Teaching the Homebound or Hospitalized

Illustration, Harrison Weir, From The adventures of a dog. . . , 1857, NYPL

Any good advice for a certified history educator who will possibly become a homebound/hospitalized teacher for children who are too ill to go to school? Thanks.


It can be a challenge to provide homebound and hospitalized students with the sort of interaction that other students receive each day in the classroom. Fortunately, the web puts numerous highly interactive activities within reach.

You'll find links to online resources throughout the Clearinghouse website, but here are a few that we think would work well for homebound students:
A number of museums have built excellent interactive history activities. The British Museum maintains a set of sites on ancient civilizations, and the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History has a collection of activities for kids to do at home. The Center for History and New Media recently partnered with the Smithsonian to create The Object of History, a site where visitors can manipulate artifacts, listen to curators talk about their role in history, submit questions, and curate a virtual exhibit of their own.

Many smaller museums offer more focused tools. For example, try the Plimouth Plantation's investigation into the first Thanksgiving.

The Monterey Institute has created a comprehensive online course in U.S. History that combines text and multimedia content delivery with interactive activities. You'll find it online at the HippoCampus website where you can set up a space for your own students, hide topics you don't want to cover, and bookmark ones you do.

You can also use the internet to give homebound students opportunities for social interaction. If you have multiple students covering the same material, try giving assignments that let them collaborate virtually. You could provide discussion prompts or projects that they would complete using email, instant messaging, or a discussion board.

Ask a school technology coordinator to help you install Course Management Software, or use one of the many collaborative web tools that have been developed in the last few years. Google Documents is good for collaborative writing, or you can register for a private wiki at WikiSpaces.com. They're flexible, easy to use, and free for teachers.

If you're really feeling adventurous (and if your students have access to fast Internet connections), think about using Skype voice chat or videoconferencing.

Tennessee's Social Studies Curriculum

Chromolithograph, Trade cards. . . , c. 1876-1890, NY Public Library

When did Tennessee adopt a Social Studies curriculum? Have there been changes made over the years?


Tennessee, as far as we can tell, adopted its first curriculum framework during the 1982-83 school year. Previous to that effort, frameworks with standards were not formally articulated as they are today. James Akenson of Tennessee Tech (who was helpful in putting together this response), pointed out that the curriculum framework emerged at the same time as the "A Nation at Risk" report, which many scholars see as the birth of the standards movement. Those standards were in place until 1996, when they were revised for the first time. In 2001, a major revision effort took place under the direction of a committee of K-12 teachers, state department of education personnel, and representatives from higher education.

In crafting the Tennessee Social Studies Curriculum Standards, the group used the previous standards, the National Council for the Social Studies standards, current educational research, and curriculum frameworks from other states as guides. Finally, according to a representative in the state department of education, Tennessee will begin the revision process again prior to the next textbook adoption four years from the current (2009-2010) school year.

Constructivism: Actively Building Knowledge

Photo, 1940, of Jess Dixon, Kobel Feature Photos, Flickr Commons

Is the theory of constructivism applied in today's history classroom and curriculum?


Constructivism is a broad theory with a variety of perspectives. However the basic tenet of constructivism is that learning is an active process where the learner constructs knowledge rather than acquiring it. The emergence of an inquiry-based approach to history education along with the new opportunities made possible by advances in technology have made constructivist approaches quite applicable in today’s history classroom.

There is a growing emphasis in history education on students being able to construct and analyze historical arguments. Many state standards, such as California’s History and Social Science Standards, call for students to be able to "construct and test hypotheses." Increasingly, both state standards and scholarship in history education are calling for students to analyze primary documents and assess various interpretations of the past.

Constructivism’s focus on the learner constructing knowledge might lead one to ask: what then is the role of the teacher? While students learn from experience from the constructivist view, a main function of the teacher is to shape those experiences. In many cases it is necessary for the teacher to provide scaffolds for students to construct knowledge. For example, sending students to an archive for an hour might not be the most productive way for them to learn how to construct an historical argument. Rather, providing them with a set of modified primary sources can create the conditions where students can begin to develop their own interpretations of the past.

While students learn from experience from the constructivist view, a main function of the teacher is to shape those experiences.

Modeling how to construct an historical argument is also an important role of the history teacher. While an inquiry approach to history education is on the upswing, many students have been taught to simply recall facts. Modeling the complexity of constructing an historical interpretation based on evidence helps students develop their own historical interpretations.

Critics of constructivism fear that such an approach leads to completely subjective understandings of the past and fails to provide the common understandings of the past. Constructivists respond by saying that they are not proposing that students should discover just any ideas about the past, but rather that students develop the skills and dispositions to discern what to believe based on the available evidence.

Many constructivists also believe that students need to apply their understanding to concrete examples and point out that content standards can be mined for deeper concepts that in turn are exemplified by the several facts that are typically included in the content standards.

. . . students need to apply their understanding to concrete examples and point out that content standards can be mined for deeper concepts. . .

Technology facilitates constructivist’s approaches in the history classroom. Technology now offers unprecedented access to historical records and has made the goals of constructivism more attainable. Doolittle and Hicks (2003) outline six strategies for using technology to advance the basic tenets of constructivism in the social studies classroom. Theses strategies include using technology as a tool for inquiry, accessing authentic materials, and fostering local and global social interaction. Each strategy is accompanied by several websites that serve as exemplars.

Finally we should note that no single theory or approach should define a teacher’s practice. Students should inquire about the past, but history teachers still need to provide background materials for students. The theory of constructivism is not a prescription for how to teach, but rather provides a useful way for a teachers to think about their practice.

For more information

Here are some additional readings on constructivism and the history classroom:

Doolittle, Peter E. and David Hicks. "Constructivism as a Theoretical Foundation for the Use of Technology in Social Studies." Theory and Research in Social Education 31, no 1 (2003): 33.

Duffy, Thomas M. and Donald J. Cunningham. "Constructivism: Implications for the Design and Delivery of Instruction." In Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology, edited by David H. Jonassen, 170-198. New York: Macmillan Library Reference, 1996.

Jadallah, Edward. "Constructivist Learning Experiences for Social Studies Education." Social Studies 91, no 5 (2000): 221–225.


Photo, it's in your hands, May 14, 2010, elkedearest, Flickr

Can you please tell me a little bit more about the concept of contingency, and how it fits in with historical thinking skills? How can this concept be used with K-12 students? Any user-friendly references would be helpful too. I work in the field of teacher education and professional development.


Thanks for your question. Contingency is an important concept in understanding and investigating history and helping students develop historical thinking skills. Crudely defined, it is the opposite of inevitability. When students think that World War II or women's suffrage had to happen, that these events were destined to occur, they are ignoring the contingent nature of historical events. Contingency gets at how people in the past made history and how historic events and trends result from a variety of factors coming together—they are not preordained or unavoidable.

Contingency is key to historical thinking and helping students understand that while in hindsight, the past seems to unroll in logical storylines, this was not necessarily the case for those who lived through it. If suffragettes hadn't taken to the streets in the 1910s or focused on changing state laws, would they have won the vote in 1920? If the Treaty of Versailles contained different stipulations, would Germany have taken the path it did and would WWII have happened? Historical events are dependent (or contingent) on multiple causes that shape when, how, and why an event happened the way it did.

. . . while in hindsight, the past seems to unroll in logical storylines, this was not necessarily the case for those who lived through it.

So contingency is deeply intertwined with understanding change over time—a framework many state standards and K-12 teachers use to focus and cohere their history courses.

Resources Focusing on Historical Contingency

Resources for explicitly teaching K-12 students this concept can be relatively sparse. But some do exist and they run the gamut, from instructional frameworks to particular activities. Historians Thomas Andrews and Flannery Burke suggest using the "5 Cs" to frame history instruction in this article. While their work was developed at the college-level, it can transfer (with modifications) to the K-12 classrooms. Their fourth "C" is contingency and they suggest it may be the most difficult to teach, but their description can help clarify the concept.

