
logo for Vimeo
What is it?

A cursory search on the web reveals an extensive online conversation over which video uploading site is better: YouTube or Vimeo? In reality, both sites offer distinct features for users and have carved distinct niches.

Vimeo caters to a smaller community of dedicated video producers. As a consequence, the amount of videos Vimeo hosts is much smaller in comparison to YouTube; however, what Vimeo lacks in volume it compensates for with consistency of video quality. Likewise, examining the comments on videos posted to Vimeo shows that its community is supportive of original productions—many of which were made as academic projects—through constructive comments. The site's community prides itself as an online venue for creators of original and high-quality video productions, and Vimeo does not accept commercial videos. For educators, then, it is a useful site (and often unblocked in school systems) when searching for safe videos to use in the classroom.

Getting Started

Vimeo provides users with free registration, with more features for users who upgrade to a paid account: a free account provides (as of writing) 500MB of upload space per week, 1 HD video per week, no HD embedding, the ability to password-protect videos, and basic player customization, among other features. The "plus" account, which has an annual fee, provides a much larger upload space, unlimited HD, and no banner ads on the site, among other benefits that expand on the free account. For teachers, it would be best to begin with a free account and based on the frequency make a determination of whether a subscription to the "plus" accounts makes sense. It might also prove beneficial to take advantage of the password protection for videos if there is any parental concern over student videos on the web.

Many video professionals prefer Vimeo for its ability to upload a better-quality video than YouTube. Users are able to watch their videos upload and edit the information about the video while it is uploading. Vimeo also allows different formats of videos, including HD (which YouTube has only recently added as well). As a result, Vimeo can adapt to widescreen videos without leaving black areas.

It is important to teach students how to search effectively.

Searching for videos is a bit trickier in Vimeo. Its catalog is dwarfed by YouTube (which uploads 20 hours of footage every minute, two million new minutes of video every 24 hours.) Nevertheless, Vimeo's 13,000 daily uploads is impressive, especially when large amounts of videos are uploaded in HD each week. For a teacher, a useful aspect of the site is that videos can be downloaded—useful in the event that the school server is down. As is the case of most video hosting sites, it is important to teach students how to search effectively. Broad search terms like "Lincoln" and "rights" should be refined as "Abraham Lincoln" and "U.S. civil rights" in order to find the most appropriate videos for a given lesson or project.

A final recommendation on searching is to simply search for Vimeo history videos on Google. One example is typing "Vimeo Library of Congress" in a search engine like Google. One of the first hits is a Thomas Jefferson's Library Book Explorer video, which leads to other videos such as one on the Early Americas—which is displayed in stunning high definition.


Using the search term "Abraham Lincoln," several useful videos serve as examples of the multiple benefits of posting videos online. One use is to present student projects and use the video production as a culminating activity. Here elementary school students present their book projects on Abraham Lincoln, whereas another Lincoln video offers more of a short documentary on Lincoln and Pennsylvania that can be useful as an introduction to a lesson. A third video, while in need of audio, does provide good visuals of Lincoln's birthplace in Kentucky; the producer of the video is also part of a larger "channel" knows as Geography Educators, so here is a case where a particular video on Lincoln serves as a gateway to other useful videos for the classroom. Teachers can search for videos on Vimeo through people, channels, groups, or videos. By subscribing to Vimeo, users can save their favorites for a particular course and access them easily when needed.

To browse for specific groups and channels, the "explore" button found in the top navigation is a good place to start. Although Vimeo does not currently possess a "History" channel, the channels page lists the several categories of interest including "education." It's worth noting that education is used broadly and mostly includes do-it-yourself and tutorial videos on a wide range of subjects. To limit searches in a particular channel to course-relevant videos, users can select "search these channels." Likewise, searching for "teachers" within the group page can help educators explore groups whose focus is on curriculum videos. One example is Vimeo for Teachers, which has a wide variety of productions across several disciplines. Although only a few social studies or history videos are currently in this group, teachers can glean ideas for how to use videos in the classroom in effective ways.

Overall, Vimeo is a good site for uploading video productions from the classroom, and with enough digging teachers will be able to find useful videos for planning or instruction.

Let's Get Folky

Photography, Coolest Bluegrass Beard, Greg Robbins, 2007, Flickr CC

I need ideas for constructivist lesson plans that teach American history through folk music. Can you help?


Music can be a great resource for American history teachers. Just like textual primary sources, songs have historical meaning that students have to work to uncover. A song, no less than a presidential address, reflects the time in which it was created, as well as the perspective of its author. Consequently, you’ll want to ask students to consider who wrote the lyrics, what those lyrics mean, who the audience for the song was, and what was going on in the United States at the time. You might want to pair the song with other sources—newspaper clippings, radio addresses, photographs of protests, etc.—that students can piece together to better understand a particular historical era.

PBS’s brief history of American folk music might be a good place to start…

Folk music, of course, is distinct from popular music in one general regard: unlike music created by professional recording artists, folk music is generally made by ordinary people and integrated into everyday life. So, while many well-known artists like Woody Guthrie and Bob Dylan certainly played folk music, it can often be used as a way of better understanding the lives of people frequently left out of history textbooks. PBS’s brief history of American folk music might be a good place to start, establishing the unique nature of the genre and helping you focus your search for resources.

As always when looking for classroom resources, can help. Our Teaching in Action section, for instance, includes an example of how a song might be used in the classroom, providing links to videos in which 4th grade students learn about John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry by analyzing the song “John Brown’s Body.”

Our Using Primary Sources section also has some appropriate resources for you. One entry on Making Sense of American Popular Song highlights a website that provides questions to ask when using music in the history classroom, a model interpretation of a popular song, and links to resources. Another entry, on Document Analysis Worksheets, includes a link to the National Archives, which has a special “Sound Recording Analysis Worksheet.”

Beyond the website, you might want to look at some of the other usual suspects for high quality materials and lesson plans.

Beyond the website, you might want to look at some of the other usual suspects for high quality materials and lesson plans. EDSITEment—a project of the National Endowment for the Humanities—is always a good place to look. They have a lesson entitled “Music from Across America” that explores the intersection of music and popular song. The Library of Congress is always a good resource, and they have a full page of links, as well as some specific lesson plans like one on California folk music in the 1930s. Finally, PBS’s American Roots Music website has four lesson plans as well as a bibliography that you might find useful.

There are also some specific music-related sites worth exploring. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame also has a page of lesson plans dedicated to teaching with music. You might also want to explore Smithsonian Folkways to see what music they have available.

Integrating Technology into the Classroom

Photo, "ICT's in Education," pmorgan, March 17, 2005, Flickr

How and where do I find technology content for the history classroom?


Teaching history with technology can be a great way to engage students while also building bridges between the history classroom and the technology department at your school.

Classroom Technologies

One good place to start is by exploring some of the technologies available to you in the classroom. The National History Education Clearinghouse, for instance, has an article on the use of digital whiteboards in the classroom, which you might find useful. "Wiki Wisdom," an article from Education Week, focuses on how teachers can use wikis in the classroom, emphasizing their ease of use, and listing considerations accompanying their integration into the classroom. Reel American History, a project at Lehigh University, is a site that encourages teachers and students to think about the ways movies help us construct understandings of history. The site includes a list of films dealing with history, as well as suggestions for how to use them. (Check back in the coming weeks and the National History Education Clearinghouse will also have new resources about using film to teach history.)

Teaching history with technology can be a great way to engage students while also building bridges between the history classroom and the technology department at your school.

In terms of blogs, the American Historical Association has an article on how blogs connect students outside the classroom that might be useful for your purposes. Social studies teachers, particularly those who focus on current events, may also be interested in digital storytelling. Edutopia has a great article about digital storytelling that will direct you to additional resources.

Technological Resources Specifically for History Classrooms

Another angle you can take in looking for resources is to pursue sites that specifically explore technology-related content for the history classroom. One great resource is National Council for the Social Studies Community Network which has a variety of resources for teaching with technology. You can also join their Teaching with Technology group to be connected with other teachers who are interested in integrating technology into history and social studies classrooms. Many other sites have resources to help you.The Center for History and New Media’s Episodes page, for instance, has multimedia resources for a number of different historical periods. SCORE, the Schools of California Online Resources for Education webpage, also has some great materials that utilize technology in the history and social science classroom. The page has a virtual web museum, virtual interactive projects, and virtual field trips. Science, Technology, and the CIA, a project of the National Security Archive, provides 44 government documents that track the organizational and operational history of various CIA departments designed to coordinate science and technology research with intelligence operations.

Another way to approach your question is to look for models of projects merging technology and history. On the National History Education Clearinghouse site, there’s a blog entry describing a project conducted at Harpers Ferry National Historic Park in which students used a host of new technologies to explore the history of Harpers Ferry and John Brown—definitely worth checking out.

Good luck with your lesson planning!

Making Sense of Maps

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Making Sense of Maps offers a place for students and teachers to begin working with maps as historical evidence. Written by David Stephens, this guide offers an overview of the history of maps and how historians use them, a breakdown of the elements of a map, tips on what questions to ask when analyzing maps, an annotated bibliography, and a guide to finding and using maps online.

Making Sense of Oral History

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Making Sense of Oral History offers a place for students and teachers to begin working with oral history interviews as historical evidence. Written by Linda Shopes, this guide presents an overview of oral history and ways historians use it; tips on what questions to ask when reading or listening to oral-history interviews; a sample interpretation of an interview; an annotated bibliography; and a guide to finding and using oral history online. Linda Shopes is a historian at the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.

Historical Context and Roleplaying

Teaching with Role Playing
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This website's videos document the practice of a 5th-grade teacher in New York teaching a unit titled Colonial New York: Developing Perspectives through Historical Role Play. This 14-week, standards-based unit covers colonial America up to the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The site provides a rich cache of materials documenting the teaching of the unit, including the teacher's initial plan; video clips of classroom activities and teacher reflections; classroom handouts and historical sources; and student work.

The site provides examples of two promising practices:

  1. Establishing an understanding of historical time and place before engaging in roleplaying activities or simulations; and
  2. Continuing to build student understanding of historical context as students elaborate roles and take on perspectives.
Understanding Daily Life

The teacher begins the unit with activities designed to establish a "sense of time and place" and help students understand colonial "daily life." Students then create colonial characters. Notably, the teacher structures activities so students are transported back into the colonial world before they are asked to identify and elaborate their imagined roles and lives.

To accomplish this, she plans trips to local historical sites, uses primary sources, and uses questions to frame individual lessons such as: What did colonial New York look like? What jobs did people have in colonial New York? How did people get what they needed?

Analyzing Issues and Events

After students create a colonial character, they learn about important issues and events of the time period, including the impact of the French-Indian War on British colonial policies, the colonists' responses, and the road to revolution. Students learn how taxes work, look at mercantilist laws, hold tavern meetings, and read Patrick Henry's famous speech and the Declaration of Independence. Threaded throughout this instruction is a back-and-forth between what happened and how students in their colonial roles would have experienced and thought about these events.

What's New?

Many history teachers use roleplaying activities. What is less commonly done, however, is what we find here: structuring learning activities so students' roles are closely tied to the time and place within which they are imagined. This website uncovers not only the deep exploration of historical context necessary to make roleplaying more historically accurate, but also some ways for teachers to structure and plan those necessary activities.

On the website, there are additional promising features, including a focus on the way the teacher adjusts her initial curriculum plan in response to what she learns about students' understanding through both formal and informal assessments.

Teaching History in a High-Stakes Testing Culture

Photography, Students Taking a Test, 25 Aug 2009, Shannan Muskopf, Flickr CC
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End-of-year standardized tests play a significant role in shaping what gets taught in the classroom. Supporters of such tests in history make the case that the best exams support not only the acquisition of content knowledge, but also the development of historical habits of mind. This study by Gabriel Reich of Virginia Commonwealth University, however, reveals that the reality of the situation may be more complicated.

Looking at the New York Regents exam in Global History and Geography, Reich sought to understand the kinds of skills necessary for answering multiple choice items correctly. He worked with 13 urban 10th graders at a racially mixed high school, and engaged them in “think alouds” in which students talked through the process of answering 15 questions.

What he found was that these multiple-choice questions did not call for knowledge or skill in the historical thinking that was prescribed by the standards. They did, on the other hand, elicit knowledge in three domains:

  1. history content
  2. literacy
  3. test-wiseness

Knowledge of the content material was, obviously, quite important in determining a student’s ability to answer multiple-choice questions correctly. Less obvious was the importance of literacy, which Reich defined as “command of relevant vocabulary and the ability to read, and manipulate the ideas presented in printed text.” If students were hazy on content—and in some cases, if they did not remember the content at all—they often fell back on their literacy skills for help in deciphering answers. Similarly, test-wiseness also factored into student success. Defined by Reich as “sensitivity to the explanatory, or narrative frameworks underlying each question,” test-wiseness allowed students to make good guesses when faced with several answer choices.

In the Classroom

Working with—and in some cases, around—standardized tests, teachers can help students improve their scores without sacrificing key knowledge and skills.

  1. Recognize the importance of test-wiseness. By doing explicit instruction during the year on how to take tests can help ensure that students have the best shot at displaying the knowledge they have. Eliminating obviously wrong answers before guessing, saving the most confusing questions for last, and watching out for tricks inserted by the test-writers are good beginning moves to familiarize students with.
  2. Emphasize literacy throughout the school year. Literacy skills will help students in end-of-course exams not only because it is key to understanding historical content, but also because it will help them decipher questions.
  3. Finally, if discipline-specific thinking is not required for success as measured by state tests, find a way to move beyond the standards. Standards documents often represent a solid baseline for content, but teaching to the standards frequently is not enough. Using core content to engage students with historical problems or piecing together historical understandings, is a way of achieving both aims simultaneously.
Sample Application

Question: The purpose of the Marshall Plan was to—

a. restore Japanese economic development
b. provide military aid to Middle Eastem allies
c. assure nationalist success in the Chinese civil war
d. provide for economic recovery in Western Europe

Student think-aloud:

"I have no clue. I should go to the next one."

Student returns to item after completing the test:

"Number five, ‘the purpose of the Marshall Plan was to…’ the Marshall Plan, oh yeah ‘restore Japan,’ so ‘Japanese economic development.’ Or…‘Provide for economic recovery in Western Europe.’

"It’s between those two, because the Marshall Plan was something related to like what Stalin I think did, the Five Year Plan? So ‘restore Japanese economic development,’ ‘provide for economic recovery in Western Europe.’ I would say one of those is what the Marshall Plan was for."

For more information

The Roundtable on "The Role of Multiple Choice Assessments in History Courses" offers multiple perspectives on this issue.

For another research brief regarding testing, see "The History Classroom: Connections Between Instruction and Assessment".


Reich, Gabriel. “Testing Historical Knowledge: Standards, Multiple-choice Questions and Student Reasoning.” Theory and Research in Social Education 37(3) (2009): 325–360.

Teachers' Use of Primary Sources

Copies of the Constitution on a classroom table. NHEC
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To what extent do history/social studies teachers use primary sources in their classrooms? What impact has the availability of Web-based primary sources had on their practice?

