The Great Depression and WWII


Pulitzer-Prize-winning author and history David M. Kennedy discusses American participation in World War II, looking at its perception as "the Good War" and in what ways the war could be considered a "good war"—particularly in its consequences for the U.S. He details the atmosphere in the U.S., both politically and popularly, following the war.

Historic Government Publications from World War II: A Digital Library

Image, A Pocket Guide to Hawaii, R. Bach, 1945, Historic Government Publications

More than 300 U.S. government publications from World War II have been digitized for this site, an ongoing project that plans to add another 200 documents.

Materials include pamphlets and books emphasizing home front issues, such as air raids, preservation, child labor, and victory farms. All materials are searchable by title, author, subject, and keyword. Browsing is also available.

A companion collection of photographs, the "Melvin C. Shaffer Collection," depicts the home front situation in Germany, North Africa, Italy, and Southern France from 1943 to 1945. Shaffer was a U.S. Army medical photographer assigned to document the medical history of the war through major campaigns. Shafer took the photographs on this site—totaling approximately 340—unofficially with the goal of recording the war's impact on civilians.

Don't You Know There's a War On?


This program explores the inspiring firsthand accounts of 11 individuals who experienced World War II. These men and women belong to what broadcast journalist Tom Brokaw calls the "greatest generation." They are ordinary citizens who did extraordinary things for their country. Whether they saw combat or collected scrap metal, North Carolinians joined countless Americans who served, sacrificed, and persevered during the war.

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