UCLA's National Center for History in the Schools also includes contingency in the historical thinking skills that students should be learning. Their standards assert that students should "Challenge arguments of historical inevitability by formulating examples of historical contingency, of how different choices could have led to different consequences." (see standard 3.G) These standards also remind us that discrete historical thinking skills are "interactive and mutually supportive" and cannot be taught in the absence of particular historical content.

See this lesson for an example consistent with these recommendations. Located at the Canadian Benchmarks of Historical Thinking site created by the University of British Columbia’s Centre for the Study of Historical Consciousness, it is a fine example of how to teach this concept. Focused on historical contingency, the lesson integrates this concept with the core historical concepts of causation and change over time to investigate the Chinese experience in Canada.

You will want to pay attention to instructional steps 1-7 and don’t miss the "outcomes" section at the end of the lesson. Not only does the lesson provide a coherent example of how you can take this concept into the classroom, it also succinctly describes how historic change is contingent on individual and group actions that are influenced and constrained by larger forces. It also uses two of our favorite ways to address contingency pedagogically:

  • counterfactual questioning, or "what if" questions; and
  • using cause and effect in a student's daily life to illustrate the concept before applying it to historic events.

For another example of a "What if" question, see this one about U.S. involvement in World War II or check out the series of "What if" books edited by Robert Cowley.

Difficult, Yet Crucial

Contingency may be one of the harder historical thinking concepts to teach. To really grapple with it, students need to understand multiple causation and be able to think through change over time. But it's difficulty shouldn’t scare you away from teaching it as it is a critical link between history and civic preparation. As the National Center for History in the Schools says:

"A. . . trap is that of thinking that events have unfolded inevitably;that the way things are is the way they had to be, and thus that humankind lacks free will and the capacity for making choices. Unless students can conceive that history could have turned out differently, they may unconsciously accept the notion that the future is also inevitable or predetermined, and that human agency and individual action count for nothing. No attitude is more likely to feed civic apathy, cynicism, and resignation—precisely what we hope the study of history will fend off."

Jennifer Orr on Primary Sources in Primary Classrooms

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Photo, Participants...marching...from Selma to Montgomery, 1965, Peter Pettus
Photo, Participants...marching...from Selma to Montgomery, 1965, Peter Pettus
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Using primary sources in a primary classroom is a challenge. Many of the most wonderful sources are text-based. For students who cannot read and who are still developing their vocabulary these sources are very difficult. Simply understanding the Pledge of Allegiance, words students recite every day, can be frustrating for young children.

As a result images are often a better way to offer primary grade students a window into the past. They are accustomed to looking carefully at pictures in books and they notice things that adults frequently miss. Allowing them the opportunity to do the same with historical images is a powerful way to teach.
Many schools across the nation have a collection of posters from the National Endowment for the Humanities, Picturing America. This collection includes 40 large reproductions of artwork, including paintings, sculpture, architecture, photography, and crafts. There are images of Native American pottery and a Catholic mission in Texas. Portraits of George Washington and Paul Revere as well as photographs of statues of Ben Franklin and Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Regiment are also included. There is a painting of Allies Day in 1917 and a photograph of quilts from the 18th and 19th centuries.

Photo, Participants...marching...from Selma to Montgomery, 1965, Peter Pettus Around a specific holiday or as we begin to study a person or period I post one or two of these pieces up in my classroom. For several days the art hangs there for students to enjoy and think about. Before Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I use a photograph of the Selma to Montgomery march in 1965. Some students will notice the photograph immediately and begin asking questions. Typically I'll answer them briefly, just enough to keep them interested. After a couple of days we'll bring the photograph over to the carpet and talk about it. The questions the students ask frame our eventual discussion of King and the Civil Rights Movement. I'll keep the photograph up for a while as we continue to study the issue so that we can refer to it or simply soak in the image.
Other pieces I use are the Stuart portrait of George Washington and the Leutze painting of the Crossing of the Delaware. These offer the opportunity to analyze our first president and the many roles he played in his life and in the formation of our country.

The collection comes with a resource book full of information about the artwork and the artists and lesson ideas. In addition, the website has more resources. Even without the collection of artwork the website can guide teachers in the use of art as primary sources. Any of these images can be shown from the internet with a projector for students to study. Art teachers often have reproductions of art available as well.

Young children are highly visual and images allow them to see the past. Simply hanging historical art and images in your classroom will spark questions and discussions. Not only will students begin learning about a person or period though their own observations, but the image is something they can hold onto throughout the study and in the future.

For more information

Check out the Picturing America website to view all of the images Orr describes—and more.

With field trips often harder to find time and money for these days, you and your students can take a virtual trip to an art museum with Google's Art Project. More than 100 websites we've reviewed also include art in their primary source collections.

Depending on your students' level, you may want to guide them through the steps in analyzing composition when introducing them to artwork as primary sources.

Want to learn more about teaching with art? Daisy Martin provides some ideas and Carolyn Halpin-Healy offers hers.

Our Weekly Quizzes Return!

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Photo, 070305, March 5, 2007, COCOEN daily photos, Flickr
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Teachinghistory.org's weekly history quizzes have returned! Ellen of New York won our first quiz of 2010–2011, with the most correct answers to questions on school buses, PBJs, pencils, and other school standbys. This week, test your knowledge of early North American artifacts.

Each of our weekly quizzes gives you the opportunity to test your knowledge on a different U.S. history topic—and the chance to win a prize! If you're one of the top-scoring entrants, your name will be entered in the week's drawing. The entrant chosen at random receives a Teachinghistory.org flash drive.

Maybe you've taken a quiz and think your students might benefit from taking it, too. Browse through all of our past quizzes, and download a PDF for classroom use or have your students take the quiz online! Our past quizzes are now live online—take them, and receive your score instantly, with corrections for any answers you missed.

Topics for past quizzes range from Martin Luther King, Jr. memorials to pirates to women in the West. Keep your eye out this year for quizzes on the Stamp Act, the Crash of 1929, spies, and more. Also be on the lookout for new types of quizzes! Later this year, we will add new interactivity to the quizzes. Keep your eyes open!

History Education News 06: Analyzing Images

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Cover, History Education News 06
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As the new school year begins, turn to Teachinghistory.org for inspiration and resources! This month, we mail out the 6th issue of History Education News, our print newsletter. Filled with website and article recommendations, this issue tells you where to go to find resources and ideas for engaging your students with visual primary sources. From paintings of Paul Revere's ride to iconic Civil War photographs, learn how other educators have used images in class and discover archives of images you can use yourself.

In this issue, we also introduce a new section of the website, Digital Classroom. Digital Classroom spotlights new online and hardware tools showing up in classrooms across the country, such as interactive whiteboards and social media. Check it out for overviews of tools and videos of classroom use. Look for the section to grow in the future!

To request a copy of the newsletter, fill out our subscription form.

Meshing History and Montessori Method

Photo, "Montessori en famille. . . ," 2007, valilouve, Flickr, cc

I teach 4-5 grade students at a Montessori school. We are looking to improve our history curriculum and trying to decide the best route to go: a quality text book set from a major publisher such as Houghton Mifflin or using literature, picture books, first sources, etc. Any suggestions?


You might find that an inquiry approach to teaching history aligns nicely with the Montessori philosophy of education. An inquiry approach requires students to construct and critique interpretations of the past. Through investigation, close reading, and analysis of primary source evidence, students learn how history is viewed from multiple perspectives and develop a deep understanding of the past.

Primary sources, and to a lesser extent textbooks, can support inquiry-based instruction.

Primary sources, and to a lesser extent textbooks, can support inquiry-based instruction.

For rich and relevant primary resources, the Library of Congress (LoC) has several documents sets that have been created for teachers. The LoC also provides teachers with document analysis worksheets for students as well as several document-based lesson plans.

Go to The Bringing History Home website for comprehensive examples of unit plans that support an inquiry approach for grades K-5. This site has several fully developed units with lesson plans and assessments where students are encouraged and supported to engage in rigorous history explorations.

As for textbooks, A History of US, a series of history textbooks written by Joy Hakim, is considered by many to be an engaging narrative that pushes students to think critically about the past. Teachers may also wish to use a textbook from the major publishers. When selecting any textbook, teachers may want to consider the points raised by researchers about how textbooks present information.

