Staatsburgh State Historic Site [NY]


Staatsburgh is a New York State Historic Site located within the boundaries of Mills-Norrie State Park. It provides an example of the great estates built by America's financial and industrial leaders during the Gilded Age. A 25-room Greek Revival structure was built on the site in 1832 by Morgan Lewis and his wife, Gertrude Livingston, replacing an earlier house that had burned down. This second house was inherited by Ruth Livingston Mills, wife of noted financier and philanthropist Ogden Mills. In 1895, Mr. and Mrs. Mills commissioned the prestigious New York City architectural firm of McKim, Mead, and White to remodel and enlarge their Staatsburg home. After completion in 1896, the house was transformed into a Beaux-Arts mansion of 65 rooms and 14 bathrooms. Its exterior was embellished with balustrades, pilasters, floral swags, and a massive portico. The rooms were furnished with elaborately carved and gilded furniture; fine oriental rugs; silk fabrics; and a collection of art objects from Europe, ancient Greece, and the Far East.

The site offers tours and educational and recreational programs and events.

Fort Foster State Historic Park [FL]


Fort Foster was one of the original Seminole War forts constructed in Florida during the early 1800s. Today a replica wood-picket-style fort has been constructed on the original site. Park rangers provide tours, and explain the Fort operations and living conditions, as well as telling the history of the Seminole Wars in Florida. The interpretive center contains exhibits about the fort, the Seminoles, and the Second Seminole War.

The park offers exhibits, tours, and occasional living history events.

Fort Abercrombie State Historical Park and Kodiak Military History Museum


The historic ruins of a World War II coastal defense installation coupled with the steep surf-pounded cliffs, deep spruce forests, wildflower-laden meadows, and a lake containing trout offer the public an opportunity to learn of the events of World War II while enjoying the natural beauty of the park. A museum in the park further explores the World War II history of the site.

The museum offers exhibits.

Chief Vann House Historic Site [GA]


During the 1790s, James Vann became a Cherokee Indian leader and wealthy businessman. He established the largest and most prosperous plantation in the Cherokee Nation, covering 1,000 acres of what is now Murray County. In 1804 he completed construction of a 2-and-a-half-story brick home that was the most elegant in the Cherokee Nation. After Vann was murdered in 1809, his son Joseph inherited the mansion and plantation. Joseph was also a Cherokee leader and became even more wealthy than his father. In the 1830s almost the entire Cherokee Nation was forced west by state and federal troops on the infamous Trail of Tears. The Vann family lost their elegant home, rebuilding in the Cherokee Territory of Oklahoma. Today the Vann House survives as Georgia's best-preserved historic Cherokee Indian home. A guided tour allows visitors to see the house which features hand carvings, a "floating" staircase, a 12-foot mantle, and fine antiques.

The site offers tours, exhibits, a film, demonstrations, and recreational and educational events.

Turtle Mountain Chippewa Indian Historical Society


The Society operates a museum filled with items reflecting Chippewa traditions. These include sculptures created by talented local stone carvers and paintings by both young and old artists. The traditional history collection includes many objects that show the unique culture of the Chippewa, as well as three dioramas, showing the Chippewa transition from the woodlands to the plains, and a recreated Red River ox cart represents the Metis culture also found among the Native regional cultures.

The museums offers exhibits and research library access.

Independence National Historical Park


The old cracked Bell still proclaims Liberty and Independence Hall echoes the words, "We the People." Explore Franklin's Philadelphia and learn about the past and America's continuing struggle to fulfill the Founders' Declaration that "all men are created equal."

Education is a primary mission of the park. The park offers resources for your classroom, for a field trip, and for professional development. The park’s education center, the Independence Park Institute (IPI), offers education programs that connect participants of all ages to the resources and stories of Independence National Historical Park.

Jémez State Monument [NM]


The Jemez State Monument Heritage Area includes the stone ruins of a 500-year-old Indian village and the San José de los Jemez church dating to 1610. The village of Giusewa was built in the narrow San Diego Canyon by the ancestors of the present-day people of Jemez (walatowa) Pueblo. The name Giusewa refers to the natural springs in the area. In the 17th century, the Spanish established a Catholic mission at the village. The mission was short-lived, and, in time, the people abandoned the site and moved to the current location of Jemez Pueblo. The massive stone walls were constructed about the same time the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. The heritage center contains exhibitions that tell the story of the site through the words of the Jemez people. A 1,400-foot interpretive trail winds through the impressive site ruins.

The site offers exhibits.

Fort Edgecomb State Historic Site [ME]


Located on Davis Island in the Sheepscott River, Fort Edgecomb traces its origins to the early 19th century. Interpretive panels unfold the events surrounding the Fort's history when hostilities in Europe dictated construction of forts to protect local residents. The centerpiece of the fort is the Blockhouse that was completed in 1809 and represents the nation's best-preserved blockhouse of this period. It sits on the highest point overlooking the Sheepscott River, and visitors are welcome to discover the views from the horizontal musket ports.

The site offers tours and occasional recreational and educational events.

National Parks & Conservation Association


"We believe that America's national parks and historical sites embody the American spirit. They are windows to our past, homes to some of our rarest plants and animal species, and places where every American can go to find inspiration, peace, and open space.

But these living, breathing monuments to our nation's history, culture, and landscape need care and support to overcome the many dangers that threaten to destroy them forever. At the National Parks Conservation Association, we work every day to ensure our national parks get that vital care and support.

NPCA plays a crucial role in ensuring that these magnificent lands and landmarks are protected in perpetuity:

* We advocate for the national parks and the National Park Service;
* we educate decision makers and the public about the importance of preserving the parks;
* we help to convince members of Congress to uphold the laws that protect the parks and to support new legislation to address threats to the parks;
* we fight attempts to weaken these laws in the courts;
* and we assess the health of the parks and park management to better inform our advocacy work."