Interpreting Political Cartoons in the History Classroom

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What Is It?

A lesson that introduces a framework for understanding and interpreting political cartoons that can be used throughout your entire history course.


Political cartoons are vivid primary sources that offer intriguing and entertaining insights into the public mood, the underlying cultural assumptions of an age, and attitudes toward key events or trends of the times. Since the 18th century, political cartoons have offered a highly useful window into the past. Just about every school history textbook now has its quota of political cartoons. Yet some studies reveal that substantial percentages of adults fail to understand the political cartoons in their daily newspaper. How much harder then must it be for young people to make sense of cartoons from the distant past? The stark, simple imagery of many cartoons can be highly deceptive. The best cartoons express real conceptual complexity in a single drawing and a few words. Cartoons from the 1700s and 1800s often employ archaic language, elaborate dialogue, and obscure visual references. It takes a good deal of knowledge of the precise historical context to grasp such cartoons. In short, political cartoons employ complex visual strategies to make a point quickly in a confined space. Teachers must help students master the language of cartoons if they are to benefit from these fascinating sources of insight into our past.


A Cartoon Analysis Checklist, developed by Jonathan Burack, is presented here as a tool for helping students become skilled at reading the unique language employed by political cartoons in order to use them effectively as historical sources. The checklist is introduced through a series of classroom activities, and includes the following core concepts.

1. Symbol and Metaphor 2. Visual Distortion 3. Irony in Words and Images 4. Stereotype and Caricature 5. An Argument Not a Slogan 6. The Uses and Misuses of Political Cartoons

Teacher Preparation

1. Make copies of three political cartoons taken from recent newspapers and magazines. Then make copies of three political cartoons from your history textbook. Try to choose clear, concise cartoons on issues familiar to your students. Plan explanations of any obscure references and allusions, especially in the historical cartoons, and identify background information about them that students will need. 2. Plan how you will group and pair your students for activities one and six. 3. Make copies for each of your students of the Cartoon Analysis Checklist and Documents 1-3. (If you are using the lesson with multiple classes, you need only make a class set of the first page of each of the handouts.)

In the Classroom

1. Divide the class into two groups. Ask one group to discuss the contemporary cartoons and agree on a one-sentence explanation of each cartoon. Ask the second group to do the same for the historical cartoons. Stress that political cartoons are not like the comics. They are about social and political issues, and they express strongly held viewpoints about those issues. Emphasize that it is impossible to fully understand most political cartoons without some background knowledge of the issues they deal with. This is a preparatory exercise, so don't apply too strict a standard to judging what students come up with. The goal is to have them make initial interpretations on their own to see what that entails. 2. Have each group present its cartoons and explanations. Ask students to list any cartoon details they do not understand. Discuss whether their confusion is due to a lack of background knowledge or to something unclear about the cartoon itself. Finally, discuss the challenges of understanding historical cartoons as compared to the challenges of understanding contemporary political cartoons. 3. Explain that political cartoons use a special "language" to make strong points about complex issues in a single visual display. Various visual and (usually) written details convey a "message" designed to sway the reader. 4. Distribute the Cartoon Analysis Checklist. Explain that students can use it whenever they have to analyze a political cartoon. Go over the Checklist briefly. 5. Explain that students will work on six sets of handouts, each of which will illustrate one point on the Checklist. Distribute the first Document. Ask students to study the cartoon, read the background information on it and the relevant Checklist item. Add any additional information you think students may need. 6. Have students work individually or in pairs. Tell them to take notes in response to the questions on the worksheet (second page of each document handout). Share the ideas from these notes in a class discussion. 7. Repeat steps five and six with each of the six handouts (1-3 and 4-6).

Common Pitfalls
  • Students need to understand that political cartoons are expressions of opinion. They use all sorts of emotional appeals and other techniques to persuade others to accept those opinions. They cannot be treated as evidence either of the way things actually were or even of how everyone else felt about the way things were. They are evidence only of a point of view, often a heavily biased point of view.
  • Students should not view their main task as deciding if the cartoon was right or wrong, though criticizing its bias can be a part of what they do.
  • Just because cartoons are biased expressions does not justify student cynicism about using them as historical evidence. They can provide many kinds of evidence in a vivid, even entertaining way. Asking questions will encourage students to make inferences from the cartoon. Sample questions include: What conditions might have given rise to this cartoon? What groups might it have appealed to? What values does the cartoon express overtly or implicitly?
For more information

Other Political Cartoon Resources
Running for Office: Candidates, Campaigns, and the Cartoons of Clifford Berryman.

Teaching With Documents: Political Cartoons Illustrating Progressivism and the Election of 1912, a lesson plan which includes another political cartoon analysis guide.

The Library of Congress also has a fine collection of political cartoons by cartoonist Herb Block.


Burack, Jonathan. The Way Editorial Cartoons Work: A MindSparks Guide to Teaching Students to Understand Cartoons, revised ed. City: Social Studies School Service, 2000.

Fischer, Roger A. Them Damned Pictures: Explorations in American Political Cartoon Art. City: Archon Books, 1996.

Gombrich, E. H. "The Cartoonists Armoury," in Meditations On a Hobby Horse and Other Essays On the Theory of Art, edited by. . . , 127-142. City: Phaidon Press, 1994.

Parker, Paul, Ph.D. "American Political Cartoons: An Introduction."Paul Parker, Ph.D. 12 April 2000.

Tufte, Edward R. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, 2nd ed. City: Graphics Press, 2001.

Structured Academic Controversy (SAC)

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What Is It?

A discussion that moves students beyond either/or debates to a more nuanced historical synthesis.


By the time students reach adolescence, many believe that every issue comes neatly packaged in a pro/con format, and that the goal of classroom discussion, rather than to understand your opponent, is to defeat him. The SAC method provides an alternative to the "debate mindset" by shifting the goal from winning classroom discussions to understanding alternative positions and formulating historical syntheses. The SAC's structure demands students listen to each other in new ways and guides them into a world of complex and controversial ideas.


The SAC was developed by cooperative learning researchers David and Roger Johnson of the University of Minnesota as a way to provide structure and focus to classroom discussions. Working in pairs and then coming together in four-person teams, students explore a question by reading about and then presenting contrasting positions. Afterwards, they engage in discussion to reach consensus.

Teacher Preparation

1. Choose a historical question that lends itself to contrasting viewpoints. For example, we illustrate the SAC below with the question "Was Abraham Lincoln a racist?" but many other questions lend themselves to the technique. For example, "Was dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki necessary to defeat the Japanese?" or "Could the Constitution have been ratified if slavery had been abolished?" and so on. 2. Find and select two or three documents (primary or secondary sources) that embody each side. (Remember that you can pull these from existing document collections on the web or in print.) 3. Consider timing, make copies of handouts, and plan grouping strategies. The time you will need for a SAC that uses about four documents will depend on the amount of experience your students have with the activity structure and the difficulty and familiarity of the documents. Plan on using about two class periods for your initial SAC.

In the Classroom

Modified and adapted countless times by researchers and teachers, the technique has five basic steps (See Handout 1) with procedures to display for students. 1. Organize students into four-person teams comprised of two dyads. 2. Each dyad reviews materials that represent different positions on a charged issue (e.g., "Was Abraham Lincoln a racist?"). See Handout 2 that helps students track their analysis and prepare their positions. 3. Dyads then come together as a four-person team and present their views to one other, one dyad acting as the presenters, the others as the listeners. 4. Rather than refuting the other position, the listening dyad repeats back to the presenters what they understood. Listeners do not become presenters until the original presenters are fully satisfied that they have been heard and understood. 5. After the sides switch, the dyads abandon their original assignments and work toward reaching consensus. If consensus proves unattainable, the team clarifies where their differences lie.

Common Pitfalls

Students' debate framework starts early and runs deep. Even when told that they need to understand—not undermine—an opposing position, students will try to find holes in their opponent's positions and aim to refute them. We recommend

  • Introducing the idea of "active listening" to your students and having them practice it in dyads for a few minutes
  • Establishing the rule: Jot down notes when confused, do not interrupt the presenters
  • Making sure students can refer to the procedures throughout the activity by posting them or making handouts

As students start to see other perspectives and nuance in the materials, the absence of a certain answer may confuse them. We recommend reassuring students that uncertainty and complexity are expected during this activity. Encourage them to make notes that specify their confusion, new ideas or questions.


