Lincoln and Civil Liberties


Professor Mackubin T. Owens looks at Abraham Lincoln's actions as president in relation to civil rights and liberties. Owens considers whether Lincoln abused his presidential powers and deprived citizens of civil liberties without justification or whether his actions were appropriate and justified. He also includes some preliminary discussion of Lincoln's military strategy during the war.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to session 11, and select the RealAudio image or link in the gray bar to the left of the main body of text.

National Afro-American Museum and Cultural Center [OH]


The National Afro-American Museum and Cultural Center aims to educate the public about African-American history and culture from African origins to the present through a variety of programs, including museum exhibits, research and publications, visiting scholars, oral and visual history, and adult and children's educational activities.

The museum and center offer exhibits and tours.

National Civil Rights Museum [TN]


The National Civil Rights Museum is located in the Lorraine Motel, the site of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The museum is focused both on preserving the site of King's assassination as well as chronicling the history of the Civil Rights Movement as a whole.

The museum offers field trip programs, guided tours, exhibits, and special events. The website offers visitor information, an events calendar, and resources for teachers including curriculum guides, primary sources, and worksheets.

Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History [MI]


The Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History presents the history and culture of African Americans and their points of origin within Africa. It is is the world's largest institution dedicated to the African American experience. The museum boasts over 30,000 artifacts and archives, including major Underground Railroad and Detroit labor movement collections. Permanent exhibits include a historical overview of the African American experience, an interactive alphabet exhibit, and several large–scale works of art.

The museum offers exhibits; living history tours; tours led by museum educators; self–guided tours; workshops; films; live performances; lectures; a research library; a summer teacher's institute; and a designated dining area with sandwich, fruit, and beverage vending. Reservations are required for school groups, and the museum offers pizza and soda for an additional fee. The website offers a list of Michigan educational standards which correspond to traveling and permanent exhibits; a Martin Luther King, Jr. activity book; and an Internet treasure hunt.

Summer Reading: Clearinghouse Staff Recommendations, Part I

Date Published
cover, Steel Drivin' Man
Article Body

School's out (well, more or less—excluding professional development, workshops and conferences, and planning for next year), and more leisure time for reading may be in. Here is the first in a series of suggestions from staff at the National History Education Clearinghouse for your summertime "must read" booklist!

Race and Religion

In 1931, nine African American boys rode with hobos on a train from Chattanooga to Memphis and along the way, two white women—fearful of arrest for prostitution—claimed the Scottsboro boys raped them. Local juries found them guilty, even after the U.S. Supreme Court twice struck down the verdict and one of the two women changed her story. Kelly Schrum, Clearinghouse Co-Director and Director of Educational Projects for the Center for History and New Media, recommends James Goodman's account of the narrative of the Scottsboro boys, Stories of Scottsboro. "It's an engaging read. Goodwin is a storyteller, and he weaves together multiple perspectives and threads—often conflicting and competing—to demonstrate how we make sense of experiences." Stories from Scottsboro explores layers of meaning through the perspectives of plaintiffs and defendants, lawyers, judges, journalists, NAACP workers, and the Communist-backed International Labor Defense and links those points of view to the larger historical framework of the 1930s.

Theology and place influences how people think about race and identity.

Sharon Leon, Clearinghouse Co-Director and Director of Public Projects for the Center for History and New Media, recommends Parish Boundaries: The Catholic Encounter with Race in the Twentieth-Century Urban North by John T. McGreevy. According to Leon, "This book does a good job of paying attention to the role of place and theology in thinking about identity and race." Parish Boundaries explores the meaning of neighborhood to urban Catholics, a meaning in which geography, church, and school became inseparable. McGreevy explores how this sense of neighborhood influenced local Catholic resistance to integration—even when the Catholic church itself espoused racial equality.

Folk Songs and Material Culture

The Ballad of John Henry is perhaps the most recorded song in America—the story of the iconic railroad man who became a mythical embodiment of the heroism of the American worker. Lee Ann Ghajar, Clearinghouse Project Manager, likes Steel Drivin' Man: John Henry, the Untold Story of an American Legend because it is as much a book about how to do history as it is an historical narrative. The reader travels with historian Scott Reynolds Nelson and his dog in his wife's Ford Escort in pursuit of the real John Henry—a man more likely a mistreated, rather short, convict-laborer than the gigantic hero of folk songs who died with a hammer in his hand after a mighty race against a steam drill. "You follow the historian as he follows John Henry from the early days of his research when an historic map saved Scott Reynolds Nelson from a speeding ticket into archives, libraries, census documents, and company reports. It's a great story," Ghajar explains.

Is there a relationship between early American consumerism and today?

Teresa DeFlitch, Clearinghouse Project Manager, appreciates The Refinement of America: Persons, Houses, Cities by Richard Bushman. Bushman looks at the material culture of everyday life—houses and their rooms, clothing, conversation, books, manners, entertainment and posture, for example—and discusses how changes over time illustrated changing values and the development of the American middle class. DeFlitch says The Refinement of America "vividly demonstrates the importance of material culture and landscape in history and how we use things to create identity." Bushman uses different kinds of evidence, from teacups to churches to etiquette books, to demonstrate how the refining process affected the way Americans interacted with each other. "Students can relate to the agency of consumers, even if they are from long gone centuries, and there is plenty of opportunity to use the book as a framework for teaching behavioral differences between then and now," DeFlitch concludes.