Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park [CA]


In August 1908, Colonel Allen Allensworth and four other settlers established a town founded, financed, and governed by African Americans. Their dream of developing an abundant and thriving community stemmed directly from a strong belief in programs that allowed blacks to help themselves create better lives. By 1910, Allensworth’s success was the focus of many national newspaper articles praising the town and its inhabitants. Today a collection of restored and reconstructed early 20th-century buildings—including the Colonel's house, historic schoolhouse, Baptist church, and library—once again dots this flat farm country.

The park offers a short film, exhibits, tours, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Fort Stark Historic Site [NH]


Fort Stark State Historic Site is located on a peninsula historically called Jerry's Point on the southeast corner of New Castle Island. It overlooks the Piscataqua River, Little Harbor, and the Atlantic Ocean. Fort Stark was named in honor of John Stark, commander of New Hampshire forces at the Battle of Bennington (1777). It is one of seven forts built to protect Portsmouth Harbor. A visitor center, located in the old mines building, is open by appointment only.

The site offers exhibits, open by appointment.

Talcott Mountain State Park [CT]


The Farmington River Valley landmark of Heublein Tower sits atop Talcott Mountain, a long, precipitous wooded ledge named after the Talcott family. The 165-foot structure was built as a summer home in 1914 by Gilbert Heublein. In the early '50s, two future presidents were guests of the Hartford Times, then General Dwight D. Eisenhower (who was asked to run for office there) and Ronald Reagan, then president of the Screen Actors' Guild. Following a period of ownership of the property by the Hartford Times during WWII and the early 1950s, it was slated for residential development by a private corporation when the 557 acres of Talcott Mountain came under public ownership in 1965 through the cooperative efforts of private conservationists and state and federal governments.

The park offers tours.

Greenwood Furnace State Park [PA]


A walk through historic Greenwood Furnace evokes images of the community that flourished here from 1834 to 1904. Greenwood Furnace was a busy industrial complex, with all the noise and dirt of a 19th-century ironmaking community. Today, the park covers 423 acres, including a six-acre lake, and is surrounded by an 80,000-acre block of Rothrock State Forest. Interpretive programming at the park is centered on the former Greenwood Furnace and the company town that grew up around it.

The park offers exhibits, tours, and educational and recreational events.

Ganondagan State Historic Site [NY]


Ganondagan is the site of a Native American community that was a flourishing, vibrant center for the Seneca people. Visitor to this site, where thousands of Seneca lived 300 years ago; can tour a full-size replica of a 17th-century Seneca Bark Longhouse; walk miles of self-guided trails; climb the mesa where a huge palisaded granary stored hundreds of thousands of bushels of corn; and learn about the destruction of Ganondagan, Town of Peace, in 1687.

The site offers exhibits, tours, and educational and recreational events.

Patapsco Valley State Park [MD]


In one of Maryland's first state parks (1907), the valley and its natural resources have been enjoyed by the Native Americans, explorers, settlers, and present-day citizens. With its source in Frederick and Carroll counties, the Patapsco serves the Port of Baltimore, and empties into the Chesapeake Bay. The Avalon Visitor Center houses exhibits spanning over 300 years of history along the Patapsco River. Housed in a 19th-century stone dwelling in the Avalon Area, the center includes a recreation of a 1930s forest warden's office. The park contains several historic sites, including the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the Thomas Viaduct, remains of the Orange Grove Mill, the Avalon Iron and Nail Works, and Bloedes Dam.

The park offers exhibits and tours.

Point Sur State Historic Park [CA]


Point Sur Lighthouse and its supporting lightstation buildings, now a California State Historic Park, stand atop a dramatic volcanic rock just offshore in Big Sur, California. This historic aid-to-navigation has a modern aero-beacon which still guides ships along the treacherous Central California Coast. From 1889 until 1974, families lived and worked in the buildings atop Point Sur.

A second, individual website for the park can be found here.

The park offers tours.

Koreshan State Historic Site [FL]


Throughout its history, Florida has welcomed pioneers of all kinds. Cyrus Reed Teed was probably the most unusual, bringing followers to Estero in 1894 to build New Jerusalem for his new faith, Koreshanity. The colony, known as the Koreshan Unity, believed that the entire universe existed within a giant, hollow sphere. The colony began fading after Teed's death in 1908, and in 1961 the last four members deeded the land to the state. Today, visitors can fish, picnic, boat, and hike where Teed's visionaries once carried out survey experiments to prove the horizon on the beaches of Lee County curves upward.

The site offers exhibits, demonstrations, and tours.

Folsom Powerhouse State Historic Park [CA]


The Folsom Powerhouse is an example of the tremendous advance in the commercial application of electricity. H.P. Livermore realized that the water of the American River could turn generators for electricity in Sacramento, 22 miles downstream. With his partners, Livermore built the powerhouse, which still looks much as it did in 1895. Vintage generators are still in place at the powerhouse, as is the control switchboard, faced with Tennessee marble. Visitors touring the powerhouse can see the massive General Electric transformers, each capable of conducting from 800 to 11,000 volts of electricity, in addition to the forebays and canal system that brought the water from the dam.

The park offers tours.