There are several online and print resources available to teachers to help them develop an inquiry approach to teaching history. We highlighted a few, but also recommend that you search our history content page where you can search for a variety of history resources based on topic.

To view examples of elementary school teachers engaged in inquiry-based instruction with primary documents, check out the following "Examples of Teaching" on our site:

Teaching Public Issues in the Classroom

Photo, Spaghetti Feast with the G8, laria DiBiagio, 2009, Oxfam-UCODEP

I need to plan for this year's social studies fair and I am considering having my students take on a public issue. However, I'm struggling with finding an appropriate issue that my third and fourth graders can take on that has enough information either online or through library research at their level. Do you have any suggestions? At this time I'm considering something with immigration (positive spin on immigration); education—reading proficiency or transforming a troubled school, or the idea of all work and no play vs. all play and no work or somewhere in between; poverty and welfare—homelessness; environmental issues like saving our wetlands or home energy assistance. Thanks for any help you can provide.


There are a lot of different ways you could go with this, depending on the issue you choose. So, let's choose one and explore some of the resources available.

With a growing emphasis on global awareness in the curriculum, you might consider having your elementary students look at a non-profit organization that works to advance humanitarian concerns in the world. A number of organizations offer curricular resources, and each takes a different approach to combating global poverty.

Heifer International

One resource is Heifer International.

Heifer distributes animals like cows, goats, rabbits, and bees to impoverished areas around the world—something your children may take an immediate interest in. In addition to the resources for teachers available on their website, there is an excellent children's book about one of the early success stories, Beatrice's Goat, that can be used in the classroom. Check out this Sixty Minutes program on the real Beatrice.

Heifer distributes animals like cows, goats, rabbits, and bees to impoverished areas around the world—something your children may take an immediate interest in.

The Heifer site also contains an interactive section called "Explore the World of Hiefer" that students can use as a resource. It is engaging and can be used on a Smartboard, an LCD, opened on computers and projected onto a Smartboard or large screen via LCD. Students could explore the areas in which Heifer has projects and the history of those areas.

Ultimately, students might develop/host school or community fundraisers to buy, say, a goat or cow or other animal to be sent to one of the impoverished areas in which Heifer works.


Another organization that works to combat global poverty is Oxfam.

Oxfam has offices across the world, and works to deliver aid and conduct development work. Based in Great Britain, Oxfam's Educational wing works to empower young people to become global citizens.

Oxfam's educational resources offer age-appropriate lessons for students aged 7-11. Among the themes that their resources cover are those on children's rights, climate change, and ending poverty.

Any work on Oxfam could certainly culminate in a fund-raising effort. But students could also use resources available on Oxfam's website to educate the school community about pressing global issues.

Another organization working to end poverty and hunger across the globe is UNICEF.


UNICEF, which is the United Nations Children's Fund, works for child survival, safety, and education around the world—another approach to global humanitarian issues that your students might take an interest in.

Among their many projects, UNICEF has a new site called "MAGIC—Media Activities and Good Ideas by, with and for Children." One thing you might do is have students watch videos or listen to broadcasts created by children in other countries. Check out the MAGICbank.

. . . have students watch videos or listen to broadcasts created by children in other countries.

In your final project, you might have your students do a radio broadcast, create a video, or establish a connection with another school via the internet. They might even decide to raise money for students working on a particular project.

Doctors Without Borders

A fourth great organization that works on international humanitarian concerns is Doctors Without Borders.

Doctors Without Borders has a Learning Resources page which provides materials to lead students through research projects. Although the resources are not specifically tailored for grade school students, they are open-ended enough that they can be accessed by younger students.

After your students research conflict and explore the ways that an organization like Doctors Without Borders works to bring aid to conflict regions, they might do a school-wide fundraiser for the organization.

Of course, there are plenty of great organizations working to advance humanitarian concerns in the world, but these four are a great place to start. Whether you choose one as a class, or divide students up to look at different non-profit groups, they represent an accessible way to introduce young people to public global issues, while also providing them with a way to take action.