history, I do not include all of North America for simplicity's sake and I also exaggerate the size of America compared to Canada in order to fit features throughout the year. These two factors should be pointed out to the students, and you should show them a real map and discuss the purpose of a mental map versus a real map.

How Does This Apply to American History Specifically?

In world history, mental maps had been a great way to teach all of the different continents, so when I began U.S. history, I was concerned about the efficacy of repeating the USA map. I have discovered that not only can the single outline work, it is also beneficial to establish that one outline early on and recycle it so the focus can move to the details. Also, this helps to connect the historic pieces. For example, adding the Treaty of Paris land, then the Louisiana Purchase, and then the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the students can really visualize the growth of our nation.

As you view the maps, please note that they also help orient the students to their country. Many of my DC students have never made it to see the White House, let alone making it past Maryland or Virginia. So they can establish the basic size and geography of our country in relation to places that they have heard of or seen on television.

Some of the maps I have used include:

Top 5 Reasons I Recommend Mental Maps
  1. Mental maps are accessible. The students have fun as if they have learned a neat new trick, and yet pretty soon they can easily locate the land America gained in the Treaty of Paris or describe the length of the Trail of Tears.
  2. Mental maps provide an avenue for students with different talents to shine on an actual test. Often times these talents show up in projects or classwork, but this aids that talent to come out in more rigid assessments as well.
  3. Mental maps force some traditionally excellent students to stretch their brains and skills outside of their comfort zone.
  4. Mental maps are simple to modify. I provide a few special education students the basic map outline and allow them to fill in the details important to the unit.
  5. Mental maps allow the teacher to check the difference between test memorization and actually comprehending the material. If they are able to answer that the Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States on a multiple-choice question but then make that land a mere sliver on the map, the teacher knows that they have reached a level of regurgitation rather than of actual learning.
For more information

Students having difficulty visualizing the geographic concepts they're mapping? What does a butte look like? How about a mountain pass? In their TAH project, educators Terri Ruyter and Michele Yokell brought geography to students in three dimensions. Watch the video here.

Interested in another sort of mapping? The Tech for Teachers entry Mind Mapping explores concept maps as an aid for memory and understanding.

For more by Elizabeth Schaefer, check out her blog entries on the Interactive Declaration of Independence and the impact of 9/11 in the classroom.

California or Bust

Quiz Webform ID

Who went west when? Answer questions about migration from 1935 to 2000.


Federal Census figures demonstrate the migration of people from state to state and from region to region over the years. Below are three maps depicting the migration rate (the rate of net domestic migration per 1,000 people), each covering a five-year period. Match each map to the period it represents.

Quiz Answer

b. 1965-1970

a. 1935-1940

c. 1995-2000

Overall, the census data describes the following pattern of migration flow between California and the other states, showing the periods 1955 to 1960 in red and 1995 to 2000 in blue:

All of these maps are from Trudy A. Suchan et al's Census Atlas of the United States (Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau, 2007), available online, as well as in print. Check out Chapter 7, "Migration," for further data and visualizations on migration trends.

For more information

Interested in exploring the census further in the classroom?'s Lesson Plan Review The First Census: America in 1790 leads students to examine census data for insights into the politics behind the Great Compromise and the Three Fifths Compromise at the Constitutional Convention of 1787.

Don't be turned away by its long name—the Selected Historical Decennial Census Population and Housing Counts website houses more than 21 historical census reports and the history of each U.S. census taken. The United States Census Bureau, of course, also provides a wealth of census data and tools for accessing and assessing the data. And for census data stretching from 1790 to 1960, try the University of Virginia's United States Historical Census Data Browser.

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Developing Cartographic Literacy with Historic Maps Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 11/21/2008 - 18:02

This 3-week seminar led by James Akerman (The Newberry Library) and Gerald Danzer (Emeritus, The University of Illinois at Chicago) is designed to develop cartographic literacy and encourage effective use of map documents in the classroom through study in the history of cartography. A program of seminars based on recent scholarship in the history of cartography and guided individual research will allow teachers to explore the relevance of map study to their own interests and curricular needs. Workshops will serve as forums for refining and applying the skills necessary to read maps as products of science, artistic creations, storytellers, wayfinding tools, and expressions of power; and as representations of worldviews and local landscapes.

Contact name
Frank, Sarah
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Newberry Library
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $2,600 stipend
Contact Title
Program Assistant
Nineteen days
End Date

New Mapping Technology in the History-Geography Classroom


From the California History-Social Science Project website:

"Dr. Janice Reiff of the UCLA History Department will introduce the Hypercities program and other mapping technologies to teachers at all levels."

Contact name
Miller, Mary
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
California History-Social Science Project
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Three and a half hours

Teacher Workshop: Mapping Our History


This PhilaPlace project workshop will suggest approaches for developing local history mapping lessons and discuss ways to incorporate immigration and oral history into such projects.

Contact name
Wilson, Kate
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
Attendance at workshops qualifies for 2 hours toward Act 48.
Contact Title
Director of Education and Interpretation
Two hours

Discovering the Past Block-by-Block: Using

Description is a free website where visitors can find and share historical information about Chicago. Are you researching the history of a neighborhood? Looking for the church where your great-grandparents got married? Interested in mapping the places where your ancestors lived? This workshop can help. Participants will learn how to use the tools available on this popular interactive website and find out how they can contribute to the growing amount of historical data available online to Chicago researchers.

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Newberry Library
Phone number
Start Date
One day

Seeing is Believing: Google Earth in the Social Studies


Google Earth lets students see the world around them in brand-new ways: travel to the Great Pyramids, analyze live current events, compare before and after images of deforestation, and integrate literature and social studies. But how best can teachers use it to improve learning? This workshop spends a day adapting existing Google Earth tours and creating new ones.

Contact name
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Educational Services and Staff Development Association of Central Kansas (ESSDACK)
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Seven hours

Historic Pittsburgh [PA]


Historic Pittsburgh is an online collection of local historical resources, including materials held by the University of Pittsburgh's University Library System, the Library & Archives at the Heinz History Center, the Carnegie Museum of Art, Chatham College Archives, Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation, and the Point Park University Archives.

The website offers databases of maps, images, and census records. The website also offers library access to the above-mentioned libraries, general historical information, and a page for teachers detailing suggested classroom applications of the website. To contact the site via email, use the webpage: