Online U.S. History Textbooks


Do you know of any good online US history textbooks?


Online textbook options are convenient, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly. The key is finding one that is reliable, meets the needs of your students, and complies with district standards—so you will want to explore some to find one that fits your needs. We know of a few online textbooks that will help you get started in your search. Digital History, a project hosted by the University of Houston, offers an easy-to-use, high-quality textbook. Digital History is also a good resource for supplementary classroom materials including primary sources, e-lectures, and lesson plans., created and hosted by the non-profit Independence Hall Association, also offers a complete illustrated U.S. history text that is clearly organized by topic and easy for students to use. A third option is the Outline of U.S. History, which is produced and maintained by the U.S. State Department. The Outline is a fairly comprehensive textbook, and is accompanied by useful supplementary resources, including historian essays and a briefer version of the textbook. Finally, Wikibooks offers a U.S. history textbook that is fairly comprehensive and easy to use. On a cautionary note, Wikibooks is an open source site (like Wikipedia), so teachers will want to carefully monitor the content of the site to be certain that the material is accurate and useful.

What Events Led to Lincoln's Assassination?


Elementary students investigate the first presidential assassination and debate whether it was avoidable.


Students consult primary and secondary sources to identify the events leading to Abraham Lincoln's assassination and consider whether his assassination was avoidable.

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The best thing about this lesson is the primary account of the crime by an eyewitness observer. This account may prove difficult for most 4th graders to read, however and teachers will need to review the materials carefully before they teach the lesson. Very likely they will need to scaffold the reading of the sources. Despite this challenge, we feel that the eyewitness account is direct, dramatic, and engaging, and worth the effort to read carefully. This primary source is supplemented by a timeline linked to evocative images and an ephemera gallery that teachers can use to support student understanding. Using these primary sources along with textbooks, encyclopedias, and trade books, students are asked to "think like journalists" and determine the facts about Lincoln's assassination. Teachers will want to be thoughtful in selecting supplemental sources as many of the sources on the website reflect responses to the assassination rather than causes of the assassination. Students then write a brief report about the assassination, and discuss whether or not it was avoidable. To conclude, students construct a list of questions about what else they would need to know about Lincoln's assassination to more accurately determine if it was avoidable and where they could look to find the answers. While the lesson does not specifically address the concept of sourcing, it provides a great starting point for teachers to approach issues of sourcing and the reliability of evidence with their students.

Abraham Lincoln, U.S. Civil War; assassination; John Wilkes Booth
Time Estimate
1-3 class sessions

Yes Information for this lesson is drawn from the Library of Congress and has been prepared by the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History.


Yes A brief introduction to what happened at the assassination is provided for students. Teachers can link to an extensive collection of materials on Lincoln at the library of Congress. Students are also exposed to the unfamiliar funeral traditions of the 19th century.


Yes Students read multiple primary and secondary sources and write a report about the events that led to Lincoln's assassination.


Yes Students consult multiple sources to construct interpretations. They also consider what other evidence might be needed to confirm their interpretation.


No While students do read multiple sources, they are not asked to read sources of varying perspective, so their reading is more about information gathering than sourcing.


Yes Elementary students will need help with the difficult texts. Reading and vocabulary support are essential, but the simple questions and straightforward activities are appropriate for elementary students. In addition, this lesson would provide older students with valuable practice with close reading of a difficult text.


No No scaffolds are presented in the lesson. Modification of the text, selection of key passages, guided group reading, or some combination of all three would be particularly helpful scaffolds to make the text accessible.


Yes Prompts for assessing historical understanding are provided, however no criteria for evaluating student responses are offered.


Yes The lesson provides adequate instructions for implementation.


Yes This is one of the best things about this lesson. Objectives, an essential question, and logically organized procedures are all included.

Foundations of American History: John Brown Song

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Foundations of U.S. History, Virginia History as U.S. History features 4th graders learning about John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry through analyzing the song "John Brown's Body." Video clips of classroom instruction accompany short videos of a scholar analyzing the song and the teacher reflecting on the lesson. The John Brown song is one of eight documents found on the Source Analysis feature of the Teaching American History grant website in Loudoun County, Virginia. In the classroom practice section for John Brown's Body we see students analyzing the song to understand how northerners viewed John Brown shortly after his raid on Harpers Ferry. This video provides examples of two promising practices:

  • Close analysis of a song as a primary source
  • Consideration of whether views expressed in that source represent all perspectives.
The Lesson in Action

The lesson starts with the teacher playing the song "John Brown's Body." In this warm-up activity, the teacher instructs students to draw a picture of "what you see in your mind." After students share their drawings, the teacher provides them with a worksheet to help students analyze the musical composition. Next, students analyze the lyrics to an adapted version of the song written in 1861. The teacher works with individual students to help them use prior knowledge to make sense of the song and generate questions about the song. This progression from open-ended student task to close historical analysis engages and challenges students.

Students see that while primary documents are valuable evidence, they should not assume that an individual source speaks for all people.

Towards the end of the lesson, the teacher facilitates a whole-class review of the Guiding Question worksheet. After students share that they think the song portrayed John Brown as a hero, the teacher refers back to a prior lesson asking, "Do you think this song represents how everybody in the North feels?" Students respond that it does not. The teacher uses this conversation as an opportunity to review that many people in the North did not support John Brown's tactics. Students see that while primary documents are valuable evidence, they should not assume that an individual source speaks for all people. This lesson also draws on multiple classroom resources and incorporates a variety of historical thinking skills. Students use their textbook to help them make sense of the song: they consider the song's historical context and audience. Additionally, you can find a comprehensive lesson plan, complete with additional primary sources, background information, and classroom worksheets, on the site.

Discovering Angel Island: The Story Behind the Poems


Learn about the experiences of immigrants detained at Angel Island and how this impacted their opinion of the US.


Students explore the immigrant experience at Angel Island through the analysis of poetry written by immigrants during detention at the San Francisco Bay island.

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Many U.S. history classrooms devote significant time to understanding the immigrant experience. In teaching the immigrant experience, however, many classrooms focus exclusively on European immigration through Ellis Island. This lesson, The Story Behind the Poems, provides students with an excellent opportunity to learn about Asian immigration through Angel Island, and the ways in which the Asian immigrant experience differed from the European immigrant experience. The topics covered in this lesson would be an excellent addition to a unit on immigration, and would couple nicely with lessons on Chinese Exclusion and nativism in the West. The lesson first provides students with excellent historical background through an on-line video about Angel Island. The lesson then positions students to better understand the Asian immigrant experience through an analysis of poetry left by Asian immigrants on the cell walls of Angel Island. The poetry analysis allows students to connect with the words of the immigrants and hone the skill of analyzing the perspective of an author in a literary piece from the past. The lesson is highly structured and provides plenty of guidance for teachers who are not experienced in using poems as primary historical documents. The lesson includes sample questions to pose with students while analyzing the poems and also provides students with a graphic organizer to help them organize their thoughts as they prepare to write a reflection on a poem.

Immigration; Asian American history; western settlement
Time Estimate
1-2 50-minute periods

Yes The background and resources are historically accurate and contain links to supplementary materials.


Yes A high-quality video introduces students to the immigrant experience at Angel Island and is also a great resource for teachers who are teaching about Angel Island for the first time. Comparative immigration timelines are also excellent resources.


Yes Students interpret poems and write a reflection on the meaning of the poem and the perspective of the author.




Yes The poetry analysis requires close attention to meaning and intent.


Yes This lesson is appropriate for the students in late elementary to early middle school.


Yes Materials include teacher guidelines for helping students analyze the poems and a graphic organizer to help students organize and focus their thoughts about the poems.


No Students are assessed based on in-class discussion and a written reflection about the poems. However, the lesson does not provide specific criteria for assessing performance on the reflection.


Yes The lesson-plan is clear and can be easily adapted to a wide variety of classroom settings.


Yes The lesson aims to 1) teach about the Angel Island experience, and 2) provide opportunities to analyze and interpret poetry. The lesson progresses logically to these goals.

Well-behaved Women [and Men] Seldom Make History

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Picture book biographies can provide young readers with a great deal of information. Yet without a focus for reading, students often pay attention to interesting details and tidbits—what's been called the "terrific specifics"—rather than the big ideas in history. This guide focuses students' attention on two main ideas that promote historical thinking:

Understanding historical context Understanding individual efforts that promoted social change

As they read and respond to picture book biographies, students will see fundamental differences between the past and the present and witness the impact some people had on the times in which they lived. Though they were sometimes criticized for inappropriate or outrageous behavior, to quote historian Laurel Thatcher Ulrich's famous slogan, "Well-behaved women seldom make history." To this I would only add, or men. (While this guide is primarily concerned with the values and character traits of women who made history, it could easily be extended to include men as well.)


First students read and discuss picture book biographies of women in history. With their teacher, they build a data chart of information about each woman, highlighting her historical setting, accomplishments, and character traits. Finally students apply what they learn to several writing projects focused on historical context and social change. While the focus of biography is on individuals, students will see they did not, and could not, succeed alone but were supported along the way by others.

Teacher Preparation
  1. From the list of recommended biographies, pick the books you want to use    (four to six is a good number to start with).
  2. If you only have one copy, read the biography out loud to students. If    each student has his or her own copy, students can read independently    after a short introduction.
  3. Review the blank data chart found in the Handouts for Students and each    writing assignment. Make copies as needed.
  4. You can display a large (class) copy of the chart, while students have    smaller copies.
In the Classroom: Constructing the Data Chart

[All examples are from A Woman for President: The Story of Victoria Woodhull (2004) by Kathleen Krull, illustrated by Jane Dyer]

  1. Introduce the data chart. Explain that the class will be reading books    about women who made history and filling a chart with information about    the women. Have students consider:
      • When did the woman live? How do you know?
      • How was she expected to behave?
      • What did she do instead?
      • What does this show about her character and values?
  2. Introduce each book with information about the woman and the    challenges she faced. Show a few of the pictures to add a sense of    historical context. Introduce vocabulary words essential to    understanding the book.
  3. Read the book aloud.
  4. After reading, complete a row in the chart. When the chart is completed    and you have read all the books you selected, discuss:
      • Which experiences were similar?
      • How did expectations for women's behavior differ from the way they are    today? How were they similar?
      • What character traits and values did the women share?
      • Is it true "well-behaved women seldom make history?"
  5. Based on A Woman for President, here's an example of a row from the data chart: data chart
    In the Classroom: Writing Projects—Historical Context

    The two projects below focus students' attention on envisioning the historical setting. Student handouts are provided for each project.

    One: Photograph Album with Captions

    Ask students to create an imaginary photo album for one of the women. Using "Photo Album from the Past," have students draw interesting and important moments from the woman's life. Visual material downloaded from the internet can be included to make these photos more realistic. Under each picture, students can supply captions for the photo pointing out interesting details. Here is an example of a "photo" and caption from the album of Victoria Woodhull: victoria woodhall student album sample

    Two: Imaginary Interviews

    With a partner, have students prepare for an interview with one of the women. First, students brainstorm what questions to ask, then write their questions down and provide an answer the woman would give. Have the students practice giving the interview before presenting to the class. Completed written interviews can be illustrated and collected for display or made into a class book. Sample interview questions could include:

      • In your day, what did people expect you to do?
      • What was your biggest accomplishment? Why does it make you proud?
      • How would you describe yourself?
      • What qualities do you respect in other people?

    Ask students to add additional questions. See an example of an interview with Victoria Woodhull in the Examples Packet.

    In the Classroom: Writing Projects—Character Traits and Values

    The two projects below focus attention on the character traits and values of the women studied. Student handouts are provided for each project.

    One: Character Sociogram

    This is a way to show how a person thinks and behaves and how people respond to them. An example from the packet shows Victoria Woodhull's interactions with several contemporaries. The words on the arrows show the feelings and actions of one person toward another. Though only four people are shown (besides the woman in the center), more people may be added. Using one of the shared biographies, model how to make a sociogram with the whole class. Have student partners complete a sociogram for one of the women studied. After students complete several sociograms, discuss the common traits and values of women who made history. See an example of a sociogram based on the life of Victoria Woodhull in the Examples Packet.

    Two: Concept Circles

    This strategy teaches students to see the connections between words. Using words that explore character traits and values, this vocabulary exercise gives students the opportunity to describe the women using new, or recently learned, words. From the handout provided, place a word or phrase describing character traits and values for one of the women studied in each section of the circle. Skim the biography for these words and phrases. Have student partners discuss how each word or phrase helped them understand that person. After the discussion, have students write descriptions of the woman, describing the obstacles she faced and how she overcame them. Ask students to use vocabulary from the concept circle in their descriptions. See an example of a concept circle about Victoria Woodhull in the Examples Packet.

    Common Pitfalls
    • Even though the recommended books are picture books, it may take more    than one class period to read aloud. Don't rush through the book. Provide    enough time for background information and student comments on the    book.
    • Students often want to report on everything they have learned after    listening to a read-aloud. Praise your students for learning new    information, but then focus them on the chosen topics (historical context    and efforts to promote social change).
    • For written assignments, make sure students use information from books    rather than made-up information. Have books available so students can    refer to them.

Chick, Kay A. "Teaching Women's History Through Literature: Standards-based Lesson Plans for Grades K–12. 2008.

Fertig, Gary. "Using Biography to Help Young Learners Understand the Causes of Historical Change and Continuity." The Social Studies 99 (2008): 147–154.

Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher. Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History. New York: Knopf, 2007.

Zarnowski, Myra. History Makers: A Questioning Approach to Reading and Writing Biographies. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2003.

Zarnowski, Myra. Making Sense of History: Using High-Quality Literature and Hands-on Experiences to Build Content Knowledge. New York: Scholastic, 2006.

Zarnowski, Myra. "Being Teddy Roosevelt: Exploring Biographies and Overcoming Life’s Obstacles." Social Studies and the Young Learner 33 (2008): 42–46.


What is it?
What is It?

VoiceThread is a popular web-based tool for creating and collaborating on multimedia presentations. Voicethread allows you to create a presentation combining images and video with text and audio commentary. The internet safety component is comprehensive; access to accounts and student work is carefully controlled. It's recognized by the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) as a tool and resource of "exceptional value to inquiry-based teaching and learning."

Getting Started

First, you'll need to setup a Voicethread account through the link in the upper right hand corner of the home page.

You can experiment with the program and create up to three VoiceThread projects free of charge. (Fees are nominal for classrooms and for school-wide accounts.)

Five choices are available for adding audio: computer microphone, telephone, text, audio file (mp3 or WAV), and webcam. You'll need a microphone if you're using your computer, and Voicethread provides instructions for setup and use and comment moderation.

The About page gives directions for using VoiceThread's presentation tools and K-12 solutions gives instructions especially for K-12 classrooms and answers questions such as "How do I add students to my school or class subscription?"


Once you've created your Voicethread account, search for curriculum-related sample projects on the Browse page to get an idea of the possibilities.

As you create a test project, you'll have the option of uploading images from your computer, Flickr, Facebook, or directly from among 700,000 digitized photos from The New York Public Library. The Voicethread blog discusses these import possibilities.

Staff members at the New York Public Library also have created learning modules, grouping historical images and other primary sources by themes and categories with audio commentary from historians and archivists.

Voicethread's digital library contains articles by teachers about classroom projects—including sections with helpful caveats on challenges and setbacks in implementing their lesson plans.

For more information

For further tutorials and examples beyond the VoiceThread site, visit this educational review written by a New Zealand educational technology specialist.

Visit YouTube and search with the term Voicethread to uncover tutorials such as Embedding Voicethread productions in blogs

Applying KWL Guides to Sources with Elementary Students

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What Is It?

KWL Guides—what do I know, what do I want to know, what have I learned—offer a straightforward way to engage students in historical investigation and source analysis.


Using KWL guides in elementary history classes empowers students and teachers.

  1. KWL guides engage students via a simple format. They place the students'    observations, questions, and knowledge development at the center of    exploring historical sources. Students are able to connect new knowledge    to prior knowledge, and generate and investigate questions.
  2. Most elementary teachers are familiar with KWL guides to structure    inquiry in various subjects, from literature to science, but analyzing    primary historical sources can be a new experience, leaving teachers    hesitant to incorporate them in their teaching. Applying the KWL    approach to primary source analysis encourages teachers to adopt a    constructivist approach to history instruction, as it taps their confidence    in using a familiar strategy to teach a new subject.

The KWL chart is a metacognition strategy designed by Donna Ogle in 1986. It prompts students to activate prior knowledge, generate questions to investigate, and inventory the new knowledge that emerges from investigation. The acronym stands for: K: students identify what they already KNOW about a subject. W: students generate questions about what they WANT to learn about the    subject. L: students identify what they LEARNED as they investigated. In lower elementary history studies, the entire class looks at projected images or documents and together fills out a KWL chart. In the middle grades teachers may model the process. Once students gain proficiency, they are allowed to work in pairs or groups. Primary sources can be incorporated at various times during a history lesson. Teachers may use them to introduce a unit or to expand a student's understanding and empathy for a topic. Directions below describe how to use the KWL primary source analysis during a unit, but they are easily adapted to use at the start of a unit.

Teacher Preparation
  1. Choose a source to explore with your students. Books in school or public libraries also offer historical images and documents.

    Source Subject When seeking images, artifacts, or written documents that align with your history unit, consider four ways that primary sources enhance history learning:

    1. Motivate historical inquiry
    2. Supply evidence for historical accounts
    3. Convey information about the past
    4. Provide insight into the thoughts and experiences of people in the    past (1)

    Your source should match one or more of these criteria; they are not mutually exclusive. You may find a source that you believe will motivate your students' learning and it also provides a vivid, intriguing glimpse into the experiences of people in the past. Or you may choose to examine with your class a source cited as evidence in one of the historical accounts that you read together, and then discover the source conveys additional information about your topic. Source Format In terms of primary sources, elementary schoolchildren often engage most successfully with visual images, especially pictures that feature children or dramatic action. Don't discount written documents, however, especially in the middle grades, although you might need to abridge a lengthy document or model the process of paraphrasing with short excerpts.

  2. Copy the source to an overhead transparency or into a file for an LCD projector. You can give students their own copies to view at their desks and put in their history folders, and post one on the class's history timeline.
  3. Decide when you will examine the source. To scaffold source explorations, schedule them between reading historical fiction and/or nonfiction to provide context.
  4. Decide how to display and write on the class KWL chart. Using a transparency is fine, but could limit ongoing student access to the chart. ]KWL charts can be constructed on poster boards, whiteboards, or butcher paper for permanent display; these can be added onto as you explore other elements of your history unit. The posted chart is a visual reminder of students' growing prior knowledge as they move on to investigate other sources. When they are asked to interpret new sources, they can reference what they have studied previously. For students working in groups, make copies of the KWL chart for all students.
In the Classroom

1. Review the class's history learning to this point. Have students take turns walking and talking sections of your unit timeline, or ask students to brainstorm important themes they have explored thus far. In middle elementary, ask students to pair up and explain to another student what they learned the previous day. For lower elementary, call on students at random to share their thoughts with the whole class. 2. Following this review, explain that students can explore more about (the unit topic) by studying an information source from the actual time of the historic event. To illustrate this idea, contrast the date of the source you are examining with the copyright date of a fiction or nonfiction book you have read to your class. Eventually, at the end of this activity, you will return to the book and help your students understand how its author may have examined primary sources as s/he prepared to write it. 3. Introduce the KWL chart with knowledge questions as a guide to explore a source. If you have not used a KWL before, or if students are not familiar with the format, explain what the letters stand for and how they help us look closely at a source of information, make a list of what we already know about the source, and ask questions to help us learn more. 4. Model the KWL process with the entire class. Project a source via LCD or overhead projector. Conduct the K portion of your KWL (what do I think I already know about this source). After students carefully read or view the source, brainstorm a list of things they know about the image, artifact, or document. To help students activate their knowledge, structure interactions with sources by asking:

What/who do you think is in the source? (inventory the objects in an image or the components of a written source) What do you think is happening? (summarize the action or meaning) When do you think it is happening? Why do you think it is happening? Why do you think someone created the source in the first place? How did you come up with your answers? If people appear in the document or image, how do you think they felt?

5. Conduct the W portion (what do I want to know and how can I find out more). Ask students to:

Brainstorm aspects of the source they are uncertain about Brainstorm a list of questions about the source itself Brainstorm how they might find answers to their questions

6. Conduct the L portion of your KWL (what I've learned about or from this source).

Seek answers to the questions, or return to them as you investigate other sources and topics for your history unit and as answers emerge from those explorations. If you decide to investigate some questions right away, have the entire class work together, or divide students into groups and assign each group a question to investigate. Groups can use such research resources as the internet, school media center, or oral history interviews. Give the groups any books related to their question. When you send groups to the media center/library, alert your media specialist in advance so s/he may assist students with their searches. This activity is an excellent way to introduce or reinforce the use of search engines, tables of contents, and indexes to locate information. Update the guide by inventorying what your students have learned about the source and about the larger history topic by studying this source.

7. Brainstorm and take inventory of remaining unanswered questions raised by students while investigating the source.

Common Pitfalls

Extend learning for better readers. Ask them to decipher and summarize the document. They can then share their results with the rest of the class. If you determine a document is too difficult for any of your readers to decipher, create a simpler version for students to study.

  • Copying images. Sometimes it's difficult to get a good copy. File size and type vary and may affect the quality of a reproduced image. If you find an image you want to use but it does not copy clearly, try using Google or another internet image search engine to locate that image in a different format or size.
  • Selecting documents. When a document is only available in an original handwritten form, deciphering it can pose a challenge for teachers as well as students. Try to find documents that have been transcribed into readable type.
  • Some documents are beyond the comprehension level of those students who read at or below grade level. If you want to use a source that fits this scenario, try the following:
  • A common pitfall in executing KWL is the inclination to close discussion following the L step. Authentic learning exploration begins and ends with questions. When teachers demonstrate that it's natural and desirable to have ongoing questions, they send the message that questions are a crucial part of education. Asking questions doesn't indicate a lack of knowledge, but is evidence of an active mind. To honor questioning as the foundation of learning, KWL should perhaps add a fourth step: Q.

KWL Image Exploration: Segregated Public Places The history of Jim Crow laws in the U.S. is the history of segregated neighborhoods, schools, public areas, hotels, restaurants, marriage, transportation—essentially every aspect of daily life. Though these practices were outlawed by civil rights legislation in the 1960s, their legacy of poverty and prejudice persists. It is essential that today's students not only learn the history of segregation but care about its aftereffects. Photos of Whites Only and Colored signs on water fountains, restrooms, waiting rooms, and entrances to buildings are powerful resources that engage student empathy for the African American experience under Jim Crow. This KWL photo analysis is most effective when preceded by explorations of pre-slavery African cultures, slavery, the Civil War, the 13th and 15th Constitutional Amendments, and sharecropping. As the first activity that explores segregation laws, it illustrates the reality of separate public accommodation as humiliating, degrading, and a clear signal that not all people were considered equal in America.


Credit for first using KWL as a historical source analysis guide goes to the second- and third-grade teachers who piloted the Bringing History Home curriculum at the Washington Community School District in Washington, Iowa. These teachers came up with KWL as a simple alternative to the NARA historical analysis guides. I am, as always, deeply indebted to BHH teachers for their innovative, inspired ideas.

1These four effective uses of primary sources are identified by Keith Barton in Barton, K. "Primary Sources in History: Breaking Through the Myths," Phi Delta Kappan Vol. 86 Issue 10 (2005): 745-753.
For more information

See the essay Teaching Segregation History as you consider how students may react to the topic.

The materials you need to conduct this activity include a photo of segregated drinking fountains and a KWL chart. Two forms of the chart are provided: an empty one and one supplied with K questions.

For more resources about KWL guides please see Bringing History Home.

For further reading, try's "Strategies: Making Sense in Social Studies" and Bringing History Home's bibliography of selected websites with resources for teaching segregation history.


Chen, Jianfei. "Online Course L517: Advanced Study of the Teaching of Secondary School Reading." Indiana University. Last modified January 2008.

Ogle, Donna. "K-W-L: A Teaching Model That Develops Active Reading of Expository Text." The Reading Teacher 39 (1986): 564–70.


What is it?

What is it?

The creators of Wordle define this free tool as a toy. Wordle is definitely fun to play with, but it's also a learning tool for visualizing and analyzing text. And it's adaptable to learning objectives for K–12. Plug a block of text, a URL, or even bookmarks into Wordle, and the program generates a word cloud—a graphic that amplifies font sizes of words based on how frequently they are used in the material you've provided.

Getting Started

To create a world tag cloud, simply follow directions on the Create page. What you don't want to miss are the opportunities to work with font, layout and color once your tag cloud is created. Why? Design choices help position words and differentiated size gradations to provide more concrete examples of the vocabulary, ideas, and concepts you're encouraging your students to explore.

Tools help teachers design Wordle clouds to emphasize learning objectives.

You can save your Wordles in the Wordle Gallery (although it will be difficult to retrieve later) or on your hard drive. To keep a copy on your computer, select the option to "open in Window" below the Wordle and take a screenshot. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) answer possible difficulties. Teacher Tube offers a five-minute video demonstrating the program.


Educators have generously shared examples of classroom adaptations of Wordle to build vocabulary (a useful tool for ESL learners) and to write and discuss literature; many of these examples are adaptable to analyze and simplify primary source documents in the history classroom; wordle graphics can jump start close reading of primary sources. This Slideshare presentation, Free Tools: Middle School Tech, suggests a collaborative learning exercise applicable to exploring primary source documents. Pupils looked at word clouds created from articles and tried to ascertain the gist of original articles. Half the class then explained to the other half what they thought their article was about while the teacher displayed each word cloud in turn on an interactive white board highlighting the words one at a time and extracting relevant useful vocabulary. The teacher then handed out copies of the original articles in full to pupils and discussed vocabulary further.

Wordle clouds help students learn vocabulary and extrapolate major themes.

The Boston Globe offers a visualization of The Candidate as a Pile of Words, a visualization of the blogs of President Obama and Senator McCain. Fewer examples specifically address Wordle in history and social studies instruction, but blog postings such as Rodd Lucier's Top 20 Uses for Wordle offer a number of cross-curricular examples of using Wordle to foster analytical thinking and to help explore relationships and themes. "Show Today in History stories in a new way," he suggests, and the resulting Wordle graphic on the Cuban Missile Crisis creates a picture in which the words Kennedy, Soviet, Cuba, and atomic dominate. Word Cloud Analysis of Obama's Inaugural Speech Compared to Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Lincoln's offers instant analytical possibilities. For example, Lincoln's most frequently used word in his first inaugural address is Constitution; in his second, war dominates. And beyond Wordle, blogger Terry Freedman writes Word Clouds; Tag Clouds. Which is the best software? explores a variety of tag cloud options and teaching ideas. And educator-blogger Jonathan Wylie writes about Top 10 Ways to Use Wordle's Word Clouds for Classroom Lessons. Some entries in this top ten list specifically address history; others are easily adapted. For example, instead of Personal Narratives suggested in Item One, substitute brief biographies of historic figures.


What is it?

What is it?

How can you keep up with news—at least the headlines—as well as all the other information out there in cyberspace that you need to know? RSS feeds are the answer. They save time, help you decide what information is important, and control information overflow. RSS is an acronym with several translations—Really Simple Syndication is the most common. RSS is a feed that aggregates material from news and information sources you select on one central site called a Reader and lets you know when these sites are updated. It's like having a personal wire service. Or, as RSS in Plain English from CommonCraft on YouTube explains, RSS as the difference between Netflix and the video store. The news comes to you; you don't have to go out and get it. You simply subscribe to the syndicated feeds of your choice—newspapers, blogs, wikis, for example—and you'll be notified of new materials

Getting Started

Sites that offer RSS feeds include links labeled XML, RSS or Atom. The common symbol these days is the orange square you see accompanying this article. To stay updated with your information sources, all you need to do is choose a feed reader and to subscribe to the feeds of your choice. RSS subscriptions and most feed readers are free. Some, like the popular PC-based FeedDemon, require you to download software to your computer. With others such as the user-friendly Google Reader no software is required.

Choosing your feed reader and adding subscriptions should be easy.

Choosing your feed reader and subscribing to RSS feeds should be an easy process. With Bloglines, for example, you merely sign up for your account, confirm your registration via email, and begin establishing your subscriptions. Bloglines will offer you suggestions and options for feeds such as New York Times home page or Word of the Day which you are free to accept or ignore. To create your own subscription list, simply go to the Feeds Tab, click on Add, and paste the URL of the site you'd like to subscribe to.

Google Reader is equally clear, and allows you to tag individual items, to add comments, and to share them. Both readers allow you to create folders easily to manage different categories of feeds.

CNet's Newbie's Guide to Google Reader was published in 2007, but it remains a succinct "how-to" guide for the basic Google Reader and for expanded use.


Free Technology for Teachers suggests "21 Must-Read RSS Feeds" related to education and educational technology.

Use RSS as the search term at Classroom 2.0 for shared ideas about how teachers use RSS feeds and readers to channel and enhance student learning and collaborative work.

Steve O'Connor teaches fifth grade in upstate New York. He writes in his blog about students using RSS feeds in conjunction with classroom blogs and the feed reader Rnews.

For more information

Google also lets you create a personalized home page through iGoogle. You can select graphics from extensive themes, choose from pre-selected topics and feeds, rearrange what appears on your homepage and where it appears, and add your own RSS feeds. To begin, visit the Google Search page, and beneath the search box, select the option, "Get Started." Google provides step-by-step directions, and this wikiHow article How to Set Up a Google Personalized Homepage will fill in any blanks Google's own instructions might not answer. Related articles through wikiHow such as How to Add RSS Feeds to Your Google Personalized Homepage will help you increase the efficiency and usefulness of your iGoogle homepage.

Lewis and Clark: Same Place, Different Perspectives


How geography influenced interactions among Lewis, Clark, & Native Americans.


In small groups, students analyze short excerpts from primary sources and secondary information that describe an encounter between the Lewis and Clark expedition and a Native American tribe. They share their analysis with the class and consider how varied locations influenced the ways in which the explorers and the various Native tribes interacted.

Article Body

Encouraging students to work collaboratively in groups, this lesson asks students to think and write about history from multiple viewpoints. The primary source excerpts, primarily from the expedition members’ journals, are a bit challenging, but they are brief and informative. Short expository passages describe different Native American groups and their encounter with the expedition. The absence of primary documents from the Native American perspective provides an opportunity to discuss what sources of information make up the historical record.

Additionally, and maybe more importantly, the lesson engages students in geographic analysis. Using geographic indicators, students must locate each encounter at a specific site on expedition maps. Students consider the varied physical environments that Lewis and Clark encountered and how these connect to cultural variations between the Native American tribes whom they met. This lesson pays special attention to the differences between Native American cultures, countering a common student belief that all Indians lived alike.

We like the closing activity where each group reports back to the whole class before a large group discussion on the similarities and differences between the encounters. The suggested assessment asks students to write about one of the encounters from the perspective of Sacagawea, Lewis and Clark’s Native American guide, or York, a slave on the expedition. Unless this lesson is taught in conjunction with the film or other rich resources providing additional background information, this assessment seems ill-suited as students likely need more background to complete these essays successfully.

Lewis and Clark Expedition
Time Estimate
1 class period

Yes Uses primary sources from the Lewis and Clark expedition.

No We recommend that teachers include additional background information.

Yes Students read about environments, resources, and daily life in different places and write about how and why people from different groups perceived events differently.


Yes Students' historical and geographic analysis skills are fostered through interpretation of primary and informational texts and maps.


Yes Students must read documents and maps closely in order to compare different perspectives.


Yes Some of the document prose is challenging, but grouping students by mixed ability can help address comprehension issues.


No Teachers may need to create scaffolding questions to guide their students during group work.


No Assessment is vague. Teachers may wish to design their own assessments that involve students in viewing the expedition from multiple viewpoints or considering how location influences cultural variation.


Yes The directions are clear and all of the materials available on the web are easily reproducible for classroom use


Yes Activities require students to examine an event from multiple viewpoints. Students also have the opportunity to see how geography influenced both Native American groups and the expedition members .