Was Abraham Lincoln a racist? Background for the teacher: How we judge people in the past is at the core of historical understanding. Should we think less of Thomas Jefferson because he was a slave owner? How should we regard forms of slavery sanctioned by the Bible? How do we regard people who believed in witches? Or that the ordeal was a way to establish truth? In other words, how do we judge people in the past, people who thought differently from us and perceived the world using different beliefs and assumptions? This question pivots on two opposing stances: first, that there are a set of universal virtues—kindness, fairness, openmindedness, goodness, decency, and tolerance—that transcend time and space. Alternately, the opposing stance sees human virtues as relative, shaped by the dictates of particular settings and circumstances. In this sense, an "enlightened person" looks very different on questions of human decency depending on whether he or she lived in the 13th century, the 19th, or today. Ideas related to the question of how we judge the past will come up in students' conversations. This is how it should be and as directed in the Common Pitfall, students should be encouraged to track these ideas as pairs prepare and present and then to discuss them as they try to reach consensus. In this Structured Academic Controversy, this question of how to judge the past is considered by examining the person and the time of Abraham Lincoln. Specifically we ask, Was Abraham Lincoln a racist?

Racist, n., one who believes that his or her race confers an inherent superiority over others. (Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary)

The two handouts will help you introduce and set up this activity and there are four documents that accompany this SAC. Each dyad should get all four. Acknowledgments. We thank Professor Walter Parker at the University of Washington's College of Education for helping us see the enduring value of the SAC approach in the history classroom.


Johnson, David W. and Roger T. Johnson. "Critical Thinking Through Controversy." Educational Leadership, May 1988.

Freedman-Herreid, Clyde. "Structured Controversy, A Case Study Strategy: DNA Fingerprinting in the Courts." Case Studies in Science: State University of New York at Buffalo. 2005.

Exploring Historical Texts in a Discussion-Based Class

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Learning from Others: Learning in a Social Context from Annenberg Media is a video made up of two sections, the second half of which documents the practice of Avram Barlowe, a high school history teacher at the Urban Academy in New York City. (Go to Session 7 and view video from 13:58–25:55.) This video provides examples of two promising practices:

  • Helping students use textual evidence to support their claims
  • Leading a productive discussion in the history classroom by asking open-ended questions and restating student answers
Black Codes

The subject for the class discussion is a set of discriminatory Southern laws known as Black Codes. The laws were passed by Southern state legislatures in the wake of the Civil War and reflected the efforts of former Confederates to reassert control over the recently emancipated black population.

Returning Students to the Text

The classroom discussion is grounded in primary sources. Students are asked to look at examples of Black Codes and answer the following questions:

  • What were the laws designed to do?
  • How might such laws be defended by the people who wrote them?

Having asked students to form interpretations based on these texts, the instructor is diligent about reminding students to return to the texts during their discussion. "Let's look at what the law says," he instructs at one point, reinforcing his desire that they work with the evidence to develop their ideas.

Leading Discussion

A major part of managing a successful class discussion, this video makes clear, is asking open-ended questions that students can answer in a variety of ways. This approach makes the class discussion more accessible for all students and can engage them in using evidence to support their claims. The instructor in this classroom also works to put students in conversation with each other. He does this by restating and clarifying the claims made by students, as well as by pointing out areas of agreement and disagreement in their comments.

What's Notable?

Discussions are a common feature in many history classrooms. What makes this class unique, though, is the approach taken by the instructor. First, the video documents the practice of consistently returning students to the text in discussions, asking them to use evidence to support their claims. Second, it reveals a successful approach to promoting deeper historical understanding by asking open-ended questions and restating student answers.

The Debate in the United States over the League of Nations


Documents and audio files explain the range of early political viewpoints on the League of Nations.


Students read and listen to a range of political positions related to the proposed entry of the U.S. into the League of Nations following World War I.

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This lesson provides a model of how to examine evidence and analyze diverse opinions about a public policy issue. Of particular value is the idea that politicians took a range of positions on the issue of the League, rather than simply being for or against it.

Some nice features of this lesson are that speeches and public testimony are provided both as transcribed texts and as archived audio recordings. In addition, students receive a structured worksheet to record their thinking. These features make the texts more approachable, but many students will still have difficulty with the language and rhetorical style. We, therefore, suggest that classes investigate at least the first few sources as a whole-class activity. Teachers can model how to highlight the key points and focus on revealing passages as the class completes the worksheet.

The recommended assessment activity in which students categorize hypothetical position statements is engaging, but we suggest that students also complete the alternative assessment in which they write about the various political positions they have studied. Writing such an essay encourages students to articulate their own interpretations of the material.

