Historic Government Publications from World War II: A Digital Library

Image, A Pocket Guide to Hawaii, R. Bach, 1945, Historic Government Publications

More than 300 U.S. government publications from World War II have been digitized for this site, an ongoing project that plans to add another 200 documents.

Materials include pamphlets and books emphasizing home front issues, such as air raids, preservation, child labor, and victory farms. All materials are searchable by title, author, subject, and keyword. Browsing is also available.

A companion collection of photographs, the "Melvin C. Shaffer Collection," depicts the home front situation in Germany, North Africa, Italy, and Southern France from 1943 to 1945. Shaffer was a U.S. Army medical photographer assigned to document the medical history of the war through major campaigns. Shafer took the photographs on this site—totaling approximately 340—unofficially with the goal of recording the war's impact on civilians.

Mourning, Celebrating, Revisiting: Alexander von Humboldt in the United States, 1859-2009


From the Library of Congress website:

"Alexander von Humboldt achieved cultural hero status in the United States in the second half of the 19th century. His travels, experiments and knowledge transformed Western science. A lecture at the Library of Congress examined the influence and legacy of the German naturalist and explorer."

Empires, Multiculturalisms and Borrowed Heartsongs: What Does it Mean to Sing Russian/Mennonite Songs?


According to the Library of Congress website, "As "colonists" in 19th-century Russia, Mennonites sang German diasporic choral music and borrowed Russian choral music; when war drove many to North America, Mennonites drew on this repertoire and borrowed new repertoires to forge links to a new elite: North American classical choral singing circles. In this webcast, Jonathan Duek, an ethnomusicologist and visiting assistant professor at the University of Maryland School of Music, traces this story not as a linear narrative, but as genealogical fragments, beginning with the resonances of particular songs for present-day Mennonite writers, historians, and singers; and then exploring past moments of the production and reception of these songs in Russia and North America."

Women's Changing Roles in Immigrant Families


Kathryn Kish Sklar of SUNY-Binghamton discusses the immigration of Germans and Irish to the U.S. during the antebellum period, to serve as members of the working class. Sklar considers immigrant labor as supporting the development of the new middle class, and also looks at the changing role of women in immigrant families.

To view this clip, select "Women's Changing Roles in Immigrant Families" under "Economic Development and Labor Video."

Fort Robinson Museum [NE]


From Crazy Horse to the cavalry to the K-9 Corps, Fort Robinson played host to them all. Visitors to the site can experience the long and varied history of this outpost on the Plains. The museum at Fort Robinson is located in the 1905 post headquarters building. Museum exhibits trace the history from the post's role guarding the Red Cloud Agency (1874–77) through the housing of World War II German POWs (1943–46). Among the many fascinating objects in the museum's exhibits are the only known dog kennel from the K-9 Corps of World War II; marksmanship medals earned by Caleb Benson, a Buffalo Soldier at Fort Robinson between 1902 and 1909; and 19th-century Sioux objects related to the Red Cloud Agency. Visitors can explore more than a dozen historic structures and sites such as the 1904 blacksmith shop, the 1908 veterinary hospital, the 1887 officers' quarters, the 1875 guardhouse and adjutant's office, and the old post cemetery.

The site offers exhibits, tours, research library access, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Matthew Edel Blacksmith Shop [IA]


This uniquely preserved blacksmith shop is exactly as German immigrant Matthew Edel left it the day he died. Edel, a skilled blacksmith and inventor, operated the shop until his death in 1940. Visitors can see his tools and wares and hear stories about blacksmithing during the age before tractors and automobiles.

The site offers tours and demonstrations.

Germantown Historical Society [PA]


The Germantown Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of Philadelphia's German Township, now Germantown, Mt. Airy, and Chestnut Hill. To this end, the society operates a museum, library, and archives. The township was the original German settlement in the United States; the location of the first written abolitionist statement; an early commuter suburb; and the site of the October 4, 1777 Battle of Germantown. Materials in the library and archives date back to 1683. Specialties include African American genealogy, local railroads, and the Germantown Theatre Guild. Museum collections number more than 50,000 artifacts—over 8,000 of which are historical fashion pieces.

The society offers library and archive access, exhibits, educational programs, guided area walking tours, and research assistance. Research assistance requires payment. Reservations are required for walking tours, and the group must include at least 10 people.

Frontier Culture Museum [VA]


The Frontier Culture Museum presents the story of the men and women who came to the United States prior to its existence as a country. The most common origin points of these people were England, Germany, Ireland, and West Africa. Reproductions and actual rural structures moved from these locations represent the various homelands, while another set of exhibits depicts their new life in North America in the 1740s, 1820s, and 1850s. Other topics discussed at the museum include food ways, woodworking, and fiber processing.

The museum offers exhibits, interpretive signage, hands-on activities, living history demonstrations, day camps, three outreach presentations, a teacher institute, a picnic area, a field trip grant application, and a non-lending library with more than 5,000 volumes. The website offers pre- and post-visit discussion topics. All educational programs meet state educational standards.

Ephrata Cloister [PA]


One of America's earliest religious communities, the Ephrata Cloister was founded in 1732 by German settlers seeking spiritual goals rather than earthly rewards. Gathered in unique European style buildings, the community consisted of celibate Brothers and Sisters, and a married congregation of families. At the zenith of the community in the 1740s and 1750s, about 300 members worked and worshiped at the Cloister.

The site offers a short film, exhibits, tours, educational programs, research library access, and occasional recreational and educational events (including living history events).