To find out, David Hicks and Peter Doolittle of Virginia Tech University and John K. Lee of Georgia State University surveyed 158 high school history teachers. Their study revealed that even though most teachers used primary sources, there was no consensus about how to use such documents. Is the purpose of using primary sources to reinforce what is taught in the textbook, or is it to teach historical thinking? Are Web-based primary sources the same as text-based ones? And finally, how can teachers be well prepared to use primary sources?

Historical Information vs. Historical Interpretation

It is well known that primary sources are important for teaching historical thinking skills. Many teachers find them useful for engaging students in such tasks as historical interpretation. More frequently, however, documents are used to enrich a textbook account or to help students focus on essential facts and concepts. This study sought ways that teachers could work together to devise new approaches to using primary sources, including teaching historical thinking.

. . . documents are used to enrich a textbook account or to help students focus on essential facts and concepts.
Text vs. the Web

Many of the teachers surveyed were unfamiliar with several well-developed and notable digital resource centers. Most teachers, for instance, were unaware of sites like the Library of Congress’s American Memory site, the digital National Security Archive, History Net, and the Census Bureau’s American FactFinder. In addition, most had never used videos or photographs available from internet resources, primarily because they were unsure how to find them. This highlights the need for better dissemination of information to help teachers locate useful (and usable) primary sources.

. . . most had never used videos or photographs available from internet resources, primarily because they were unsure how to find them.
Obstacles and Dilemmas

Most teachers said they needed no additional training on how to use or locate primary sources, or in understanding the unique aspects of Web-based sources. Still, many indicated a desire for assistance in helping students develop historical thinking skills, and some teachers didn't consider the Web to be an organized repository of primary sources. Based on these responses, the study authors wanted to know how administrators could support history/social studies teachers in terms of ongoing training and professional development. When it comes to using primary sources to teach historical thinking and locating primary sources on the web, what specific things might help teachers enhance their skills?

Screenshot, American Experience Homepage, Wyatt Earp
In the Classroom
  • Explore a few excellent collections of primary sources like the Library of Congress's American Memory, Our Documents, the National Archives, Digital History, and PBS's American Experience.
  • As you browse through available sources (don't forget these include photographs!), try to think of a historical question which the documents can help students answer. Would the documents, for example, allow students to answer a question about why the American Revolution was fought, or what caused the Great Depression? Look for primary sources that demand close reading or analysis for understanding, illuminate facets of a historical context, or lead to more questions.
  • Use resources to help you find and use primary sources effectively. Search Website Reviews by topic or time to find primary source collections. See Using Primary Sources, Teaching Guides and Lesson Plan Reviews for methods and ideas about how to use primary sources with your students.
Sample Application

In responding to a question on why teachers didn't use Web-based historical primary sources, the three most frequent answers were:

  • "No time to search the web for primary sources."
  • "Too many web sites to locate suitable primary sources."
  • "Inappropriate preparation to use primary sources."

While the first two call for more resources that can help teachers navigate web-based primary sources, the third answer indicates a need for more professional development using primary sources. Consequently, school leaders and administrators should seek professional growth activities which not only help history/social studies teachers use primary sources effectively, but focus particularly on using Web-based resources.


David Hicks, Peter Doolittle, and John K. Lee, "Social Studies Teachers' Use of Classroom-Based and Web-Based Historical Primary Sources," Theory and Research in Social Education 32, no. 2 (2004), 213-247.

Action in the Past: What Can Elementary Students Do?

An elementary student listening to her teaching during class. NHEC
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In "Just Another Emperor," Peter Lee, Alaric Dickinson, and Rosalyn Ashby studied how students explain the actions of historical figures. Understanding how people from the past thought and believed, and relating that to the actions historical figures took, is central to the discipline of history. These authors wanted to know if elementary and middle school students were up to the task.

Understanding how people from the past thought and believed, and relating that to the actions historical figures took, is central to the discipline of history.

