Annie Oakley

Photo, Annie Oakley

Born Phoebe Ann Moses in 1860 in rural Ohio, Annie Oakley became one of the most famous female entertainers of her day, performing for many years with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. Her life spanned a time of dramatic cultural change in the United States, and some of the most important years of the women's movement. This website accompanies a film on Oakley's life and work. While offering only a few primary sources, the website is rich with secondary source documentation. Users unfamiliar with Oakley's story may want to begin with the extensive timeline of her life, which traces her early years on a poor farm in Ohio, her involvement with the Wild West Show in the 1880s, 1890s, and early 1900s, the libel lawsuits she filed against 55 newspapers in the early 1900s, and her later years teaching women to shoot and raising funds for World War I.

The website includes profiles of 10 major people and events in Oakley's life, illustrated with thumbnail-sized photographs, as well as more extensive information on the Wild West Show's stints in New York City in the mid-1880s, including transcriptions from New York newspapers describing the shows. A gallery of six posters from the Wild West Show showcases Oakley's fame as one of the greatest marksmen of her time. The website also includes a transcript of the film, with extensive commentary by scholars of Oakley's life.

Pawnee Bill Ranch [OK]


The Ranch was once the showplace of the world renowned Wild West Show entertainer, Gordon W. "Pawnee Bill" Lillie. Visitors can tour Pawnee Bill and his wife, May's, 14-room mansion, fully furnished with their original belongings. Completed in 1910, the home is filled with Lillie family memorabilia, photographs, original artwork, and more. The Ranch property also houses a museum with exhibits related to Pawnee Bill, the Wild West Shows, and the Pawnees. The 500-acre grounds include the original Ranch blacksmith shop, a 1903 log cabin, a large barn built in 1926 and an Indian Flower Shrine. The Ranch also recreates Pawnee Bill's Original Wild West Show the last three Saturdays in June every year.

The ranch offers exhibits, tours, performances, and educational and recreational events and programs.

America's Shifting Western Frontier

railroad engine, Cleveland, Ohio, 1874

What was Ohio like during the Old West?


It depends on what you mean by “the Old West.”

In 1828 a newspaper editor in Columbia, SC, referred to Kentucky as the “wild West.” About the same time, a group of humor writers were producing stories about the “Southwest” referring to Kentucky, Arkansas, northern Mississippi, and Alabama. The stories certainly made the area seem wild: they often featured untamed boasting frontiersmen fighting one another with long knives, gouging out eyes, wrestling bears, and generally having themselves a wonderful time.

Even earlier, around 1800, the “West” referred to land that lay to the west of the Appalachian mountains and so would have included the territory that is now the state of Ohio. That territory was opened to settlement after the Revolutionary War as part of the Northwest Territory. In the territory’s early years, the state of Connecticut claimed the northern part of what is now Ohio, referred to as the “Western Reserve.”

If you mean, by the phrase “the Old West,” the years portrayed in Western movies, dime novels, and “those thrilling days of yesteryear” when settlers moved across the Great Plains toward the Rocky Mountains and beyond, then that refers, very roughly speaking, to the period between the Civil War and the Spanish-American War.

Even at the beginning of the postwar period, Ohio had been thoroughly domesticated, in the sense that it was neither “wild” nor “West.” It was geographically part of the middle of the country and had been cleared for farmland for decades. Parts of the state were heavily industrialized, especially in the cities on and near Lake Erie (Toledo, Sandusky, Akron, Youngtown, and Cleveland) and the cities in the southwest part of the state (Dayton and Cincinnati) that depended on the Ohio River for transporting goods. This was the case even before the auto industry further transformed the commerce of the state (a network of railroads also crisscrossed Ohio by that time). According to the Federal Census, Ohio’s population in 1870 was a little over two and half million and by 1900 was four million, with most of the population being of German, Irish, English, Polish, and Italian ancestry.

For more information

R. Douglas Hurt, The Ohio Frontier: Crucible of the Old Northwest, 1720-1830. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996.

Philip D. Jordan, Ohio Comes of Age: 1873-1900. Volume 5 of Carl Wittke, ed., The History of the State of Ohio. Columbus, Oh.: Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, 1944.

George W. Knepper, Ohio and Its People. 3rd edition. Kent, Oh.: Kent State University Press, 2003.


Grain elevator, “Operated by Union Railroad Elevator Company, Toledo, Ohio,” Calvert Lithographic Company, 1882. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress.

“Railroad engine.” W. J. Morgan, Cleveland, Ohio, 1874. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress.