At a Glance
This site houses more than 1,500 Civil War items, including letters, photographs, sketches, and posters.
Civil War Treasures from the New York Historical Society

More than 1,500 items pertaining to the Civil War are available on this website, such as letters, newspapers, photographs, sketches, etchings, and posters. Manuscript materials include items from the papers of social reformer William Oland Bourne; a newspaper created by Confederate prisoners; three letters by Walt Whitman; and 32 letters by a nurse at a Federal prison camp hospital.
The site contains sketches dealing with the New York City Draft Riot of 1863; drawings of army life by artists working for Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper; and a Confederate prisoner's sketchbook. Additional materials include 731 stereographs and more than 70 albumen photographs; approximately 500 envelopes with decorative materials; 29 caricatures by a German immigrant in Baltimore sympathetic to the Confederacy; and 304 posters, most of which were used for recruiting purposes.