For a project funded by Great Britain's Economic and Social Research Council, Lee, Dickinson, and Ashby worked with 320 children aged 7–14. The kids were shown an illustrated story of the Roman invasion of Britain and asked to explain what led Emperor Claudius to invade Britain. They were given a host of reasons why the invasion was more trouble than it was worth, from the cost of the invasion to the resistance the Romans encountered, and then told Claudius had gone ahead and invaded anyway. How would these young students explain his actions?

This is what they found: Rather than answering that Claudius invaded Britain because he wanted to, most of the children, regardless of age, chose to offer explanations for his behavior.

Three Kinds of Explanations

The students' answers were grouped into three main categories.

  • Basic answers that explained Claudius’s actions in personal terms, i.e., Claudius was a man who wanted power.
  • Context-aware responses that focused on the fact that Claudius was an emperor who invaded Britain due to his leadership position.
  • Complex explanations that rested on a specific understanding of the situation in which Claudius operated. Such explanations recognized contextual problems or opportunities that Claudius faced, noting not only his title of emperor, but the fact that he was a particular emperor in a specific situation. These students saw the past as a different kind of world and sought to understand it.
Explanations Vary by Age Group

Older middle-school students relied less on personal explanations and more on situational analysis. In other words, Claudius’s actions were shaped more by historical context than individual desire. This was less true for younger students, who were more likely to rely on personal explanations. This told the researchers that understanding how historical context influences people's actions is learned over time, as students developed and practiced the skills of historical thinking.

. . . understanding how historical context influences people's actions is learned over time. . .
What Seven Year-Olds Can Do

Despite the fact that students aged 7 and 8 relied more on personal explanations, at a certain level they were still able to understand historical actions. Young children possess everyday knowledge of how people behave; even elementary-age children can come up with simple but plausible reasons for someone's behavior. These explanations can provide a jumping-off point for thinking about motives in a historical context.

Print, "Claudius I, emperor of Rome," New York Public Library
In the Classroom
  • Identify a decision made by a historical figure—Claudius’s invasion of Britain, for instance—that you want your students to examine.
  • Seek out a range of sources that describe the context in which decision-makers were operating at the time.
  • Ask students to explain why historical figures made the decisions they did. You can give your students the readings first, and tell them to look for any factors that might have influenced these decisions. Or ask for explanations before you assign the selected readings. Next, have students read the sources and explain how the readings helped them come up with a better answer.
  • When students rely on personal explanations ("Because that’s what emperors do," etc.) help them see that specific historical factors can shape how people behave. Send them back to the texts; model for students how they can do this kind of historical detective work themselves.
Sample Application

The students in this study gave three kinds of explanations, depending on grade level, for why Roman Emperor Claudius invaded Britain. Some students' explanations focused on personal reasons:

Claudius wanted to invade Britain and if he did he could take over other [countries]…and then the world.

For others, the emperor's actions were influenced by his position. Asked why he invaded Britain, they explained this behavior would be expected from an emperor:

I think Claudius decided to invade Britain so he could prove he was a great Emperor; an Emperor that could be better than other Emperors.

Finally, there were some students who saw the specific situations in Britain and Rome as both a crisis and an opportunity:

I think that Claudius decided to invade Britain in AD43 because at that time there was peace in the rest of the empire. The Kings of Britain who were friendly towards the Romans were becoming few and far between. Maybe Claudius wanted to gain total control before wavering control was lost altogether.

As these excerpts show, explanations for historical action can vary widely among students, with the more advanced employing historical context along with other factors to give reasons for actions in the past.

For more information

See's Teaching Guide Historical Agency in History Book Sets for more on historical thinking at the elementary-school level.


Peter Lee, Alaric Dickinson, and Rosalyn Ashby, "'Just Another Emperor': Understanding Action in the Past," International Journal of Educational Research 27 (3), 1995, 233–244.