League of Nations, World War I
Time Estimate
2-3 class sessions

Yes Speeches are from the archive of the American Memory project of the Library of Congress.


No Prior knowledge about WWI and the purposes of the League of Nations is required. Numerous links to primary source and background information are provided for teachers and students.




Yes The alternative assessment requires students to select and defend a selected position in an essay. Students will need reminders and requirements to use evidence in this essay.


Yes Close reading and sourcing constitute the central purpose of this lesson.


Yes Readings and speeches are difficult. Teachers will need to guide student note taking and analysis.


Yes The worksheet is useful for organizing the data, but not enough space is provided for answers—additional sheets of paper will be needed.


Yes The first assessment activity reinforces the concepts of the lesson. The alternative written assignment is better for final assessment. There are no assessment criteria.


Yes The directions are clear and comprehensive.


No We recommend that the final activity—Discussion of Wilson's Final Campaign—be conducted after the assessment portion of this lesson as it does not clearly fit chronologically or topically with the rest of the lesson.

Causal Reasoning

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*Please note that this video is no longer hosted by the Teachers TV website. It may be hosted on a different site and found through doing an internet search on the video's title.

This video shows a 9th-grade history teacher teaching a lesson on causal reasoning to a mixed-ability class (though it is labeled Gifted and Talented). The instructor presents students with the fictional story of Alphonse the Camel, whose back is ultimately broken by his owner's addition of a single straw. Through group work based on this accessible, engaging example, students learn how multiple causes of an event interact. The video is punctuated by student and teacher interviews, which provide the viewer with additional insight into student learning. The video provides examples of two promising practices:

  • Exploring why things happen through an accessible, fictional example and then applying the same approach to an historical problem
  • Using concrete instructional strategies to push students to consider different kinds of historical causes and the relationships among them

Alphonse the Camel The teacher introduces students to the story of Alphonse during their study of the causes of World War I. The students discover that there are a number of factors that ultimately lead to the camel's demise, which is finally brought about by a straw thrown on his back. The fictional story challenges students to think beyond single factors and simple lists when exploring causality. Students identify and analyze the causes implicit in the story. Using note cards with change-related words on them, students pair each word with a cause in order to identify the kind of change the particular cause brought about. For example, they are asked to distinguish between causes that initiate change and causes that exacerbate change.

Applying Knowledge in New Contexts

After students discuss their work identifying various causes and the relationships among them, the teacher asks them to apply what they have learned to a new problem, the causes of World War I. This topic is explored at greater length in a follow-up lesson.

What's New?

History teachers frequently ask students to consider causes. This lesson, however, challenges students to grapple with multiple causality, including the way that different kinds of causes relate to each other. Further, the design of the lesson allows all students to participate and be challenged, not only because it begins with an accessible case, but also because it includes causal relationships of varied complexity. The video moves back and forth between the lesson in action and interviews with the students and instructor in order to highlight what makes the lesson successful.

A Look at Slavery through Posters and Broadsides


How to identify the author, audience, date, and message of historical posters.


Using historic posters, this lesson engages students in analyzing primary sources by identifying their author, intended audience, date, and message.

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This well-planned lesson, which uses posters on slavery and abolition, teaches students to ask important questions as they read a primary source. First, the teacher models the task by analyzing a representative poster in front of the classroom. In small groups, students then analyze additional posters, locating such information as author, audience, purpose, and message. They use this information to consider the attitudes towards slavery that the posters convey.

One strength of the lesson is that the primary sources are given in two formats: students receive historically evocative reproductions of the original posters along with easy-to-read typed transcriptions. Some teachers may choose to highlight important text, particularly for beginning readers; other teachers will want to leave it up to students to locate and identify this crucial information.

This lesson appears in the December 2004 issue of History Now, a quarterly journal of the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History.

Slavery and Abolition
Time Estimate
1 day

Yes Lesson is accurate and up-to-date.


No The lesson plan's Teacher Resources section includes links to information about historical context. It's up to teachers, however, to decide how much background students will need.


Yes In class, all students read, and one student per group records information on a Poster Inquiry Sheet. In the suggested homework assignment, students each write a news story about their assigned poster.


Yes The Poster Inquiry Sheet provides students with a method for identifying and interpreting historical facts.


Yes During the modeling and the group work, students learn and practice how to read primary sources.


Yes Some language in the posters may be difficult, but teachers can choose to highlight sections of text to reduce the amount or difficulty of necessary reading.