Teaching for Historical Understanding in Inclusive Classrooms

A teacher helping her students understand primary sources. NHEC
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Teaching historical thinking can be tricky, especially in classrooms of mixed ability. Yet it is possible for all students, even those with learning disabilities, to learn how to think about complex issues like historical evidence, bias, and corroboration of sources. Ralph Ferretti and Charles MacArthur of the University of Delaware and Cynthia Okolo of Michigan State University have shown that the right instructional techniques can help improve the learning of all children.

Description and Findings

The researchers designed a 5th grade social studies unit to teach historical content and historical thinking. The unit was taught in three 5th grade classrooms, where students with and without learning disabilities worked together to learn about western expansion.

Students were asked to investigate the experiences of one of three groups: miners, farmers or Mormons. Students answered the question: should these groups have gone west? Then they created a multimedia report about their investigation. Throughout the unit, students worked in groups that brought together students with and without learning disabilities.

As they worked on these projects, students were taught lessons to enhance their understanding of historical content and historical thinking, including:

  • An investigation of primary sources: diaries, drawings, photographs, memoirs, and letters.
  • A focus on historical thinking in which students learned how to evaluate evidence and corroborate sources, the importance of qualifying conclusions, and methods for understanding who wrote the source and for what purpose.
  • Direct instruction in cognitive strategies for retaining information about western migration such as the importance of understanding the people and the problems they faced.

At the end of the unit, the researchers saw improvement in all students' understanding of historical content and historical thinking.

In their understanding of historical content, both groups of students improved their scores on a series of tests. However, general education students improved more than their peers with disabilities. (This finding is different from the authors’ results in other similar studies that showed both groups were able to similarly improve at understanding historical content.)

In their understanding of historical thinking, both groups had comparable gains on a series of tests. In other words, students with and without learning disabilities increased their understanding of how to construct an historical argument based on historical evidence.

The study suggests that there are benefits of inquiry-based instruction for all students. The authors conclude that "students with disabilities can understand authentic historical practices and meet the demands of rigorous curricula."

Photo, Teaching a deaf-mute to talk, OK, Lewis Hines, April 1917, LoC
In the Classroom

When working in heterogeneous classrooms, group projects focused on historical questions can help all students learn more about investigating and understanding the past.

  • Carefully select small groups that bring together students with and without learning disabilities.
  • Begin by framing history as a narrative, a story of what happened to a particular group of people living in the past.
  • Provide the student groups with primary source documents that shed light on the people and time period you are investigating, and guide them to think about the narrative elements of history: Who are the people we are investigating? What was it like to live in their communities during their time? What challenges did they face and how did they respond to those challenges?
  • Provide students a variety of ways to contribute to the group investigation—including but not limited to writing, speaking, and gathering written and pictoral evidence—to open more avenues for participation.
Sample Application

History is a narrative, a story of what happened to people in the past. In some instances, as in the case of western expansion, it is the story of people who encountered problems that required them to take action. The researchers asked students to investigate the stories of different groups by gathering information about the following narrative components:

  • Who were these people? (Miners/Farmers/Mormons)
  • What problems did they face in their place of origin?
  • What were their reasons for deciding to move west?
  • What challenges did they face on their trip?
  • What occurred when they reached their destination?
For more information

Ralph P. Ferretti, Charles D. MacArthur, & Cynthia M. Okolo, "Teaching Effectively about Historical Things," Teaching Exceptional Children, v34 n6 p66-69 Jul-Aug 2002.

Cynthia M. Okolo & Ralph R. Ferretti, "Knowledge Acquisition and Technology-Supported Projects in the Social Studies for Students with Learning Disabilities," Journal of Special Education Technology, v13 p91-103 1997.


Ralph P. Ferretti, Charles D. MacArthur, & Cynthia M. Okolo, "Teaching for Historical Understanding in Inclusive Classrooms," Learning Disability Quarterly, v24 n1 p59-71 Win 2001.