Yes The teacher's modeling step provides a helpful scaffold, as does the Poster Inquiry Sheet.


No Although the lesson plan does not include an assessment rubric, teachers can check in with small groups to assess student learning.


Yes The modeling provided in Steps One, Two, and Three is pedagogically useful. However, reading every single poster before the class may be excessively time-consuming. Teachers may want to discuss just one poster and then go around the classroom to check in with small groups as needed.


Yes The lesson plan helps students to learn about slavery and abolition while providing a method for analyzing primary sources.

American Presidents


Analyze letters written by America's presidents to learn more about these men.


Critically analyze letters written by America's presidents to learn more about these men.

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With a nice set of analytic questions to use with each president’s letter, this lesson is sleek, yet its content coverage is broad. Questions ask students to think about a letter’s audience, purpose and tone and are phrased in student-friendly language. Using several letters across instructional units or in several class periods will provide students with multiple opportunities to develop their ability to critically examine letters as historical documents. The letters for each president vary in both content and difficulty level, some may be more appropriate for your class than others. Students may also need help with considering the President’s words in his own time and contextualizing the letter.

The lesson provides several writing assignments for a closing activity. Assignments 1 and 2 ask students to write about the letter’s purpose and content. These tasks only require students to summarize the information from the earlier part of the lesson so we recommend assignments 3, 4 and 5. Assignment 3 asks students to assess the historical value of the letter and assignment 5 asks students to respond to the letter from the point of view of the letter’s original recipient. Teachers may want to remind students to use quotes and information from the examined letter to support their claims in these writing assignments.

The American Presidents
Time Estimate
1 class session per letter; 41 letters available.
Lesson focuses on primary sources.

Yes Limited background information about each president's public and private life is available on the the website.
Some of the writing assignments, #4 in particular, will require teachers to provide additional information.


Yes Students read a primary source and write in response to that source.


Yes Questions require students to use evidence to support claims.


Yes Great set of questions guides students through this analysis.


Yes Several of the letters will be difficult to comprehend for some middle and high school students.


Yes Questions in the lesson are designed to help students think about the perspective, intent, and audience of the letter.


No Students write answers to questions and use those answers to complete a final writing assignment. Options 3, 4, and 5 require that students use their analysis and evidence from the letter to make a case. Assessment criteria absent.


Yes Materials are web-based but can be printed for classroom use.


No There are clear skill objectives. Teachers will need to establish objectives regarding specific content.

U.S. Department of Education

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The vast resources of the U.S. Department of Education provide an overview of the national educational system and priorities; and include materials for teaching excellence, explanations of federal programs and initiatives, and links to lesson plans and resources for the classroom.

For materials specifically related to American history in the classroom, the search mechanism using the simple search term "history" yields hundreds of resources from grants and contracts information to teaching guides and information for parents and educators.

Among the grant programs, Teaching American History represents a major thrust to raise student achievement through improving teachers' knowledge and understanding of American history.

Practice Guides offer vetted materials on improving student learning across the curriculum.

Teacher-to-Teacher links to summer workshops on teaching history, professional development opportunities, and gateways to professional organizations, instruction, student assessment, and teaching materials.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) provides online exhibits, video clips, photographs, artifacts, interviews, and essays to provide a glimpse into maritime history, the history of science and technology, and its pivotal role in peace and war.

Hurricane History tracks the path of selected notable hurricanes since 1900; each description includes an interactive map.

NOAA administers the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary, preserving the wreck of the Civil War ironclad USS Monitor at Hampton Roads, VA.

Other historical resources are scattered around the NOAA site, retrievable through the search feature using the basic keyword, "history."

National Endowment for the Humanities

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National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is the largest governmental funder of humanities programs in the U.S. Contracts, professional development opportunities, and preservation programs under the NEH umbrella support cultural institutions, libraries, museums, media, and educational organizations.

We the People is the NEH history program dedicated to encouraging and reinforcing knowledge about American history and culture.

Workshops for School Teachers are among the extensive professional development opportunities funded through NEH.

Edsitement serves as a gateway to humanities on the web. Under History and Social Studies, Edsitement links to K–12 lesson plans that are searchable by subject and grade level and are linked to primary source documents and supporting websites.

Picturing America, a grant opportunity, uses works of American art with narratives, lesson plans, and activities as the catalyst for history instruction.

The Office of Digital Humanities supports and explores digital scholarship and teaching.